Butch Davis and Tom Herman (possiblities)


Nov 19, 2012
Im all the way out here at Ft. Hood, Texas where Im stationed, and I ran into a guy with UM stickers all over his car...So i go to speak and it was a high ranking official in the military who graduated from UM but i cant say his name for Security reasons.. but we had a converasation about the Head Coaching Vacancy and he said he heard from a person within UM he still in contact with that Tom Herman is at towards the top of the list and Butch Davis is creeping up slowly because alot of people want him to be considered.... its just what he heard so im passing along that tid bit of info.. GO Canes!
Isn't it nice to have something related to Miami football to get excited about

/even if in the end they hire some dope like Mario
Tom Herman IS the coice.

I can understand the love for Butch and I get it but he is old and out of coaching. Regardless of what he's done, there is still a high risk. I believe if you Bring Butch Back, he needs proven top assisant coaches along with him.

Tom Herman should be the #1 choice. Just go to the OSU message boards and ask about him. Everyone there speaks extremely high of him and are hoping he gets the job. He is also a elite recruiter with Calfornia and Texas ties. He is a no brainer #1 choice.

For the record I would not be mad about Butch but we need top assistants along wtih him.
Someone just let the $4 million dollar number into the wild.

That will only help Herman if he's leveraging Miami against Southern Cal, which is what I think Team Herman is trying to do.
I'm hearing similar rumblings.

If you go with Herman, you're paying top dollar. Where's the money coming from for the assistants.

This Board could **** up the towel concession at a Bangkok whorehouse. That said, if they pass over Butch for Herman, I'll understand. I just think Butch makes more sense from a financial point of view and from the point of view of someone who knows the area and won't use the U as a springboard to the NFL.

Once Herman wins on NC with the Canes, he's gone to the League. Remember that, guys.
I was out by my pool, sipping on a Piña Colada, when all of a sudden a bird swooped down and dropped a note on my lap.

The note said that Butch Davis is in negotiations right now as we speak to be the next head coach at Miami. It also read that I should toss it in the garbage as soon as I finished reading it because it was rigged to go up in flames.

I can't confirm if this is real or not because I didn't catch the bird's name or its owner's. But I'd bet money on this being legit.

Disclaimer: I'm not an insider and don't personally know any insiders, UM BoT members, Generals, concession stand workers, Hecht secretaries, UM lunch ladies.

Just sharing what the note from the bird said.
If you go with Herman, you're paying top dollar. Where's the money coming from for the assistants.

This Board could **** up the towel concession at a Bangkok whorehouse. That said, if they pass over Butch for Herman, I'll understand. I just think Butch makes more sense from a financial point of view and from the point of view of someone who knows the area and won't use the U as a springboard to the NFL.

Once Herman wins on NC with the Canes, he's gone to the League. Remember that, guys.

I don't understand the point of this post, at all.

The bolded part: Did you make that up? Talk to his agent? How do you know?

The underlined part: so you're saying if the HC bolted to the league after winning the NC, that would be a bad thing? Didn't every other successful coach at Miami do the same thing?
I'm hearing similar rumblings.

If you go with Herman, you're paying top dollar. Where's the money coming from for the assistants.

This Board could **** up the towel concession at a Bangkok whorehouse. That said, if they pass over Butch for Herman, I'll understand. I just think Butch makes more sense from a financial point of view and from the point of view of someone who knows the area and won't use the U as a springboard to the NFL.

Once Herman wins on NC with the Canes, he's gone to the League. Remember that, guys.

So Herman is just like all the great coaches in Miami's past? Then good. I'd welcome that problem.
Someone just let the $4 million dollar number into the wild.

That will only help Herman if he's leveraging Miami against Southern Cal, which is what I think Team Herman is trying to do.


It's so obvious that the POTATOES can't see it. Hermie is Cali bound, for huge $.

Fraulden showed how easily the BOT can be played.

Herman or Butch; Butch or Herman. To me, they're interchangeable as far as wants. As long as I don't hear Cristobal or Schiano, or Kiffin...I'm good.