CBS Evening News-Grand Larceny


Nov 5, 2011

Oh my goodness this is getting hilarious
Wait until Dan Rather shows up with documents proving our guilt.
OMG this is out of control. We have always been hated but I really didn't see this coming at least not to this magnitude. We don't even matter right now. I wish our administration would just realize that it's who we are and just embrace it. Been choir boys for years and the hate still runs deep. Just surprised that almost nobody in the media is talking about our side of the ***** job. Wish our administration would say that's it call Butch ******* Davis! If we are going to be hated like this for no reason might as well give you one and kick all your asses.
This has the potential to be such a rallying point, too. For the staff/players this season, they can use the national hate to come together and do some damage the rest of the way. However it could also be a turning point for the university, too, if they chose to run with it. I would love for the BoT/admin to embrace this, just go into 'eff you' mode and make a slam dunk savage hire, and we just put on the black hat, power forward and get back to prominence.
Brah...I swear to God as the official started talking to the crowd after Elder scored, I said "this the typa **** that get you on cbs evening news or some ****."

Also didn't think it would be in the fashion it's turned out to be. Thought we'd be celebrated instead of vilified
Totally irresponsible reporting without giving the facts about the officiating. Pathetic.
I feel like this definitely has some racial undertones.

I'm playing the race card mane. This is out of control.
Racist. Black players = Miami. So your title is "Grand Larceny?" What are they implying? Why not "bad officiating" or "Botched call?"
This is elfin great! Lovin every minute of it. Its like waking up from a coma after 10 effin years!
CBS is trying to protect their interest.
A down Miami is good for their business. They know if Miami ever gets back to being Miami ABC/ESPN's TV deal will increase in value.
WTF are we even defending ourselves. Canes did NOT officiate the game, We only played it. **** them all!
