Chad Thomas gets into practice scuffle, flips off fan

Dude you dont know me, get the Fvck out of here with that BS punto! I’ll be in Orlando on 8/24 if you wanna meet up and test your theory in person punk?
Let's get it!! And send me ya girls info too so I can clap her boards when you're done being a tough guy
Fvck stupid fans. Probably a bloated loser who got winded by just telling Chad to hustle. Then the fat **** will go cry about getting flipped off and try to turn himself into a victim.

He’ll use his future loser meth head kids being exposed to a middle finger as a reason why Chad should be lynched. Meanwhile, he’ll leave out the fact that he beats his wife in front of those same loser kids.

That whole godforsaken armpit of a state is either addicted to meth or on the path to addiction. Fck em all.

I second this motion
Pu$$y! Plain and simple. See you at the game punk, that is if you got the cajones to meet up. But Based on your talk, I’d say the odds are pretty low but I’ll be there if your feeling froggy.
You might be the toughest dude ever on cis. I’m a little nervous even replying to you out of fear that I’ll be next on your hit list. God bless, Rocky!
Yea I see who the coward is. Keep ducking me punk! You talk **** to the wrong bull today. I’ve called you out twice and all I’ve got back is blowoff coward responses. I’ll tell you what, you want some, you know how to get a hold of me. Or better yet just look for the commotion/scuffle in the parking lot because I can guarantee you I’m gonna be knocking out the gaytor that day and if you still want to test out your theory I’ll serve you up some too.
Ducking you? You're on a message board internet (tough?) guy .Lol
Their fans really hate him because he raps and think he isn’t working hard. It’s crazy. Fans want players to be nothing but only a football player. Hope he does well the rest of the camp but he’s making unnecessary noise by flipping off a fan right or wrong(the fan is wrong af but still)... can’t do that when you trying to make an nfl team

He should demand trade to Cowboys
How In the **** is the fan wrong?! All he was doing is encouraging him to hustle. I love chad but if that’s all it takes for him to lose his professionalism, then he needs to thicken up his skin. This is the nfl, listening to the words out of fans mouths right or wrong is part of it. It’s what he signed up for.

Lose what? Professionalism? 🤣🤣🤣🤣Who in the fck is a fan to determine if any athlete isn’t hustling & then to tell him about it like he’s a coach? The fan may or may not be wrong but Chad or any athlete is well within their right to tell a fan to fck off.

Too many of y’all got the world fcked up & think whatever access or privilege you’ve been afforded gives you a right to do whatever the **** you’s obvious that you and anyone that thinks like you haven’t been slapped in your **** at any point in your life. It really shows.
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Lose what? Professionalism? 🤣🤣🤣🤣Who in the fck is a fan to determine if any athlete isn’t hustling & then to tell him about it like he’s a coach? The fan may or may not be wrong but Chad or any athlete is well within their right to tell a fan to fck off.

Too many of y’all got the world fcked up & think whatever access or privileged you’ve been afforded gives you a right to do whatever the **** you’s obvious that you and anyone that thinks like you haven’t been slapped in your **** at any point in your life. It really shows.
Oh here we go, playing identity politics and “white acces/privilege” BS which has never been afforded to my Hispanic *** btw. But unlike you I don’t cry and wine about like a snowflake. Yea your right, people have fvcked up the world but youre the ones that have fvcked it up with your soft skin PC baloney! Holy **** dude, someone told chad to hustle and it caused a full fledge mental breakdown. Cry me a river!
Oh here we go, playing identity politics and “white acces/privilege” BS which has never been afforded to my Hispanic *** btw. But unlike you I don’t cry and wine about like a snowflake. Yea your right, people have fvcked up the world but youre the ones that have fvcked it up with your soft skin PC baloney! Holy **** dude, someone told chad to hustle and it caused a full fledge mental breakdown. Cry me a river!

I’m soft skin & a snowflake bc I think it’s ok for an athlete to tell a fan to Fck off? Really? This is ******* ironic even for you Karen.

What part of the idiots playbook did you read that from? Cite your sources next time
Lose what? Professionalism? 🤣🤣🤣🤣Who in the fck is a fan to determine if any athlete isn’t hustling & then to tell him about it like he’s a coach? The fan may or may not be wrong but Chad or any athlete is well within their right to tell a fan to fck off.

Too many of y’all got the world fcked up & think whatever access or privilege you’ve been afforded gives you a right to do whatever the **** you’s obvious that you and anyone that thinks like you haven’t been slapped in your **** at any point in your life. It really shows.

This times 1,000
Oh here we go, playing identity politics and “white acces/privilege” BS which has never been afforded to my Hispanic *** btw. But unlike you I don’t cry and wine about like a snowflake. Yea your right, people have fvcked up the world but youre the ones that have fvcked it up with your soft skin PC baloney! Holy **** dude, someone told chad to hustle and it caused a full fledge mental breakdown. Cry me a river!

He didn’t say a single word about white or black.

This is all on you...because that’s where your head is at.
He didn’t say a single word about white or black.

This is all on you...because that’s where your head is at.
Give me a break dude. When a guy says “you must have been afforded a lot of access and privilege in your life” you don’t have to be rocket scientist now days to know what that means. Tune into cnn or msnbc if you don’t believe me because that’s basically there main focus every news cycle. Dude was playing identity BS politics and I called him out on it. Because that’s exactly what it is, BS!
Give me a break dude. When a guy says “you must have been afforded a lot of access and privilege in your life” you don’t have to be rocket scientist now days to know what that means. Tune into cnn or msnbc if you don’t believe me because that’s basically there main focus every news cycle. Dude was playing identity BS politics and I called him out on it. Because that’s exactly what it is, BS!

Dude your head is stuck.

I understood it as having the privelige to go to an NFL practice. What the **** does that have to do with race.

Also, if you know more than a couple of black people, there are also ones that have other kinds of privilege, too. You know, there’s even ones that are captains of industry, have millions of dollars and whose kids go to private school.

Come by and I’ll introduce you to some. Expand your horizons.
Dude your head is stuck.

I understood it as having the privelige to go to an NFL practice. What the **** does that have to do with race.

Also, if you know more than a couple of black people, there are also ones that have other kinds of privilege, too. You know, there’s even ones that are captains of industry, have millions of dollars and whose kids go to private school.

Come by and I’ll introduce you to some. Expand your horizons.

THANK YOU! He’s insane!
Give me a break dude. When a guy says “you must have been afforded a lot of access and privilege in your life” you don’t have to be rocket scientist now days to know what that means. Tune into cnn or msnbc if you don’t believe me because that’s basically there main focus every news cycle. Dude was playing identity BS politics and I called him out on it. Because that’s exactly what it is, BS!

Going to an nfl practice is a privilege regardless if it’s free or not. The access you’ve been granted to even be there is what I’m talking about **** bird.
How In the **** is the fan wrong?! All he was doing is encouraging him to hustle. I love chad but if that’s all it takes for him to lose his professionalism, then he needs to thicken up his skin. This is the nfl, listening to the words out of fans mouths right or wrong is part of it. It’s what he signed up for.
He's a rookie and has a lot to learn. Regardless I like the attitude, however, he better earn respect from his teammates as a rookie.
WGAF about what the fan did, Chad is in the NFL because he belongs there. Now he just has to act like it, and that means more than attitude.
You have no idea how many other things were said in this (or other) practices before he "lost his professionalism." Yeah, some slob in the stands telling Chad to hustle during practice (while he is still hot from a scuffle) may not seem like much to you, but you probably wouldn't want some random dude giving you unsolicited advice on how to do your job (and especially not right after getting into an argument with a coworker and being reprimanded by your boss for it).
Its called thick skin, some have it...some don't. When you're at the highest level in your profession, that means you carry yourself a certain way as well, regardless of distractions.

In this case, it's a profession of pure testosterone and the Youngs guys get a small pass occasionally. He just better be sure he gets his team on his back at some point
Ok, I remember 2 years back trying to make sure by pleading that my favorite Muck born and raised brother of a great UM RB from days gone by didn’t beat up Notre Dame fans and get arrested.

Each of you has too much to lose, beyond personal safety. Please please please try to avoid doing things at the game that will change your lives for the worst. I’m sure most might even have kids/people depending on you. It’s not worth hurting them to go out and assault gaytors, let alone each other.
Totally agree, don't fcking embarrass me in front of the gayter.

Now after the game these two should meat somewhere and beat the ever loving **** out of each other and/or make sweet sweet love. It's hard to tell which way this one will break, but as long as it's not at the game, I'm cool with whatever they want to do to each other.
Totally agree, don't fcking embarrass me in front of the gayter.

Now after the game these two should meat somewhere and beat the ever loving **** out of each other and/or make sweet sweet love. It's hard to tell which way this one will break, but as long as it's not at the game, I'm cool with whatever they want to do to each other.
I don’t want anyone on here getting arrested but as you can see it’s still going and then some. Can’t they settle this with rock em sock em robots???