Butch Boys

Fine but not anything close to what he did at UF. And Strong had more than Teddy. He had some very good defenses.
You have to judge Spermier’s work at USC in proper context. He was at USC. No one has done what he did there.
You guys have got to understand "The Butch Boys".. The last time we were dominant was because of a Butch. Thats all theyre hanging on to, they are so desperately attached to that time frame any mere suggestion that Butch isnt **** alters their identity, they refuse to acknowledge that he isnt **** now because that would mean he might not have been **** then. Butch Boys will defend Butch to the death.

He's a pretty good coach and although good at evaluating and I give him credit for that his talent evaluating is highly overrated.He is no savant.. This is the same Dude that took Boston College RB William Green over Clinton Portis in the 1st round..How did that work out for him??

I gamble big time on C-USA and ACC games. He did get FIU to 8 wins the last two seasons so i will give him that. As we all know MArshall gets players that nobody else can get although FAU is slowly beginning to take that crown. FIU always lose the big games thats why i picked them to lose last night. They were 3 point underdogs. Its always cool to make a few hundrend dollars a year betting against FIU and Butch. FIU i think was picked to finish second in the East. I will admit that He is in a pickle..... over half of the players he recruits wind up getting redshirted because they arent good enough when they first get there. He has to take chances on dudes and a lot of them dont pan out. He has taken several kids from my school.. but he has also taken in a lot of transfers to even that out. If he stays two more years and doesnt win a title it has been a failure, Hard to judge him now.

@OriginalGatorHater gracefully bow out mane @Tony Perps is killing you..EVerybody on here has loss arguments whether they want to admit their losses are not...You cant win them all
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Sorry I’m confused, so Butch can only win when/if he’s at a P5 school? I’m not bagging on Mr Davis, just questioning why he would be a great coach in one vein but has a built in excuse in another. The guy did right by Miami when he was coach. But that’s light years ago. If he was a great one, and wanted to move back up to P5 wouldn’t he try to win games rather than get swamped in his 3rd season? Legitimately asking D, he should have a built in advantage over other G5 schools being that he coached at the P5 level and should know what it takes to get every ounce out of his players, if to some people’s point all talent is equal at the G5 level. See I don’t see if that way and like I said, I loved Butch...back 20yrs ago. I know some have their agenda, I’m not one of them. I am legit wondering how he could get boat raped like he did, clearly didn’t have the team ready to play, and should have some afforded advantages given where he recruits in South Florida, even if it’s the 2* and 3* players the other bigger schools don’t recruit.

Don't be confused.

There's this thing called synergy.

Where the sum is more than the total of the parts. One example would never be indicative. But three? Howard, Dennis, and Butch?

Those three - WITH and AT UM, worked magic. Together with their teams - they were greater than the sum of their parts. It happened three times - and without those combinations of those coaches - at UM - things fell apart for both UM and the coaches.

Together - success. Wild success. Apart - coaches and teams tanked. Other coaches came and went - and fell on their asses.

It takes special coaches - to mate up with UM - to maximize success.

Period. Wrong coach - no good. Other teams for the same coaches - no good.

Together - bliss.
... This is the same Dude that took Boston College RB William Green over Clinton Portis in the 1st round..How did that work out for him??...

Butch Davis is a Miami Hurricanes legend; and although he’s no longer a good football coach, the vitriol and disrespect he gets on this message board is shameful.

The fact that nobody except FIU would hire him speaks for itself. But Nick ******* Saban wouldn’t win at FIU.
Reposting from the Urban Meyer thread. Applies here too. The exaggerations grow exponentially by year:

The thing you Cult of Butch guys don't get is it's not "bashing" Butch. They are statements of fact.

He has one 10 win seasons in 20 years as a head coach. He was looking to bigger, better deal us and ultimately did bail on the Canes for more money in Clevleand. He has been fired from his last two jobs. He is 1-3 in his third year at FIU.

At the same time you dead eyed zombies regurgitate the same assumptions over and over and over and over about what he would
do here. And they're getting more preposterous every year.

He'd have 4-5 championships. He would have stopped USC's epic run. He'd have out coached Tressel in 02' and the whopper of them all...he'd be outrecruting Nick Saban right now.

And those comments are just from yesterday.

You dudes are pathetic, led by the Ray FInkel of your cult Cane in Orlando, with your tunnel vision that Butch and only Butch can save us.

Give me a break.
Reposting from the Urban Meyer thread. Applies here too. The exaggerations grow exponentially by year:

The thing you Cult of Butch guys don't get is it's not "bashing" Butch. They are statements of fact.

He has one 10 win seasons in 20 years as a head coach. He was looking to bigger, better deal us and ultimately did bail on the Canes for more money in Clevleand. He has been fired from his last two jobs. He is 1-3 in his third year at FIU.

At the same time you dead eyed zombies regurgitate the same assumptions over and over and over and over about what he would
do here. And they're getting more preposterous every year.

He'd have 4-5 championships. He would have stopped USC's epic run. He'd have out coached Tressel in 02' and the whopper of them all...he'd be outrecruting Nick Saban right now.

And those comments are just from yesterday.

You dudes are pathetic, led by the Ray FInkel of your cult Cane in Orlando, with your tunnel vision that Butch and only Butch can save us.

Give me a break.
Every man travels their own path. Butch Davis assembled the greatest roster in Miami Hurricanes history. Subsequently, the career decisions that he made didn’t translate to success on the field. He had above average and below exceptional results at UNC. Elsewhere he’s been an abject failure.

But he undoubtedly proved that he could assemble and develop one of college football’s greatest rosters of all time. And he did it for US.

Your obsession with tearing him down is pathetic.
Every man travels their own path. Butch Davis assembled the greatest roster in Miami Hurricanes history. Subsequently, the career decisions that he made didn’t translate to success on the field. He had above average and below exceptional results at UNC. Elsewhere he’s been an abject failure.

But he undoubtedly proved that he could assemble and develop one of college football’s greatest rosters of all time. And he did it for US.

Your obsession with tearing him down is pathetic.

No, pathetic is the cult of Butch crowd here praying for our coaches to fail because their Davis dementia makes them think it will somehow open the door for the return of their messiah.

Almost as pathetic as deciding on whether or not you go to games based on our record amiright??
No, pathetic is the cult of Butch crowd here praying for our coaches to fail because their Davis dementia makes them think it will somehow open the door for the return of their messiah.
You’re literally doing the same thing with FIU. Think about that for a second; every time FIU loses a college football game, you swing your **** around and **** on a Miami Hurricanes legend.

Super bold hot take, bro.