CB Michael Jackson leaning towards entering the draft

I think Mike should come back not for selfish reasons Im always all for going and getting that money but, I think he will benefit from staying another year to raise his stock from what it is now.
Rumph can coach

Just can't recruit or keep potential undrafted CBs from declaring for draft. How is this even a question wrt MJ?

Kirk Herbstreit spouted off this and that about MJ during VT and ND. I'm pretty sure it got to his head.

Am I wrong to think that this happens to Miami more than any other school? (potential undrafted kids declaring)
Good choice for the kid. NFL is about measurables. He's looks the part and has some decent film.

yup and in two years when he is spit out of the league he will wonder what happened

If thats his future. 1 more season at Miami wont change that.

1 more year with good tape... higher draft pick day two pick with a team investing a higher pick guarantees you another year or two of security...

But hey if you wanna cash grab and bet on yourself so be it
I think the location plays a huge part in some of these guys trying to get that money. You don’t see anybody really balling like that in tallys or Tuscaloosas on the daily so the temptation isn’t really there.

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Sources tell Canesinsight that Miami junior cornerback Michael Jackson is leaning towards entering the NFL draft. The 2nd-team All-ACC selection recorded 39 tackles and 4 interceptions this season.

Michael Jackson needs to talk to Joe Yearby....just saying
If.you don't know every detail on why these kids are deciding to enter the draft then you really don't know if their decision is dumb... I would hope these kids have someone to help them with making the right choice.. As selfish fans (Me included) we want them all to stay... but there are so many variables at play... Are ne one of us going to help MJ pay his bills if he has a career ending injury his senior season... I doubt it ... A 1st round pick and a 7th round pick will have the same salary under the NFL CBA... the difference is the signing bonus... which runs out around the 35th pick... so being 40 or 140 is no difference. to call these kids dumb for their decisions is dumb. I'm not saying going or staying is the right choice unless U can plug in all the variables and thoughtfully weigh the risk versus the reward.

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WORD. If he can make some money in the NFL now, go for it. As to getting a degree, that argument is obsolete now since all players can come back at any time and complete their degrees.
MJ wouldn’t even be drafted. Late round as best. TF these kids thinking


Thinking that pros pays better than college... more optimistic about the draft than us.
His mother says all he did was ask where his draft position would be as most juniors do. He is not likely to go pro.
I would be surprised if he got drafted higher than the 6th round, if he came back and continued to improve he could be a 2-3 rd pick.

The NFL are not dumb they evaluate everything and will know he never played until midway through his junior year and was helped by a very good DL.