Canes vs Duke

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That's not on Garcia. They wasted the first 80 seconds of drive then had to force a pass downfield to get in field goal position. This staff is a joke.
It doesn't have to be on garcia. People wanted to see him as if he was going to change this horrible offense.

It doesn't matter what qb you put in there, it's gonna be bad.
This mess game went down hill when they pulled TVD in the middle of a drive to put Brown in on 2nd and 9.ran for 2 yards. What a momentum changer
Just give the ball to Parrish. Look for other receivers beside Young. Recognize a blitz and find your hot read. Do we ever have checkdowns or do everyone run 15+ yards on their routes?
Christobal cant make our weak galent better in less than a season.


However, he can instill more discipline and sit those who make boneheaded plays week after week.

Everyone is accountable. Coaches AND players.
Marios mistake was going for it instead of taking points and allowing unreliable players like Knighton to carry the ball. It’s all connected. Our players suck and our coaches put us in bad positions and obviously can’t get their techniques to take hold. I was just commenting that the Garcia picks just looked like a guy that hasn’t had a lot of practice
His mistake is his insistence on trying to be a ground and pound team. They march down the field airing it out and score. Then they want to start running it and they can't. When we air it out, teams can't stop us. We try to run it and it takes us out of a rhythm. And that's where we are right now.
This is a .500 team playing conservative football as if the season isn't already over. 30 minute half with 0 passes over 20 yards. Like who tf thought this was a good plan to execute an offense. I tried to give this shít a chance but I'm disgusted.
when you prefer to play like this, you gotta be perfect. we dont run anything to get quick hitters to get quick cheap scores so to speak. I saw Tenn get to the Bama 30? or 35? from their side in less than 15 seconds w what 1 or no timeouts?
I just don't get how Duke can be any better this year with a new coach and all


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