Championship Drive Show

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I agree that it has nothing to do with the military, but the fact the protests occurs at that time and place, allows the issue to become clouded.

Only to people with an agenda to push.

Or people who lost a loved one overseas, and would prefer that they engaged in their protest at another time/place.

Sorry to hear about your loved one, but hey they have the freedom to protest when/where they choose. Also, they're protesting because they're hurting too, best way to get them to stop is to listen to them and work towards ending the practices that cause these protests.

I was never against the protests. Just trying to help both sides understand one another. But yes, I hope there is a day where people listen to each other and work together to solve societal problems.
The only flaw in this argument that eSECpn apologists (not saying you're one) and company men like Lebatard make is that there was a time when any redblooded American man would've NEVER even considered giving up a cable package if it meant losing eSECpn. Now people will.

But even if that's true it still doesn't support the politics narrative.

I think all it proves is that middle-aged (mostly) white men are obsessed with their own version of political correctness to the point that they will sabotage their own entertainment for silly reasons.

They're just stubborn old men basically.

Shes a great example of why espn is loaing viewers. Shes an idiot but espn has to meet their social justice quotas

Espn is losing viewers due to cord cutting, podcasts and other forms of media

No way man, it's because of girls.


Broads ruin everything.

Except ***.

speak for yourself, bucko!
Again, it's not only white people that reacted in the way that frustrates you.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sure there's a black guy out there somewhere to be your one token.

This is a pretty appalling statement from someone who seemed to be interested in promoting civil discourse. First, why would it be MY token? Second, the fact you used a phrase like that is utterly disgusting. I have to get offline now, but this comment, above and beyond all else, was gross, to say the least.
Again, it's not only white people that reacted in the way that frustrates you.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sure there's a black guy out there somewhere to be your one token.

This is a pretty appalling statement from someone who seemed to be interested in promoting civil discourse. First, why would it be MY token? Second, the fact you used a phrase like that is utterly disgusting. I have to get offline now, but this comment, above and beyond all else, was gross, to say the least.

faux outrage much?
I think you just made a huge assumption.

No, I gave an opinion based on my observation.

Trevor Noah had a good bit on this.

Basically there's no legit way for African-Americans to protest that doesn't infuriate white America.

Maybe it is what they are protesting? If they came out and protested that the rules of play in the NBA are racist because they discriminate against against non-slavic white people, maybe it would be better received. How about the rules in NFL. The No Name defense from the Dolphin Perfect Season held the record for lowest points score against for 30 plus years until Ray's Ravens finally broke it. 10 of the starters were white guys. Rules were changes a couple years later to allow WR to run freer down the field(canes were not the first Miami team to have Miami Rules created). This put a complete premium speed on both sides of the ball. Very few white skill players since. Rules matter. That was a mantra of the Civil Rights movement when blacks were underrepresented in various fields. It was true then and it is true now. If you are going to protest unfairness, it helps your cause to be fair in your selections.
Just trying to help both sides understand one another.

How can you equate the two when one side doesn't even respect the other enough to know what they're protesting?

See where you show your age and anger is the constant snarky quips and assumptions. You lean a certain way and like most in that camp you try to insult your way to being right.

where in that statement did he say something insulting?
This is a pretty appalling statement from someone who seemed to be interested in promoting civil discourse.

How is that appalling?

I'm accurately describing the vast, vast majority of a movement and you respond with the token argument.
And with this comment you lost whatever moral high ground you think you may have had.

By being honest?


It's only one of the most obvious distinctions between the two sides.

What honesty are you taking about?

Answer the entire post, as written.

You’ve de-evolved now into placard waving and are quickly losing your credibility.

You don’t want to have a discussion, you want to hit people over the head with what you think are your morally superior opinions.
See where you show your age and anger is the constant snarky quips and assumptions. You lean a certain way and like most in that camp you try to insult your way to being right.

How is that an insult?

Halfe the people kvetching about the protests don't even know what they're about.
Maybe it is what they are protesting? If they came out and protested that the rules of play in the NBA are racist because they discriminate against against non-slavic white people, maybe it would be better received. How about the rules in NFL. The No Name defense from the Dolphin Perfect Season held the record for lowest points score against for 30 plus years until Ray's Ravens finally broke it. 10 of the starters were white guys. Rules were changes a couple years later to allow WR to run freer down the field(canes were not the first Miami team to have Miami Rules created). This put a complete premium speed on both sides of the ball. Very few white skill players since. Rules matter. That was a mantra of the Civil Rights movement when blacks were underrepresented in various fields. It was true then and it is true now. If you are going to protest unfairness, it helps your cause to be fair in your selections.

Also, this just reeks of scrambling to rationalize something that has an obvious answer.

White America just doesn't like blacks protesting things.

And Fox is the outlet for this kind of uneasiness.
Lmao @ people making themselves the spokesperson on why people do or don't like ESPiN.....

Political correctness has infected every aspect of society because of the left since the 1960s wanting to make everything political, to force their worldview onto everyone..

To then get butthurt over the inevitable backlash by calling everyone racist is typical overreaction by the useful idiots on the left side of the spectrum....
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