Bryan McClendon comin'...aaaannnd he's gone

I’d say Georgia poached him for wayyy less money too. A couple hundred thousand less if he’s close to Hankton’s salary.

Call it going home, hometown discount, or whatever. Must have wanted to go home bad or wanted out of here. ***** never loses. I mentioned a while ago that his wife didn’t want to come here when Richt wanted him.

And she’s ugly asf too.
Like they say, puzzy is undefeated. Lol
Coaching for a winning program >. coaching for a losing program

Everyone nows titles are about money and he wasn't calling the plays here. Coaching for Kirby or Saban is better for your resume, at least for now.
Saban has proven that on either side of the ball, his coaches move on higher position. Kirby… not so much on the offensive of side

The only coach that I can remember on the offensive side moving on to a better job is the Arky HC but even then, he had close ties to the program and was alumni. There could be more but off the top of my head. I don’t think so but don’t follow UGA like that.
Mario also got twice as much money, BMac may have even taken a pay decrease. He also didn't leave right before signing day and he didn't work in Golden's staff before.

You're dumb.
Exactly! People keep bringing this up and there are key differences.

You can say Mario resurrected his career in Oregon to even make him attractive for Kirby to poach.

Why ain’t nobody in the $EC going after Dugans or whoever the Gaytors got?

Clearly they see something in Miami and they are trying to derail it before it starts.

Wouldn’t surprise me if Bama pushed out their OC to steal Brady.

Only certainty on the staff is Joe smfh.
I think you’re overthinking it and hoping there’s a positive in this.
Dude, I appreciate your optimism, but I stopped believing weeks ago that Mario was playing chess while everyone else was playing checkers. There is no elaborate plan; we’re simply getting punched in the dyck right now. All we can do is hope he stops the bleeding soon.
It’s the perception of the whole thing. Two months ago money wasn’t an issue. Biggest budget in the ACC. Now here we are three days before NSD with four coaches. He has to nail these hires. If he does no one will give a sh*t that T-Rob and BMac left.
3 coaches. DL, OL, RB
Good comeback
Well you said I was dumb but you're the idiot who can't understand how BMac would want to go back to his alma mater despite a pay cut. News flash, not everyone wants to live in SFL and some people want to go back to the school they graduated from.
DVD solid. We good there.
Well you said I was dumb but you're the idiot who can't understand how BMac would want to go back to his alma mater despite a pay cut. News flash, not everyone wants to live in SFL and some people want to go back to the school they graduated from.
Better to have people there who want to be there. Next.
Coaching for a winning program >. coaching for a losing program

Everyone nows titles are about money and he wasn't calling the plays here. Coaching for Kirby or Saban is better for your resume, at least for now.

What resume...this dude will be a career wr coach.

Being a wr coach at UGA is his dream job. He has been a co oc or oc before and sucked at it at USC.