Canes test positive

Dude, ewe can't even count. 3201 is knot less than 3000. YOUR graph says 3201 deaths, knot 3000. Your figure four the current estimated US population is also wrong. Hope your knot an accountant!

I've taken the L sir. I apologize.

.00000975914 really put it all in perspective.

Thank ewe.
That is factually incorrect. This is the point:

Now, everyone with a sliver of a brain knew exactly what he said. So, because I don't have crayons, finger paint, water colors, nor all the bells and whistles you need to understand a very simple reality (a fact) I posted a video of the POTUS actually speaking these words directly:

"..and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we could do something like that, injection inside or almost a cleaning cause you see it gets in the lungs and is does a tremendous number on the lungs"

I gave you four sources saying the exact same thing, but this guy @classiccane12 seems to think the media--not the POTUS---is responsible for what comes out of the POTUS's mouth. And he didn't say ..and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we could do something like that, injection inside or almost a cleaning...." So if the media doesn't report this (like Trump supporting media) no one will misinterpret this, right? Is that why you all say he never said using disinfectant to cure COVID?

Now this guy @imyrhuckleberry wants to compare the amount of clarity needed from people who post on a football message board to the amount of clarity needed from the POTUS---to get 350 million people informed during a global pandemic that has killed 140,000 American citizens and has left tens of millions unemployed, to unify a country and get back to work.

Some of you need to do this planet a huge favor and sit out the next election.

Well, I have a little problem. Based on your language, your perception of facts - I'd say you're of average intelligence. IQ would be right at 100. That's perfectly AVERAGE.

Everyone you meet - half of them are dumber than you - the other half are smarter than you. That's the numbers.

My problem is that mine's double that - and I just can't seem to develop the patience to explain everything those with a lower reasoning ability. A character flaw of mine. Not a lot of patience.

You are also aware of folks who ingest hydrogen peroxide for treating multiple conditions? Hydrogen peroxide is also an antiseptic. When the President is asking for any and all possibilities in dealing with a virus - a number of treatments are thrown up in the air - regardless of how practical or effective they may be.

In a strict sense of the concept - you actually CAN ingest an antiseptic - and this hydrogen peroxide IS being ingested by some people. Even for cancer. They're using it in nebulizers. You see, the vaporized peroxide goes into the nostrils, sinuses, and lungs - where coincidentally that's the areas most affected by this CV-19 virus.

Look it up and read for yourself - or stay ignorant.

UV light also is an effective oxidizer of viruses. Just like peroxide is an oxidizer.

You also may be interested - although I am not being compensated for continuing YOUR education - Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation is a procedure that exposes BLOOD to UV light to heighten the body's immune system and to kill infections. You look it up - you were too lazy to do so previously - so maybe you'll feel more comfortable believing * * * * you read or see on television. Hint: some stories and some movies - are fiction.

Apparently, Trump knows a lot of things - you don't.

Just because YOU and similar - uhm - geniuses are unaware of different treatments - and very foolishly assume your perception of reality has anything at all to do with actual reality - maybe Trump knows lots of things - you don't.

Look around at the people around you tomorrow. Half are dumber than you - half are smarter. Can you tell which ones?

But that assumes you have an IQ of 100 - which would surprise me!

Suggesting Trump was a dumbass for knowing of actual treatments you were unaware of - what does that make you?
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Ok great, I’m glad we made it this far and you haven’t proven to be completely unreasonable. But I’m still going to argue that you’re ascribing something to him that was never there. Is this UV treatment a real thing, yes. Is the president privy to information about leading edge medical treatments, of course. Did his comments reflect that? No.

When you go on about “heat” “sun” “humidity” and “disinfect” , not many people are going to think you’re talking about UV blood sterilization, especially when you claim you were just being sarcastic about it afterward.
Thats a fair take. No the POTUS shouldn't be a blowhard and try to pretend understanding of something he obviously doesn't. But he never advocated drinking bleach - that was 100% fake news. I hope you can admit that.
Thats a fair take. No the POTUS shouldn't be a blowhard and try to pretend understanding of something he obviously doesn't. But he never advocated drinking bleach - that was 100% fake news. I hope you can admit that.
We can meet there
Stop lying. H1N1 (swine flu) killed about 3,500 people CONFIRMED and 12,000 ESTIMATED. Over a 1 year period.

So, just using PERCENTAGES, if 60% of people who died were "0 to 49 years old", that would mean 2,100 CONFIRMED deaths H1N1 over a 1 year period, or 7,200 ESTIMATED deaths over a one year period.

Meanwhile, YOU provided Coronavirus "confirmed" death tolls for ages 0 to 45 years old, over a 4 month period, that involve 3,000 dead. So far, we do not have an "estimated" death toll over a 1 year period for comparative purposes.

Thus, BY YOUR STATS, Coronavirus has a confirmed death toll of 3,000 people under the age of 45 over a 4 month period, while H1N1 had a confirmed death toll of 2,100 people under the age of 49 over a 1 year period.

But, sure, tell me again how H1N1 was sooooooo much more deadly to the "young/healthy" than Coronavirus...
Why do only young, healthy people matter to the MAGA-loid? And how are they so sure that the swine flu only killed young healthy sub 45 year olds but Coronavirus only kills half-dead, morbidly obese, diabetic, COPD sub 45 year old motorcycle crash victims?
3,000 is a long way from "virtually no one."

Already been down this road. Not trying to be callous but in comparison to the entire US population it’s a fraction of a %.

Over 34,000 people in the US died of the flu last year. There wasn’t a single tweet, newspaper reporter or TV crew doing a story about just about any of them. No one on cis even noticed.

Not comparing severity just the fact people die from illness every single day.

Already been down this road. Not trying to be callous but in comparison to the entire US population it’s a fraction of a %.

Over 34,000 people in the US died of the flu last year. There wasn’t a single tweet, newspaper reporter or TV crew doing a story about just about any of them. No one on cis even noticed.

Not comparing severity just the fact people die from illness every single day.

I think everyone accepts the fact that people die of other illnesses and diseases. What are you trying to prove?
I think everyone accepts the fact that people die of other illnesses and diseases. What are you trying to prove?

That overall, this strain has been safe for young people. The H191 had a far higher mortality rate than this strain. People under 65 made up 80% of all deaths from it.
Oh my goodness, now the definition of "young people" has shifted to "people under 65".

Magaloids cannot be trusted with stats.

Oh my goodness, now the definition of "young people" has shifted to "people under 65".

Magaloids cannot be trusted with stats.

I'll let you decide what young is then. This is from the cdc website today.

34 and under? Just over 1000 deaths total

24 and under? Less than 200

How about 14 and under? About 30

What was the point of your post?

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Oh my goodness, now the definition of "young people" has shifted to "people under 65".

Magaloids cannot be trusted with stats.

One more for you from the CDC website today, in case you now need "healthy" more clearly defined. Of the less than 200 deaths of Americans under the age of 24, 65 had respiratory diseases as a contributing condition. There are many more types of contributing factors, just giving you the top one.

I would venture a guess that smoking or heavy vaping directly influences the dramatic rise once you get higher than 24, but that's just an opinion. The numbers are facts.

What was the point of your post again?

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Data as ofStart WeekEnd WeekStateCondition GroupConditionICD10_codesAge GroupNumber of COVID-19 DeathsFlag
07/12/202002/01/202007/11/2020USRespiratory diseasesInfluenza and pneumoniaJ09-J180-2465
07/12/202002/01/202007/11/2020USRespiratory diseasesInfluenza and pneumoniaJ09-J1825-34386
07/12/202002/01/202007/11/2020USRespiratory diseasesInfluenza and pneumoniaJ09-J1835-44931
07/12/202002/01/202007/11/2020USRespiratory diseasesInfluenza and pneumoniaJ09-J1845-542,727
07/12/202002/01/202007/11/2020USRespiratory diseasesInfluenza and pneumoniaJ09-J1855-646,642
07/12/202002/01/202007/11/2020USRespiratory diseasesInfluenza and pneumoniaJ09-J1865-7411,011
07/12/202002/01/202007/11/2020USRespiratory diseasesInfluenza and pneumoniaJ09-J1875-8413,340
07/12/202002/01/202007/11/2020USRespiratory diseasesInfluenza and pneumoniaJ09-J1885+14,853
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