Best Facilities in the Country According to Recruits?


Jan 24, 2013
From a 247 article, they asked recruits at the All-American Bowl game the other weekend what they thought the top facilities in the country were. They anonymously polled a total of 88 recruits and some voted for mulitple schools.

To no one's surprise the top programs were there Oregon, Georgia, Notre Dame, Bama, Ohio State, Clemson, etc. Some surprising programs received votes though: Purdue, Air Force, Washington State, Illinois, and others.

This shouldn't shock anyone but Miami did not receive a single vote. What was funny to me is guess who else didn't receive a single vote? Yup. You guessed it.

UF and FSU.

So for all the **** we get from their fans about how crappy our facilities are it's pretty amazing to see recruits think their facilities are pretty sh*tty too. Big difference is we've now got some heavy hitters and an elite AD that will be leading the way in getting us on level footing with our competition. Looking forward to see the improvements in the coming years.
From a 247 article, they asked recruits at the All-American Bowl game the other weekend what they thought the top facilities in the country were. They anonymously polled a total of 88 recruits and some voted for mulitple schools.

To no one's surprise the top programs were there Oregon, Georgia, Notre Dame, Bama, Ohio State, Clemson, etc. Some surprising programs received votes though: Purdue, Air Force, Washington State, Illinois, and others.

This shouldn't shock anyone but Miami did not receive a single vote. What was funny to me is guess who else didn't receive a single vote? Yup. You guessed it.

UF and FSU.

So for all the **** we get from their fans about how crappy our facilities are it's pretty amazing to see recruits think their facilities are pretty sh*tty too. Big difference is we've now got some heavy hitters and an elite AD that will be leading the way in getting us on level footing with our competition. Looking forward to see the improvements in the coming years.
Air Force has a palace. Campus is gorgeous, but really shouldn't count due to the niche they pull in.
From a 247 article, they asked recruits at the All-American Bowl game the other weekend what they thought the top facilities in the country were. They anonymously polled a total of 88 recruits and some voted for mulitple schools.

To no one's surprise the top programs were there Oregon, Georgia, Notre Dame, Bama, Ohio State, Clemson, etc. Some surprising programs received votes though: Purdue, Air Force, Washington State, Illinois, and others.

This shouldn't shock anyone but Miami did not receive a single vote. What was funny to me is guess who else didn't receive a single vote? Yup. You guessed it.

UF and FSU.

So for all the **** we get from their fans about how crappy our facilities are it's pretty amazing to see recruits think their facilities are pretty sh*tty too. Big difference is we've now got some heavy hitters and an elite AD that will be leading the way in getting us on level footing with our competition. Looking forward to see the improvements in the coming years.
With NIL in forefront, I believe "facilities" will be less and less important. Not eliminated as a factor, but a drop off for sure.

With NIL in forefront, I believe "facilities" will be less and less important. Not eliminated as a factor, but a drop off for sure.

I agree with this and I think people also put way too much into facilities anyways

why do facilities matter as much at Miami you live in a major city near the beach compared to bama in the middle of fuggin' nowhere where the facilities are all you have
I agree with this and I think people also put way too much into facilities anyways

why do facilities matter as much at Miami you live in a major city near the beach compared to bama in the middle of fuggin' nowhere where the facilities are all you have
I think as long as a school is "good enough", the palatial locations have a diminishing return.

Do most recruits care Bama's conference room/position room chairs were made by Ferrari?

UF’s facilities are a complete dump.

Clemson, Oregon & UGA basically have a theme park for their facilities.

And luckily for us, our new AD was the guy who over-sought & made Clemson’s extravagant facility upgrades happen.
I think as long as a school is "good enough", the palatial locations have a diminishing return.

Do most recruits care Bama's conference room/position room chairs were made by Ferrari?

absolutely right. Ask any person, do you want the comfortable room chairs, or money in your pocket/account. Every single 18-22 year old and many people no matter the age would rather be paid.
Can you share any detail? That one jumped off the page.
The USAFA campus is stunning, especially on clear winter days with snow on the ground. Everything is built on "the 5 fingers" (ridges) or the valleys in-between. To the West, everything is backed up to the front range almost like the Wall from Game of Thrones. The Architecture and layout is symettrical and mathematical. The cadet gyms are beyond top notch as are the athlete's facilities.

Not a four seasons kinda place though as even in the Summer there is still lots of browns and Fall is all brown really (basically high plateau).

I've heard USNA and USMC are also nice, just my time at those locations was extremely limited.

Again, the military academies aren't recruiting the same athletes as the D1P5 schools for several and very good reasons.
UF’s facilities are a complete dump.

Clemson, Oregon & UGA basically have a theme park for their facilities.

And luckily for us, our new AD was the guy who over-sought & made Clemson’s extravagant facility upgrades happen.
In that Andy Staple interview he touched on that about UF. Said Spurrier said they didnt need it and after he left they just kept rocking with that mindset.. They have a new facility they are building now to be opened next year I think..

Also mentioned how Jimbo made request of FSU and when they balked, he bounced.. (been mentioned plenty times before)

Also said Feld would most likely have a list of request for the AD because thats what happened at UO, even so far as to build his own equipment until they got what he needed..
There are talks of us upgrading our facilities but if we build another building to add on where is it going? I’ve seen an Overhead shot of the IPF and Hecht center and there isn’t much room to build anywhere.
The stadium is dated. The indoor practice facility is adequate. I can tell you the barracks haven't change much in 40 years.
The Stadium is cool in its own right built into the ridge, but true it isn't Jerry World.

The atheletes aren't seeing the barracks really from a recruiting perspective just because of the niche that would actually attend. You know as well as I that life ain't for everybody.

Then even look at the football attrition rate from Prep to 3 degree, i think its what, 30-40%?
From a 247 article, they asked recruits at the All-American Bowl game the other weekend what they thought the top facilities in the country were. They anonymously polled a total of 88 recruits and some voted for mulitple schools.

To no one's surprise the top programs were there Oregon, Georgia, Notre Dame, Bama, Ohio State, Clemson, etc. Some surprising programs received votes though: Purdue, Air Force, Washington State, Illinois, and others.

This shouldn't shock anyone but Miami did not receive a single vote. What was funny to me is guess who else didn't receive a single vote? Yup. You guessed it.

UF and FSU.

So for all the **** we get from their fans about how crappy our facilities are it's pretty amazing to see recruits think their facilities are pretty sh*tty too. Big difference is we've now got some heavy hitters and an elite AD that will be leading the way in getting us on level footing with our competition. Looking forward to see the improvements in the coming years.
And yet when kids do an official many are surprised how nice the campus truly is. You are making a leap our facilities are ******. There are infrastructure improvements on the way. We have advantages most do not. Major metropolitan area with great weather with a beautiful campus in an exclusive area of Dade County.
And yet when kids do an official many are surprised how nice the campus truly is. You are making a leap our facilities are ******. There are infrastructure improvements on the way. We have advantages most do not. Major metropolitan area with great weather with a beautiful campus in an exclusive area of Dade County.
This was only about facilities and not the city or town the university is located in. Our facilities are much improved but we’re still behind the big programs out there.