Barry Jackson has a mental breakdown.

Search Kirby Smart “Corch” on this board. It wasn’t that long that it was a question if kirby was a Corch.

Now I will say this. I dont think he ever did something this silly.

And I get that in Athens they win. To quote the great Bill Walsh you have to start acting like a champion and doing what champions do before you ever become one. So while Mario doesn’t have the rings, it doesn’t make him wrong for trying to operate like the program he wants to become.
Kirby was winning double digit games since year 2 as a first time HC. his worst year was year 1 when they went 8-5 or so. it was never what we've seen last year up there. he was considered a corch by fans bc his offenses were always trash even though he recruited at an elite level but that is dumb bc hes been making playoffs nd title games since year 2 of his tenure.
Kirby was winning double digit games since year 2 as a first time HC. his worst year was year 1 when they went 8-5 or so. it was never what we've seen last year up there. he was considered a corch by fans bc his offenses were always trash even though he recruited at an elite level but that is dumb bc hes been making playoffs nd title games since year 2 of his tenure.
Kirby wasn’t left with the **** show Mario inherited. Richt left him in pretty **** good shape and Kirby has also taken advantage of the $$$ floating around UGA.
Kirby wasn’t left with the **** show Mario inherited. Richt left him in pretty **** good shape and Kirby has also taken advantage of the $$$ floating around UGA.
richt left him in decent shape but it was on a downward trend up there. recruiting also fell off a bit. he was never a corch tho.

you think Mario inherited the worst thing? nah. its an excuse. he could have won way more than he did last year w that roster. it was poor coaching that resulted in everyone quitting on each other. this year is a lot better with better coaches brought in (shocking right but that falls on Marios hires. he hired those guys last year and they failed).
Kirby was winning double digit games since year 2 as a first time HC. his worst year was year 1 when they went 8-5 or so. it was never what we've seen last year up there. he was considered a corch by fans bc his offenses were always trash even though he recruited at an elite level but that is dumb bc hes been making playoffs nd title games since year 2 of his tenure.
That doesn’t give local media license to air dirty laundry or confidential situations. BJ is a hack. He, like many local media, is mad that Mario has shut down the leaks and they don’t get the tidbits they used to. Too bad.
That doesn’t give local media license to air dirty laundry or confidential situations. BJ is a hack. He, like many local media, is mad that Mario has shut down the leaks and they don’t get the tidbits they used to. Too bad.
thats fair
richt left him in decent shape but it was on a downward trend up there. recruiting also fell off a bit. he was never a corch tho.

you think Mario inherited the worst thing? nah. its an excuse. he could have won way more than he did last year w that roster. it was poor coaching that resulted in everyone quitting on each other. this year is a lot better with better coaches brought in (shocking right but that falls on Marios hires. he hired those guys last year and they failed).
I agree Mario could have/should have won more last year with the talent he had but the collapse of the team during tough times is proof of the **** show Diass left him. Kirby didn’t have near the obstacles Mario did and Kirby inherited a program, although somewhat on the decline, with a recent history of success.

I’m not defending Mario per se, just trying to point out the differences in the 2 programs that each one inherited.
I agree Mario could have/should have won more last year with the talent he had but the collapse of the team during tough times is proof of the **** show Diass left him. Kirby didn’t have near the obstacles Mario did and Kirby inherited a program, although somewhat on the decline, with a recent history of success.

I’m not defending Mario per se, just trying to point out the differences in the 2 programs that each one inherited.
look we can say that but the team didnt collapse following kings injury w Diaz as HC. they were actually applauded for sticking together. they collapsed last year because of the coaching hires among other things obviously. obviously, UGA was in a better spot but Kirby implemented a lot of changes when richt got canned. it wasn't remotely the same program and wasn't like he had to just put it on autopilot. the biggest change since for Kirby was hiring Monken.
look we can say that but the team didnt collapse following kings injury w Diaz as HC. they were actually applauded for sticking together. they collapsed last year because of the coaching hires among other things obviously. obviously, UGA was in a better spot but Kirby implemented a lot of changes when richt got canned. it wasn't remotely the same program and wasn't like he had to just put it on autopilot. the biggest change since for Kirby was hiring Monken.
Apples and oranges. Lots of variables to be considered. I honestly don’t pay that much attention to what other programs are doing. Just the headlines and reading a few others takes on any given situation.
Apples and oranges. Lots of variables to be considered. I honestly don’t pay that much attention to what other programs are doing. Just the headlines and reading a few others takes on any given situation.
the biggest negative for Kirby was he couldn't win the title but he got them into the playoffs nearly every year hes been there. hes also not an idiot as people like to think he is. he was a coordinator for saban and ended up being an elite HC and recruiter. if Marios biggest issue was he couldn't win a title, were in a very very very good spot if were even just uGA pre title with Kirby. hopefully, the season doenst tank and we continue to perform as we should be 5-0 and talking about the potential of being 6-0 going into Clemson
Mario deserves all the media scrutiny in the world.
Interesting he didn’t let this tidbit out after the A&M win. Ohh yea that would make Mario’s email look smart. They lost on a terrible non fumble call and a 99% even after they chance to lose.
As long as this team can show the mental fortitude it seems to have changed in a positive way we aren’t dead yet. UNC is good so a loss would suck per the new circumstances but a W and everyone ***** **** back up and we keep pressing toward the ACC championship.

Long story short, **** Barry Jackson
I mean **** he isn’t wrong but you absolutely cannot do that

He broke the line that distinctly separates him from all of the whackjobs that he argues with online
Guy's going to be camping out in the bushes at the Hecht because there is zero chance that weasel ever shows his face at a practice again
I mean **** he isn’t wrong but you absolutely cannot do that

He broke the line that distinctly separates him from all of the whackjobs that he argues with online
hes retiring soon if you look at his heat comments. hes going all in on exposing the truth (whether its UM and Mario or mickey arison and the heat front office).
hes retiring soon if you look at his heat comments. hes going all in on exposing the truth (whether its UM and Mario or mickey arison and the heat front office).
Gotcha. Tbh I have never followed along with him or know much about him other than what’s posted here

It’s one thing to make the comment but that email thing is gonna get him fired
Gotcha. Tbh I have never followed along with him or know much about him other than what’s posted here

It’s one thing to make the comment but that email thing is gonna get him fired
hes not a beat guy. hes a general reporter for all the teams in SFL. he just gets tidbits or notes and reports in a buzz column or used to till the paywall. hes been w the herald forever. he doesn't give two ***** whether hes allowed back or not. hes not on the canes beat the way SMD is. hes never getting fired from the herald esp for this stuff. like I said, canes dont move the needle for the herald like that. hes way more secretive with the heat because that moves readership and clicks and even then, hes been going off on the owner and low key outting him on his finances. Barry has gone at golden and other coaches but no one had an issue bc golden was hated. I agree it's not cool to make things personal but I have no issues with him flaming Mario for his coaching decisions. I also dont think it's a big deal to say Mario didnt want coaches talking to media members. nothing crazy about that but thats me. I haven't seen the other stuff posted as im super jet lagged.
hes not a beat guy. hes a general reporter for all the teams in SFL. he just gets tidbits or notes and reports in a buzz column or used to till the paywall. hes been w the herald forever. he doesn't give two ***** whether hes allowed back or not. hes not on the canes beat the way SMD is. hes never getting fired from the herald esp for this stuff. like I said, canes dont move the needle for the herald like that. hes way more secretive with the heat because that moves readership and clicks and even then, hes been going off on the owner and low key outting him on his finances. Barry has gone at golden and other coaches but no one had an issue bc golden was hated. I agree it's not cool to make things personal but I have no issues with him flaming Mario for his coaching decisions. I also dont think it's a big deal to say Mario didnt want coaches talking to media members. nothing crazy about that but thats me. I haven't seen the other stuff posted as im super jet lagged.
IMO you absolutely cannot leak something like that as a reporter and expect to keep your job

It’s fine to flame Mario but the email part breaks the professionalism code that is supposed to be why he gets paid to do this. It wouldn’t matter who the coach is to me.
This is the kind of **** that doesn't belong on social media, but Barry does it a lot.

If you have a grievance...go be a man and talk to Mario about it. Mario isn't hiding from Barry Jackson. He'll be easy to find.

Barry used to do the same **** with Randy Shannon. Randy told him to be a man on more than one occasion.
hes retiring soon if you look at his heat comments. hes going all in on exposing the truth (whether its UM and Mario or mickey arison and the heat front office).
Ethan Skolnick has already insinuated that Barry is exaggerating the Mickey spending stuff and he's doing it to rile people up