Braxton Berrios isn’t a Tameable Beast

So, let's switch gears. How old is too old to date a college senior? And I don't mean ***, I mean an actual relationship?

The Rock Whatever GIF
She says she doesn't want to air out a bunch of details, but there she is talking about their relationship in public and to the media.

I can't stand these attention H***s!!!

The relationship didn't work out. So, she got burned. She probably burned a few herself.

No need to put personal **** out in the media. Move on.

Boohoo she probably got dumped for the first time in her life and is salty.
BS like this should have never been aired out publicly! **** drives me nuts and then to throw in the “unintentional weight loss” BS, miss me with that. Unless the dude beat her or was abusive **** like this should stay private. And obviously that didn’t happen in this situation. Braxton’s as A1 as they get

Screams like someone is trying to say relevant/get attention.
Yeah, some of the ideas of “marbling” on here consists of a lot of the white part and very little of the red part.

When I’m in a ****** deli - which has been a while - I order that brisket, corned beef or pastrami on rye with mustard extra lean.

You’re making me hungry for a tongue sandwich. Pause.

Alright you perverts, it is not what you think. RVA knows.
“I wasn’t able to talk about this when it first happened,” the 26-year-old influencer said. “I still don’t really have words. I’m not really one to air out a bunch of dirty details.

Honey Nut Berrios knows what's up. "Influencer" is zoomer-speak for unemployed and living their truth--and let us be real; Sophia is creeping up on the end of her desirability shelf-life. He isn't married to her. A hoe would upgrade on a fella in a heartbeat without a second thought or guilt of conscience. Good on Berrios for not being someone's ***** and for keeping these clout chasing hoes at bay.
Yeah, some of the ideas of “marbling” on here consists of a lot of the white part and very little of the red part.

When I’m in a ****** deli - which has been a while - I order that brisket, corned beef or pastrami on rye with mustard extra lean.
With Deli Mustard, a Dr. Browns Black Cherry, and throw a Half Sour in for a Cracker...