Cam Ward to Portal

As we speak, F$U fans are manfully trying to throw their Big Screens out of their Double Wides in disgust this turn of events. However, they can't figure out how they got it through the front door in the first place.

That assumes there’s actually a door.
Now time to reset the WR room. We know JS is the priority in terms of HS, but I’m down to reset in regards to X, George, and Colbie. I believe that room had reached its ceiling (outside of Colbie). Burks and Kelly come to mind.
As long as this isn't a DBC post, then the Signing isn't jinxed.
Stringer wasn’t nearly as smart as he thought he was though. He got played by the money because they had no respect for him. He wanted to be seen as legitimate so bad, but never stood a chance to be treated with any respect in that world.
It was the right decision to go legit though; when the indictments came down they literally didn't have anything on String because he stayed far away from the work & had no contact with guns. Without eye witness testimony, he would've destroyed any charges that could've tried to pin on him.

Avon got caught red handed with every illegal weapon in the city of Baltimore, all because he wanted to have some dumb War over a miniscule territory that wasn't even major part of their overall revenue share.

What did String in was his loyalty to Avon. He couldn't convince Avon that spending the rest of your life in prison wasn't gonna be worth all the bodies they would pile up in a War. String should've played the background & let Avon & Marlo duke it out over nothing, then reap the benefits of the aftermath.
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