Barry Jackson -update on the UM/Diaz situation later today.

@Cribby, I know you mentioned that Manny is likely to go to a youth movement to try and spark something. Have you heard anything on King? Seems really banged up and not needed for the next game. Will they play both TVD and Garcia or give the keys to TVD unless/until he crashes?
@Cribby, I know you mentioned that Manny is likely to go to a youth movement to try and spark something. Have you heard anything on King? Seems really banged up and not needed for the next game. Will they play both TVD and Garcia or give the keys to TVD unless/until he crashes?
I posted about king Sunday in my update thread. He’s hurt , multiple injuries. If he plays it would be a very back look imo. There’s no way he should.
Blake is the one that could go either way , I just can’t see how he stays in that position if Mario comes. They can’t work together, theres also alot of support for Alonzo. I just don’t get how you can like his fundraising when winning makes fundraising take care of itself. **** 2018 there was a big jump in applications after the ‘17 season. Imagine an actual good season.

My friend, imagine 10 good seasons in a row (like when I was in school at UM).

Yes, I am utterly dazed by the "fund-raising" argument. If Beta Blake has really raised so much money, then he must also be embezzling it, because we seem to have nothing to show for all this "fund-raising".

We need to make up a t-shirt: "My AD raised $1 billion over 10 years, and all I got for it is this lousy IPF".

Tad Foote was a serious fund-raiser. Donna Shalala was a serious fund-raiser. Both of them convinced NON-UM-ALUMS to give large amounts of money to the university to raise the profile of a school that USED TO BE outside the Top 100.

Beta Blake has a 5-time football/4-time baseball championship program, with premium access to sell. He has the EASIEST fund-raising job in Florida, outside of Gainesville. He sits in the middle of THREE of the largest/wealthiest counties in Florida. You could almost hire ANY CIS PORSTER to do Blake's job and be assured that anyone on this board could hit at least 75% of Beta Blake's numbers.

I cannot understand how any Trustee can't figure out this Pros/Cons list:

1. Declining football program
2. Declining basketball program
3. Mediocre baseball program
4. Declining attendance
5. Declining operating revenue
6. Declining TV ratings

1. Oh, but he can fund-raise like a mo-fo
My friend, imagine 10 good seasons in a row (like when I was in school at UM).

Yes, I am utterly dazed by the "fund-raising" argument. If Beta Blake has really raised so much money, then he must also be embezzling it, because we seem to have nothing to show for all this "fund-raising".

We need to make up a t-shirt: "My AD raised $1 billion over 10 years, and all I got for it is this lousy IPF".

Tad Foote was a serious fund-raiser. Donna Shalala was a serious fund-raiser. Both of them convinced NON-UM-ALUMS to give large amounts of money to the university to raise the profile of a school that USED TO BE outside the Top 100.

Beta Blake has a 5-time football/4-time baseball championship program, with premium access to sell. He has the EASIEST fund-raising job in Florida, outside of Gainesville. He sits in the middle of THREE of the largest/wealthiest counties in Florida. You could almost hire ANY CIS PORSTER to do Blake's job and be assured that anyone on this board could hit at least 75% of Beta Blake's numbers.

I cannot understand how any Trustee can't figure out this Pros/Cons list:

1. Declining football program
2. Declining basketball program
3. Mediocre baseball program
4. Declining attendance
5. Declining operating revenue
6. Declining TV ratings

1. Oh, but he can fund-raise like a mo-fo
You’re literally preaching to the choir , i’ve used the same arguments lol. He’s the worst AD in college sports. He has no business being involved in sports , he’s a huge ****. As for fundraising i hear he’s ok but theres Bot members that think he’s good. Lets be real most of these guys could care less about any of this.
Horrible. Absolutely horrible.

UM has had VERY FEW presidents in its nearly-100-year history.

Bowman Foster Ashe - 25+ years
Jay F.W. Pearson - 10 years
Henry King Stanford - 20 years
Tad Foote - 20 years
Donna Shalala - 15 years

Frenk is the first unqualified disaster of a President that we have ever had. Declining academic standing. Non-accomplishment of many of the med school benchmarks, which was supposed to be his strength. Asinine fight with the law school dean. Bizarre personality.

As for Beta Blake, here are his comparatives.

Doc Mallios - a UM legend of a professor, he took on the role before we ever really hired a "professional" AD. He was involved in the hiring of Saban and Schnellenberger, not saying he was the main guy or the only guy, but you have to give Doc some credit.
Sam Jankovich - the GOAT AD, by far.
Dave Maggard - horrendous, came to UM from Cal-Berkeley, used Title IX as an excuse to shutter men's sports programs and was hated inside and outside of UM.
Paul Dee - could be somewhat passive and inscrutable, but overall did a pretty good job after he moved over permanently from the General Counsel job; not a natural AD by training, but he got better as the years passed.
Kirby Hocutt - more AD training, a likeable guy, but not really passionate about UM.
Shawn Eichorst - on paper, a very qualified individual, in person, a complete tool. Left for Nebraska, and was fired from that job.

Beta Blake is not a UM alum and most of his collegiate and non-UM job experience were at programs that are incomparable to UM's program and profile. His background is in ticket sales and large corporate donors, two jobs where selling "hope" and "next year" and "premium access" are far more important than building a solid foundation for all of your athletic programs. Has no real experience identifying key leaders for the organization, particularly coaches. If you want to talk about "coaching trees", then let's try to figure out all of the great athletic administrators that Beta Blake has developed and exported to other schools. I'll wait.

AS AN ALUM, I am very disappointed in Julio and Beta Blake, though UM does not have very good "rapid action" processes in place to get rid of those guys. We've never pushed out a President in under 10 years, and there has always seemed to be "another job" that's relieved us of Hocutt and Eichorst (I think Maggot Maggard was the only AD who got the firing squad in the past 40 years).

Thank u for ur candid & honest response. I agree w/ everything, and I appreciate u highlight both Miami’s academic & athletics history.

This vortex of inadequacy seems like a never ending free fall.
What really chaps my *** are the BOTs that love Blake for his fundraising, based on what? I have a feeling someone else could go on and do just as well if not better of a job.

I’ve transitioned into Central Florida Real Estate now, but my past job was for an Alcohol Distributor and I compare the situation to this. I would go into an account and ask them to re-do there wine list and they’d agree under one condition, that I leave the CHARDONNAY that’s currently BY THE GLASS, because it’s the best seller. NO ****, any Chardonnay By The Glass is going to be the best seller it’s nothing specific about this brand.

Blake does well at fundraising WTF cares, someone else would do just as well as a job, it’s a poor excuse.
There guys who will 100% leave if he’s back , there’s also guys that’s already checked out , they know they’re a laughing stock. So yeah , I’d say there’s a portion that’s done. Going forward I could see them quitting if they get punched in the mouth.
It looks like most have just been going through the motions since game 1
Thank u for ur candid & honest response. I agree w/ everything, and I appreciate u highlight both Miami’s academic & athletics history.

This vortex of inadequacy seems like a never ending free fall.

Academically, it hasn't been this bad for a long time. Relatively brief period of time. Very fixable, but a competitive marketplace to be sure.

Athletically, we have been very hit-or-miss for 40 years. This is the tough one to fix. SOMEONE (and it surely isn't Frenk and it's definitely not most of the BOT) needs to establish a "Miami standard" for the AD job:

1. Prior experience in a POWER FIVE (FOUR) Athletic Department, preferably in an urban/large-market type school
2. Significant exposure to modern issues such as conference revenue-sharing, TV contracts, all-apparel deals, and NIL rules
3. Demonstrated training and impactful participation in the identification and hiring of coaching staff (cite specific examples and give references)
4. A written plan for how to increase engagement across all components of the university community, from students to faculty to administration to alums
5. Clear understanding of the differences between operational fund-raising and capital project fund-raising, with an eye to creating a "fund-raising level" and "ticket-holder price point" across all income levels of the university community

Notice how "large donor gifts" and "premium access ticket sales" are not criteria.
I think once we're statistically eliminated from the ACCCG a termination could be made public. Or after another embarrassing loss.

I was telling my peoples the same thing. After the 1st acc lost, he’s done. If it’s a total collapse, think gorlden post fsu losses, he's done mid season. He literally has to WIN the acc to save his job imho.
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Oregon has state income tax. Florida doesn't. At $4.5m, Cristobal's state taxes are almost half a mil according to this basic online calculator. So $4m in Florida dollars are roughly equal to what he's making now in Eugene.

Your 2020 Estimated State Income Tax:

Your Income Taxes Breakdown
Tax Marginal
Tax Rate Effective
Tax Rate 2020
Federal 37.00% 35.40% $1,592,973
FICA 2.35% 2.49% $112,037
State 9.90% 9.80% $440,931
Local 0.00% 0.00% $0
Total Income Taxes 47.69% $2,145,941
Income After Taxes $2,354,059
Retirement Contributions $0
Take-Home Pay $2,354,059
* These are the taxes owed for the 2020 - 2021 filing season.
True but there is no sales tax in Oregon so Mario can buy his wife as many Gucci umbrellas and Versace raincoats as she wants to avoid the rain. 😝
They sure let Michigan St score 21 points in the 4Q like they're his buddy.

That was team that had quit on their coach - it was painful to watch.
I still don’t see it that way. Yes, they gave up 21 in the 4th, but it didn’t look like they quit. It just looked like they were unprepared, made key mistakes, and received no coaching help or meaningful adjustments for the second half.

We’ll see what it looks like when a team quits probably in two or three weeks from now.