Board is getting a little chippy

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What is monkey ****? Is it anything like monkey stumping? Kidding and trying to shine some light into the dark...They say a idle mind is the Devils play ground..well the same thing happens here when there is no current topic...

Easiest way to address troll posts without fascist moderation is to ignore them. Don't get sucked in. We're not all going to agree so if you don't have a point to make or can't make it intelligently, just grab a drink and open up some monkey **** until you get your mind right.

great suggestion... we can get rid of those two dudes just like that. everyone ignores them and poof we no longer have to hear them lie to us claiming they are intelligent or even Miami fans.

But where can one find this monkey **** you speak of... sounds enlightening.

Pretty much - ignoring has always been the best way to get rid of trolls. There will always be "baiters" in any forum, and this site has some skilled ones... Master "Baiters", if you will.

I'm not overly concerned about it, but if the mods know there are Master Baiters, is there a policy for addressing it to clean up the board?

Back in the day, when the WEZ was allowed to play with the other reindeer here at CIS, when a ****** thread developed or poster was up to schtick and hijinx it was moved to the WEZ to be handled accordingly. If it was antics and hijinx, fun was had in the WEZ, reindeer games carried on, all was well. BUT, if it was a ****** poster, they were tarred and feathered and made to look stupid and lessons were learned or potatoes were mashed.
Smart ppl on this board act like its over with if Richt doesnt hire the most proven elite grad assistant in cfb. Smh
unfortunately following Um football, has become more about all these tards predicting what will happen, or whats best for the program, than to actually follow the program and see what happens and make informed opinions. I doubt many of these folks even watch the games, and if they do, they're cheering for their agendas and stances vs actually cheering for UM. Its a sad state
I agree with you, ghost2. I have been disgusted by some posters with childish behaviors regarding to the future coaching staff.
this is one of the wittiest and funny threads I've read in a while -- kuddos to some of you; you are higlarious

subject sucks -- but posts have been "spit-your coffee out" funny
Need a Timeout area here like there is in the WEZ.

Send the dummies there for a day or two where they can only post there. With every violation up their time by a day.
To be completely honest it hurts the experience of the site. Here we are finally at a good place and you have these trolls whose only goal is to ruin it for everyone. You cant come on this site just to get good info because most of the time the threads are taken over by people combating these few trolls.

Stopping those guys from ever posting anything again would be the best thing for the site. Then we can have real discussions about whats going on with out any three yr old baiters taking over the threads.
To be completely honest it hurts the experience of the site. Here we are finally at a good place and you have these trolls whose only goal is to ruin it for everyone. You cant come on this site just to get good info because most of the time the threads are taken over by people combating these few trolls.

Stopping those guys from ever posting anything again would be the best thing for the site. Then we can have real discussions about whats going on with out any three yr old baiters taking over the threads.

True, we finally have competent coach but yet some posters still b*tch, sounds like some were trolls all along
There will always be "those guys" in any open forum, online or otherwise. Contrarians, know-it-alls, psychopaths, and just plain jerks exist everywhere. I tend to fall into the "thinks he's smarter/funnier than he is" genre - ain't nobody perfect. We'll moderate as best we can - I'm only on this site sporadically so I really only get to "clean up" what I see, unfortunately. Y'all can help me and the other mods out by trying to stay above the fray. I know the other mods and I have procedures in place to get rid of the worst offenders and we try to do so as expediently as possible.

Now, back to making incredibly incorrect guesses on the coaching staff...
The first half of this season was the greatest thing that happened to this board. See, coming into the year, those who still supported Golden after the 2014 season were your big time taters. Your "on the spectrum" posters -- once he finally imploded in a way obvious enough that even their peanut-sized brains could comprehend, they had no choice but to slither away in shame.

His hilarious 2015 campaign helped run off a lot of the stupid posters out of pure embarrassment. We enjoyed a prosperous period in CIS history where only those who turned on Golden relatively early were allowed to roam free, without worry of getting trapped in a potato field. But the potatoes were emboldened by Golden's firing for some reason, and they have returned...and in larger numbers. You mix these mongoloids in with the group of butthurt Butch boys, and you've got yourself a stew cookin'.

As a result, the board has once again turned back into a middle school dropout convention where it's an ongoing battle to see who can grow the biggest chin strap and hurl the most ***** at each other.

This place is a disaster.

The Butthurt Butch Brigade is truly the worst thing this board has ever experienced.
I'm not worried about it. Things will be as they will be and I (as well as most likely everyone here) have ZERO control over any of this.

Once people realize that, things are much easier as a fan. Why sweat the stuff you have no control over? In my younger days this crap used to get to me, no longer.

Happy Holidays all.
As expected, as the staff begins to take shape sides are taken, jimmies are rustled and the rabble is roused. I don't have the time or the inclination to delete lots of posts and police the board, so in the spirit of Christmahannukwanzaadan I ask everyone to please try and address post content rather than strike out at individual posters.

Richt will make decisions we disagree with - so would Butch, Saban, or even Mario (hard to believe I know). As much as possible let's try and avoid both deification and vilification. Also the unnecessary use of big words. Enjoy a Golden-free holiday and Merry Christmas to all!

Thanks Mods for the efforts. Merry Christmas to all Canes fans!(that includes the slurpers)

Here's to a Golden free program.

The first half of this season was the greatest thing that happened to this board. See, coming into the year, those who still supported Golden after the 2014 season were your big time taters. Your "on the spectrum" posters -- once he finally imploded in a way obvious enough that even their peanut-sized brains could comprehend, they had no choice but to slither away in shame.

His hilarious 2015 campaign helped run off a lot of the stupid posters out of pure embarrassment. We enjoyed a prosperous period in CIS history where only those who turned on Golden relatively early were allowed to roam free, without worry of getting trapped in a potato field. But the potatoes were emboldened by Golden's firing for some reason, and they have returned...and in larger numbers. You mix these mongoloids in with the group of butthurt Butch boys, and you've got yourself a stew cookin'.

As a result, the board has once again turned back into a middle school dropout convention where it's an ongoing battle to see who can grow the biggest chin strap and hurl the most ***** at each other.

This place is a disaster.

Nailed it...
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