Barry Jackson telling us a lot we already knew

We'll apparently Franklin is full of **** as well. Lol. Because all the things he hit on as positives for Mandy aren't traits he posseses. The head coaching experience he never really had because he didn't embrace it. And the high level DC I'd debate too. In small sample sizes fine. Can't argue that. But as a whole he's failed miserably as a DC at most previous spots by the time he left.
Can confirm. Franklin is absolutely full of ****. I've always said he was Golden-esque but heavily caffeinated with all the faux coachspeak and reliance on rah-rah buzzwords. Probably why he was attracted to Manny Fudd the Booger Sugar Monster.
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We'll apparently Franklin is full of **** as well. Lol. Because all the things he hit on as positives for Mandy aren't traits he posseses. The head coaching experience he never really had because he didn't embrace it. And the high level DC I'd debate too. In small sample sizes fine. Can't argue that. But as a whole he's failed miserably as a DC at most previous spots by the time he left.
I am praying Miami gets a hold of Penn State before the axe falls on Manny. Hoping the Canes run and pass over and around Diaz in the worst defensive performance in that program’s history. Manny can then make that claim for Texas, Miami, and Penn State.
now that you are referring to blake james, i saw his husband and him last saturday night a dinner. they were two tables away from my table. my wife remarked that the "wife" looked like a man. so he's still in town, looking for work.
Isn’t James the new AD at Boston College?
They put this article out after **** near every fire and hire and this fanbase eats it up. That said, I'm not shocked that Diaz wouldn't be able to garner respect from his players...
The worst part is his system will work in the big 10. Because it's all about speed and disruption. Big 10 isn't exactly an athletic conference for the most part. But his primary concern better be their blocking schemes are superior to any other conference because they're all about interior play. I'd give him 3 years till it gets bad. His personality is gonna be the biggest issue. James Franklin is not with the ****. Mandy is gonna have to be a recluse at pedo st.
BkDee: That's exactly what I said in regards to how long he survives at PSU. He will be ok as long as he has players that have had some decent defensive coaching, before. Once they graduate and he's playing a majority of his recruits.... look out! If Franklin let him have full control of the defense, he will crash and burn, spectacularly.... that is unless he finds and fool another schlapdicc wannabe AD to throw him a lifeline, ala Blake James. And you're 100% right about dem run blocking schemes he's about to face.... they gon skull fucc him schematically. Hate to wish ill on anybody, especially a coach, but it's gonna be awesome.
I think people mostly are referring to Leonard Taylor and TVD. The latter is a bit unfair, because no one really expected him to look like he did once he got the starting job, but it was pretty clear early last season that D'Eriq wasn't the same guy after his injury.
I don't know about LT. I'm not sure he was a better option as a true frosh than Jordan Miller, JHH, Ford, Silvera, etc. Assuredly, he has more talent than all those guys but it's a big ask to start a true FR when you have more senior options that likely have honed in on the technique, assignments, strength, experience required for that position. I mean, LT wasn't running with the 1s in camp this summer or in the spring game so it's not like Manny's assessment was entirely off.

TVD . . . I guess someone can make that case, but boy, that's tough to put on the staff IMO. He is clearly a much better QB than D'Eriq. But I can't fault Lashlee and staff if they thought TVD was the guy we saw in the 1st half of the UVA game and not the guy that became a revelation later. But, no doubt, if the TVD we saw in the latter part of the year was playing like that in practice than yes, he should have started above King (regardless of whatever promises made to D'Eriq).
I can respect people's opinions but still strongly disagree all the same. Before I became disgusted with him (midway through year 1 under richt)I used to speak with Manny about nothing but football. His thing was always that he thought such and such(throughout various programs) was misused because In a system that embraces pressure at this point it makes the entirety combustible etc. Honestly it was exhausting listening to this man's foolishness when u combine it all with the lisp. It was like Elmer fudd on coke. He absolutely thinks he's the smartest man in the room but it's all based on percentages. Never based on the game in itself the how or the y. He is just a nerd that played percentages. Far as people liking him throughout the years I had been around him which I kept to a minimum these last 2 very rarely did I witness that. He would talk down to kids and **** near chastise them routinely. He would call kids out they name and half the time didn't even bother to remember one from the other. His thing is he had a small hand ful of players that were his doo boys he'd try to be friendly with because as you stated he swears he's the smartest in the room. You kill them with kindness. But he'll always show his face as long as you are open to seeing it. Just like he did with cam(who was definitely one of his doo boys initially)until he told him he's lucky richt was crazy because we would've never even offered him if Manny was in charge because his talent level says he should've been playing for fiu not p5... He said that in open practice for no real reason from the way I had it explained to me. But I gotta get this filth out of my mind. I can't keep rehashing these last few years as it's not healthy for any of us. I've moved on and I hope everyone else can as well. Too much positive going on to dwell on anything other then our present and future.
i accept that.

good post, and thanks for sharing the insight.
I can respect people's opinions but still strongly disagree all the same. Before I became disgusted with him (midway through year 1 under richt)I used to speak with Manny about nothing but football. His thing was always that he thought such and such(throughout various programs) was misused because In a system that embraces pressure at this point it makes the entirety combustible etc. Honestly it was exhausting listening to this man's foolishness when u combine it all with the lisp. It was like Elmer fudd on coke. He absolutely thinks he's the smartest man in the room but it's all based on percentages. Never based on the game in itself the how or the y. He is just a nerd that played percentages. Far as people liking him throughout the years I had been around him which I kept to a minimum these last 2 very rarely did I witness that. He would talk down to kids and **** near chastise them routinely. He would call kids out they name and half the time didn't even bother to remember one from the other. His thing is he had a small hand ful of players that were his doo boys he'd try to be friendly with because as you stated he swears he's the smartest in the room. You kill them with kindness. But he'll always show his face as long as you are open to seeing it. Just like he did with cam(who was definitely one of his doo boys initially)until he told him he's lucky richt was crazy because we would've never even offered him if Manny was in charge because his talent level says he should've been playing for fiu not p5... He said that in open practice for no real reason from the way I had it explained to me. But I gotta get this filth out of my mind. I can't keep rehashing these last few years as it's not healthy for any of us. I've moved on and I hope everyone else can as well. Too much positive going on to dwell on anything other then our present and future.
I don't know how anyone can disagree with you, really.

Cristobal is actively and systematically purging the programme of anything Diaz related for a reason.
I don't know about LT. I'm not sure he was a better option as a true frosh than Jordan Miller, JHH, Ford, Silvera, etc. Assuredly, he has more talent than all those guys but it's a big ask to start a true FR when you have more senior options that likely have honed in on the technique, assignments, strength, experience required for that position. I mean, LT wasn't running with the 1s in camp this summer or in the spring game so it's not like Manny's assessment was entirely off.

TVD . . . I guess someone can make that case, but boy, that's tough to put on the staff IMO. He is clearly a much better QB than D'Eriq. But I can't fault Lashlee and staff if they thought TVD was the guy we saw in the 1st half of the UVA game and not the guy that became a revelation later. But, no doubt, if the TVD we saw in the latter part of the year was playing like that in practice than yes, he should have started above King (regardless of whatever promises made to D'Eriq).

I think the calls for LT didn't really happen until post-MSU. At that point, after he got some burn and showed that he needed more snaps because he was impacting the game, the calls started for him to get more PT. That didn't happen over the next few weeks, and I don't think he really got consistent playing time until Week 8 or 9.
Let me add one more thing, it doesn't take any real insight or courage to write this. I'd have more respect for Barry if he would have posted this when little Manny was riding high with Deriq King. This is nothing more than Pile on for clicks. Have the balls to tell the truth when it's not the cool thing to do now that Lil manny predictably failed. That's true journalism.
I think the calls for LT didn't really happen until post-MSU. At that point, after he got some burn and showed that he needed more snaps because he was impacting the game, the calls started for him to get more PT. That didn't happen over the next few weeks, and I don't think he really got consistent playing time until Week 8 or 9.
My question for you (or anyone else who chooses to answer) would be if you know the other options simply aren't capable of doing what's asked of them (due to coaching,talent or any other number of reasons)then why do you not invest in that kids future who is also a significant part of the future of your program and give him game time reps which is the only way to honestly asses where a kid is at as well as develop him... From day 1 it was clear LT should've been getting burn. He wasn't because he didn't match what Mandy's system called for. As his been pointed out over and over as an interior lineman in his system all he wants you to be capable of is plugging a hole and taking on multiple blockers... Getting upfield is almost viewed as a negative and it's one of the main reasons him and Gerald clashed so often when he was here. For him it was always plug up the middle so the edges can be exploited while locking up running lanes. *** backwards
The worst part is his system will work in the big 10. Because it's all about speed and disruption. Big 10 isn't exactly an athletic conference for the most part. But his primary concern better be their blocking schemes are superior to any other conference because they're all about interior play. I'd give him 3 years till it gets bad. His personality is gonna be the biggest issue. James Franklin is not with the ****. Mandy is gonna have to be a recluse at pedo st.

I legit see O$U, UofM, Wisky, & MSU routinely rag dogging Manny’s defensive scheme. I give Manny no more than 3 yrs at PSU. Can see him being escorted out of the building UT style. ****, they may leave him at the Tarmac at one of the airports.