CMR on Joe Rose right now on the freshmen QB

There's an old saying about how good QBs make bad OLs look good, while a bad QB can make a good OL look bad. There's a lot of truth to that. If your QB can keep a D honest, and keep them off balance, the entire O functions better. Right now good teams just tee off knowing Rosier can not beat them with his arm, and legs, alone. When he starts, IF he starts hitting passes downfield against them, they won't be able to focus on taking the run away. His consistency is non existent, and that is taking the whole O down a notch.
While I general agree with this, we couldn't open up consistent running lanes against Savannah State. We are far worse run blocking than people care to acknowledge. And contrary to what some others have said, we were not marginally improved against Toledo. Dallas and Rosier carried the day running with 110 and 80 yards, respectively, but 90 of Dallas's yards came after contact. He's not plowing through open running lanes. He's simply breaking through first contact at the LOS. He's a little more shifty than Homer, and because of that, he's not getting hit squarely and driven back like Homer. Boulware seems to be an improvement at guard, but Mahoney is still getting plowed by corners that are 200 lbs lighter, and Donaldson looks out of place at tackle.

We pass blocked well against SSU and Toledo, but LSU abused us in that area too. Rosier was sacked 4 times, hurried 5 more, and there were at least a dozen drop backs whee he had zero time to do anything except pull the ball down and try to at least get back to the line of scrimmage.

This is not a good o-line being made to look bad by the QB. And this is not a good QB being made to look bad by the o-line. At best, Rosier can be slightly above average with good o-line play and run support, and that has been the entire difference between the first game and these last two.
The difference is we would have scored more points with a first round qb!

Rosier is the qb. It will clearly take a lot to lose his job.

If CMR had been at Uga when Eason went down, Eason would be starting again now. So Frohm and Fields would be on the bench.

That is CMR . . . got to take the good with the bad right . . .

And that's why my main man Louie Saban has the NC rings and what not. The man goes with a true sophomore QB with one-half and one OT of game experience. Go figure. Yeah, yeah. Those two Roll Tide signal caller's battled it out during the spring and fall camp.
No poster here has predicted FIU to beat Miami. Furthermore, no poster here has said they are rooting for FIU over Miami. You're just a clown, who likes to make up bull****.
You’re an *** clown who would take Butch up. Go root for FIU, ******* fairy
I hear you but the history of Miami doesn’t support the “get the backups time” line of thinking. It makes sense, but Kosar, Testeverde, Erickson, Walsh and even Kaaya had limited or no snaps in the year before starting.

If the backups can’t beat out Rosier, then Miami should probably go looking for other QBs.

Can't speak for the others. But Kaaya started at Miami as a true freshman. He doesn't belong in this argument.
I hear you but the history of Miami doesn’t support the “get the backups time” line of thinking. It makes sense, but Kosar, Testeverde, Erickson, Walsh and even Kaaya had limited or no snaps in the year before starting.

If the backups can’t beat out Rosier, then Miami should probably go looking for other QBs.

Huh. In 1984, JJ regularly put in Testaverdi in the second gtr to give him reps. Kaaya didn't have a season before, he started his first game in the opener at Louisville as a true freshman.. Don't know about Erickson, but Torretta played a lot as a freshman when Erickson was hurt. Agree with Walsh and Kosar but we had Morrell and Stevens on staff (as QB coach and OC respectively), but that is a different issue.
I said before and i'll say this again.

Mark Richt is NOT going to pull MR in any game until he has had a chance to build his stat sheet to the point where he can show everyone that he has made the right choice in playing Rosier.

just like against SS he left Rosier in there until he had his 3 TD's and a decent stat sheet.

Richt puts on this choirboy image but he's one smug prick when it comes to his decisions.

So yea the backups will play but how much they play will be determined on how fast Malik fills up his stat sheet so Richt can point to it if/when NP or CW come in and play really really well.
Every QB is different. Every system is different.
According to Richt the youngsters are just not fully ready mentally to do what he wants.
Maybe this will change as the season goes on but we must live in reality.

And to expand on this, some of them may never get there. It isn't just about throwing the ball. That's been the problem..
I just do not understand why some need Perry or Williams to be ready to start for the Pats before they get the start. Why the need for them to be perfect while Malik is allowed to make every mistake without consequence?

Sam Darnold is doing quite well in the NFL right now…while at USC he lost his off season battle and starting position, but USC was not afraid to pull the trigger after just couple of games and allow him to replace a poor performing QB. Just because the backup is the backup does not mean he isn’t any good. This is an NFL QB that lost out in practice to a scrub.

We may not know what the other QBs are until they play. Some times, you have to see how they play in a game and not be afraid to replace the starter.
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I'm more interested in Perry getting continued first team reps at practice. That's where he's going to have to make his move if he's going to be considered for the starting position. A couple of handoffs in garbage time proves nothing. He's obviously not showing enough in practice for the coaches to trust him in games.

this is pretty much what has been said over and over by the staff. He isn't ready
People complaining about Kosi not slinging the ball in Toledo.
Teams usually just hand the ball off when they are up by that much with little time left to play in the 4th quarter.
I don't know of any coaches who would be going 5 wide and gunning it down the field in that circumstance.
Jimmy against Notre Dame up 51-7
If this was a true QB competition, which it is not, NP would be getting meaningful reps, just like Lawrence at Clemson is getting meaningful reps every week in games. Richt has stated publicly RoZier is his clear #1. It is what it is. I don't like it, as I think Perry should have been given 2 series early against Toldeo at 14-0 to see what he might have. Miami had all the momentum at that point, and if Perry stinks it up, you go back to RoZier. If Perry lights it up, you have a QB controversy which Richt does not want. RoZier is his guy till the end of 2018, barring injury.
there was never a QB competition.Just like MR did when he made the Kaaya decision he made the choice and will spend the rest of the year defending it no matter how well any of the backups play.

Like I said MR puts on this religious choirboy persona but he is a stubborn *** when it comes to any of his decisions.

This is the same reason he won't make any coaching changes.Watch.He's not going to have anyone question his choices or authority including Blake.It's a lot of what got him run out of Athens.

only way coaching choices will be made is if they leave.Richt will NEVER admit he made a mistake.Anyone heard him admit to one this year? last year?
im fine with perry getting the reps but i believe jarren is the guy. he just has the look on the field to me.

i truly believe richt is playing the year out with rosier until jarren is ready. listen to him talk, it's clear jarren is his fav.

And we have also heard Thomas Brown and Dugans comment on Williams abilities. It's a tricky situation right now. Frankly, not getting MJJ committed really screws Jarren the most. Without an incoming quality QB, CMR cannot risk losing any of the three he has right now. Not one of them. Assuming he feels Williams is the QB going forward, how can he push him ahead of Kosi or Cade- even in practice - without leaving himself open to possible QB disaster? That situation may resolve itself by the end of fall but for right now it isn't helping Jarren Williams. This is not a new debate - there are multiple threads already about it.

I know a lot of people are really on the Kosi train but personally, I just don't see it. He is physically talented but I think if he were going to "get it" and be the guy, the past 18 months of practice, and QB room film and coaching, etc would be more evident. It's not an easy job and by all accounts, he came into it with less than desirable experience in a few important areas. Just my 2 cents
Some of you guys don't seem to know your Mark Richt history.

One his best teams at UGA was in 2002 and his starting QB was David Greene. He also had an exciting freshman QB, DJ Shockley. Even though Greene was the clear starter and had command of the offense, Richt would regularly bring Shockley in the game, early and often. A lot of teams are doing that this season. Mark Richt was doing it before it was the cool thing to do.

The problem, though, is that he brought Shockley in vs the Crocs and Shockley threw a pick-6 that lost the game for them. If he had just rolled with Greene the whole way, they probably win that game. They still won the SEC, but if they had beaten the Crocs they would've ended up facing UM for the national title instead of Ohio State*.
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Blah blah blah.

Talkers talk and doers do.

He seems to fall into the talkers camp.

Pretend that you're actually here to win championships and not just spread some verbal diarrhoea.

Joe asked him: what about the freshman QBs, are they ready?

CMR said: We are to the point with them, that we can’t learn more about them until you get them in the game, just have to be careful, you want to make sure the timing is right to get them in. But its about that time to get them in, they are ready.

Earlier on he talked about what a great game Rosier had, talked about the great block he had on the Thomas run as well!.