Barry Jackson -update on the UM/Diaz situation later today.

I can’t remember things being quite this toxic besides Goldens last season here.

The local media has completely turned on Diaz. You still had local media rooting for Golden to succeed right up until that Clemson fiasco.

No media is rooting for Manny. I can’t remember a time when the media turned this quickly against 1 of our coaches
It was the yacht ride, dummy tackling, kegger and big talk about an immediate turnaround.....Media lapped it up and they turn faster on a feelgood than anyone. righteously so.
It would even help with academics. Applications go way up when you have good sports (probably shouldn't matter, but it does) which allows the school to be more selective. Then you get better students, who get better jobs, etc.
No BS, Part of the U getting me back in the day was the athletics branding. I got into several academically equal and superior programs, compared the faculties for my area of interest, factored in lifestyle, lifestyle...and networking prestige on branding...and came to the U at our apex. It definitely affected me. I'll straight up admit it.
"...while the latte drinking tut-tutters who look down on them have always been part of the palace guard..."

These types love to say "they don't speak for me or this isn't my position".

Garbage. Utter garbage.

As a body or individual...

What you tolerate is what you endorse.

What you decide/not decide is what you endorse.

What you remain silent on is what you endorse.
Take a good look at this thread:****-in-flake-and-manure.171148/

and the comments from users such as @No_Fly_Zone

Ethnic, your comment is a perfect description.

Banners mocked. Billboard truck mocked (which BTW, the original plan was a billboard on US1 and all set to go until Blake and his henchmen prevented the company from doing so. All of this have brought negative attention which is the only thing making them pay attention.

Fvck your banners.

The idea that getting blown out on national television isn't embarrassing enough to make termination decisions, but that a banner or billboard truck will do it, is asinine.

At best, and historically at UM, banners have only played a (minimal) role in getting people fired. Banners have played no role in getting the right people hired. That's the logical disconnect. Fire the corch, new corch hired. Fire the AD, well, now you are getting closer to the root problem. But you are asking largely the same group of people (i.e., the BOT and doners) who hired Blake to hire a new AD. Good luck with that.

And as an alumni, The University of Miami will always be greater than the University of Miami football program. Even assuming a banner is good for the program (there is no evidence of that), it's a bad look for the University.

So, yeah, fvck your banners.
It would even help with academics. Applications go way up when you have good sports (probably shouldn't matter, but it does) which allows the school to be more selective. Then you get better students, who get better jobs, etc.
Exactly!! Dukes, Gonzaga & Kentucky’s profile increases when their basketball teams are great. Do you think anyone would know anything about Gonzaga without basketball? No doubt their success helps everything at that university.
Lol what?? Blake James has no issue raising money, which is the problem. He’s good at it. Former players who donate have not had any issue giving him money.
For specific projects ya sure.

Indoor facility and locker room(our biggest spends) pretty straight forward and pretty widely known as necessary. Very hard to mess up.

But give Blake James money to hire a new coach… absolutely not.

They would donate money if Blake wanted to hire Mario, as evidenced by the past when they offered money to hire Mario.

Mario won’t work for Flake James though. So if they were to donate money for the coaching search to Blake James it would be going to someone other than their first choice. Not happening.
Fvck your banners.

The idea that getting blown out on national television isn't embarrassing enough to make termination decisions, but that a banner or billboard truck will do it, is asinine.

At best, and historically at UM, banners have only played a (minimal) role in getting people fired. Banners have played no role in getting the right people hired. That's the logical disconnect. Fire the corch, new corch hired. Fire the AD, well, now you are getting closer to the root problem. But you are asking largely the same group of people (i.e., the BOT and doners) who hired Blake to hire a new AD. Good luck with that.

And as an alumni, The University of Miami will always be greater than the University of Miami football program. Even assuming a banner is good for the program (there is no evidence of that), it's a bad look for the University.

So, yeah, fvck your banners.
No doubt a nationally televised blowout is a million more times impactful then a $600 banner flying over HRS that only a limited amount of people see. If anyone thinks millionaire/billionaire BOT members/donors are impacted by that $600 banner, they’re delusional.

As for his job security, Diaz understands that a program with rich history like Miami won’t accept a disappointing season.

“I’m able to insulate myself from that because I don’t read these types of things during the course of the season, but I’m not stupid,” Diaz said. “I coach at the University of Miami. I understand the tradition and the pride of this place. I understand the standard.”
... "
Fvck your banners.

The idea that getting blown out on national television isn't embarrassing enough to make termination decisions, but that a banner or billboard truck will do it, is asinine.

At best, and historically at UM, banners have only played a (minimal) role in getting people fired. Banners have played no role in getting the right people hired. That's the logical disconnect. Fire the corch, new corch hired. Fire the AD, well, now you are getting closer to the root problem. But you are asking largely the same group of people (i.e., the BOT and doners) who hired Blake to hire a new AD. Good luck with that.

And as an alumni, The University of Miami will always be greater than the University of Miami football program. Even assuming a banner is good for the program (there is no evidence of that), it's a bad look for the University.

So, yeah, fvck your banners.
It’s embarrassing all around. The people who are primarily interested in football only are more likely to be the ones to go scorched earth on the school and at the BOT people who donate huge money - with a few exceptions on here as there are some alumns on CIS I’ve seen who support this but most don’t like seeing their school soiled with this type of thing.
It depend on when Manny is gone. If he somehow loses next Thursday night to UVA then it changes their game plan IMO. Lose to UVA then it could be the week after the regular season.
Go Cavs!
This hoping and wishing for Mario is like when you find out that your sewer line is cracked and you think it ain’t gonna be that much to repair.

Guys this is gonna go on for at least got 6 more games and if it goes on that long then it’s till after the season.
Well don’t I feel silly? I completely misunderstood their interaction on that Banner thread, guess I should’ve read past the first page....
This hoping and wishing for Mario is like when you find out that your sewer line is cracked and you think it ain’t gonna be that much to repair.

Guys this is gonna go on for at least got 6 more games and if it goes on that long then it’s till after the season.
Agreed....still won’t keep me from checking every 30 seconds for the next 4 months
It’s embarrassing all around. The people who are primarily interested in football only are more likely to be the ones to go scorched earth on the school and at the BOT people who donate huge money - with a few exceptions on here as there are some alumns on CIS I’ve seen who support this but most don’t like seeing their school soiled with this type of thing.
I hear what you both are saying, but if the school acted proactively and gave any form of an impression that standards are not being met then this wouldn't happen. There is no universe where Blake James should still be collecting paychecks from the school outside of severance. If they fired him, showed they are paying attention, and made an action to establish standards, I would bet a majority of people would not feel like they need to go to those lengths to make their opinions heard. Some may still, but a majority would be pacified to wait and see.

Thinking back to Golden (forgetting Richt, as he stepped down after year three), there are not many athletic departments that would have given him that fifth year to prove what everyone knew after years three and four. The school largely does it to themselves.

And if they wanted to fly a banner to say get Julio Frenk out, I would not judge them for that either. Anyone that cares about the school beyond athletics should want the same, as should any alum whose degree is being devalued under his watch.
I say this as someone who is not as crazy as many of you when it comes to the "fire everyone always" stuff. I say this as someone who was MORE than willing to give Diaz a chance. I say this as someone who didn't completely lose faith until the Michigan State game. I say this as someone who thinks the school being successful should come before the football program being successful...

If they don't gut this thing this time around, if they go lazy, if they go complacent, that is the end of the entire thing. It's the end of the football program being anywhere near a national conversation. It's genuinely not hyperbole, but knowing the fans and knowing the state of things in college football, that would be it. Too much is changing and programs need to be innovating and adapting on the frontier, not regressing. Everyone needs to find an extra gear and we're downshifting. The major sports programs under James have regressed and been anemic. Don't get me started on the baseball program. He absolutely needs to go.

They have one chance here to restructure and prepare for the future of college sports in the United States, which is drastically changing. They are actually in a good position to start that restructuring at the onset of massive change. There's not going to be inertia to overcome, like at many other programs. Clean house and be the first school to structure itself for this new world.

But if they don't...I don't think the people making the decisions realize the harm and devastation they will cause. I honestly don't think they realize how close we are to losing 40 years of history and shutting the door on athletic excellence. Again, that is not hyperbole, it's just the reality of where we are looking around the landscape.
Fvck your banners.

The idea that getting blown out on national television isn't embarrassing enough to make termination decisions, but that a banner or billboard truck will do it, is asinine.

At best, and historically at UM, banners have only played a (minimal) role in getting people fired. Banners have played no role in getting the right people hired. That's the logical disconnect. Fire the corch, new corch hired. Fire the AD, well, now you are getting closer to the root problem. But you are asking largely the same group of people (i.e., the BOT and doners) who hired Blake to hire a new AD. Good luck with that.

And as an alumni, The University of Miami will always be greater than the University of Miami football program. Even assuming a banner is good for the program (there is no evidence of that), it's a bad look for the University.

So, yeah, fvck your banners.
Currently I have a box truck that I’ll paint “ Fire Manny ” on both sides. Then I’ll drive through coral gables for a week. All I need is a donation of 15,000 bucks to make it happen. Pm me for details.