Butch Davis and Tom Herman (possiblities)

You guys OK with Kaaya getting 10-15 rushing attempts per game? Because his offense is 100% read option (which can be great, but not the traditional Miami way.
Herman or Butch. Either way, a significant major upgrade from our last 3 corches. Cot **** this has been a great 24 hours. Phins beatdown, Al getting canned, and us spending cash money on the next coach.
Id be good with either one and if I was either one of them, my first call would be to Bud Foster to head up my defense.
Someone just let the $4 million dollar number into the wild.

That will only help Herman if he's leveraging Miami against Southern Cal, which is what I think Team Herman is trying to do.


It's so obvious that the POTATOES can't see it. Hermie is Cali bound, for huge $.

Fraulden showed how easily the BOT can be played.

I'm not so sure he's cali-bound. USCw has their eyes on Wittingham or maybe someone like Kelly or another pro. I think they are gunshy on Herman because of his lack of experience. They want a more seasoned coach. At least that's what I gather from checking out some of their boards.
You guys OK with Kaaya getting 10-15 rushing attempts per game? Because his offense is 100% read option (which can be great, but not the traditional Miami way.

Smdh. He's not gonna be running Kaaya all willy nilly silly. He'll do what supervisors or managers do when they are supplied superior talent. He will adjust his schematic to fit said superior talent.
Tom Herman IS the coice.

I can understand the love for Butch and I get it but he is old and out of coaching. Regardless of what he's done, there is still a high risk. I believe if you Bring Butch Back, he needs proven top assisant coaches along with him.

Tom Herman should be the #1 choice. Just go to the OSU message boards and ask about him. Everyone there speaks extremely high of him and are hoping he gets the job. He is also a elite recruiter with Calfornia and Texas ties. He is a no brainer #1 choice.

For the record I would not be mad about Butch but we need top assistants along wtih him.

How in Hades do you apply one standard to Butch, a man with a significant body of work - even right here at THE U, and yet don't apply the same standard to a guy who hasn't even Head Coached one year?

Don't get me wrong - I think if Butch is unavailable, Herman is a strong candidate.

I just don't understand the fascination with INDICATED success, and are willing to roll the dice AT THIS TIME.

Herman better damned well have some top coordinators as well - as he sure as **** doesn't have much experience.
You guys OK with Kaaya getting 10-15 rushing attempts per game? Because his offense is 100% read option (which can be great, but not the traditional Miami way.

Smdh. He's not gonna be running Kaaya all willy nilly silly. He'll do what supervisors or managers do when they are supplied superior talent. He will adjust his schematic to fit said superior talent.

Great, so now he's running an offense he's NEVER run before?
my only problem with herman is that he has slightly more head coaching experience than i do... plus i'm not about watching that read option life.. give me brad under center, a full back int there, some 2 tight end sets.. etc.etc.etc.
Once Herman wins on NC with the Canes, he's gone to the League. Remember that, guys.

That's part of football.

Wait a second, you don't want a coach because he will leave after a NC?

You're a special type of guy aren't you?

No, I'm quite willing to deal with that. Howard regretted doing that, but ONLY because he ended up in the USFL clown show and not in the League. Jimmy left. Dennis left. Butch left. Everyone leaves because the U is SUPPOSED to be the Training Ground of Champions.

Notice that Shannon and Golden aren't going to the League?

Anyway, I don't mind at all, I just think the program needs a stable presence to rebuild the brand for 3-4 years. I think Butch does that. But if they go with Herman, I have absolutely no problem with it. I just want money for assistants, is all.
I was out by my pool, sipping on a Piña Colada, when all of a sudden a bird swooped down and dropped a note on my lap.

The note said that Butch Davis is in negotiations right now as we speak to be the next head coach at Miami. It also read that I should toss it in the garbage as soon as I finished reading it because it was rigged to go up in flames.

I can't confirm if this is real or not because I didn't catch the bird's name or its owner's. But I'd bet money on this being legit.

Disclaimer: I'm not an insider and don't personally know any insiders, UM BoT members, Generals, concession stand workers, Hecht secretaries, UM lunch ladies.
Just sharing what the note from the bird said.

i believe u

also whoops rumblingsis jus dat nika needs to use the bathroom
If you go with Herman, you're paying top dollar. Where's the money coming from for the assistants.

This Board could **** up the towel concession at a Bangkok whorehouse. That said, if they pass over Butch for Herman, I'll understand. I just think Butch makes more sense from a financial point of view and from the point of view of someone who knows the area and won't use the U as a springboard to the NFL.

Once Herman wins on NC with the Canes, he's gone to the League. Remember that, guys.

I don't understand the point of this post, at all.

The bolded part: Did you make that up? Talk to his agent? How do you know?

The underlined part: so you're saying if the HC bolted to the league after winning the NC, that would be a bad thing? Didn't every other successful coach at Miami do the same thing?

Wouldn't we have to pay Herman more than Butch? I thought that was sort of common knowledge, especially if we get in a bidding war with Southern Cal (which we would lose).

The boldings and underlings were html mistakes on my part. They were meant to be normal text.

I've got no issues with Herman leaving. I just wonder if he would actually end up here after all.
smh why not just say the made up info instead of going into some round about made up story first