Barry Jackson has a mental breakdown.

I dont think you can win a cold war with media. Especially in beginning of your regime, I think Mario has a higher regard for himself and thinks he can do what other elite coaches do without the hardware. They will be there to take shots at you when you stumble because you make their job hard. Perception is reality and media controls that, dangerous game to play.
its easier To do it in towns where this is nothing but the local college (Gainesville whose biggest paper is the Gainesville sun). good luck doing it in a city where you compete with 5 major sports teams for sports dollars from fans. we need to win this week, otherwise youre looking at some sparse home crowds going forward.
Barrys taken shots at the heat ownership too. hes taken shots at previous coaches, as well. I dont think Barry cares about access. **** get access either way bc UM is more Than Mario and will be around after Mario leaves or retires. he alos isnt a beat guy. he doesn't have a beat to any team. he just follows all the SFL teams but isnt tied to a single beat. the herald has other dudes who are there for that that cover UM (SMD, etc.).

no one loses sleep w the UM stuff but it isnt this huge revenue driver in clicks. heat and fins stuff drive more so Barry is more protective with that usually. hes getting close to retirement so he seems more inclined to let loose though.

either way, I am fine with any shots at our staff. I dont give a flying **** about them. theyre here bc theyre getting paid millions to do so. they earn all the criticism they get or praise. they got plenty of praise first four weeks and earned it I might add as we looked far and away better than at any point since 2016. they deserve the **** they get after this week.
If he wasn't losing sleep over it or upset then he wouldn't have posted that. He obviously was and still is.

Shots at the staff, to be clear, I agree. Take shots at the staff and stupidity of that entire sequence. However, you can still do it in a factual manner without being (self-admittedly) petty. Where I have bigger issues is them leaking injury news, quiet visitors, or other topics where they are told to stay quiet and don't. I also would guess this was a throw the baby with the bathwater situation to restrict certain reporters that have done that stuff in the past more than others (Frank Tucker, Manny Navarro, specifically).
Well the bolded has been known for awhile...where else do you think they get their recruiting info from
Exactly, Barry has been reduced to retweeting or writing about other peoples information because of the reputation he's earned. It's clear by what he posted that it was more than just about Mario as there wasn't any need to mention an incident involving a "Police Report" imo. He could have just left it to whining about what the ANONYMOUS UM staffer allegedly told him, but he didn't.
I haven't spoken to anyone who doesn't know and feel that what Mario did Saturday night was INEXCUSABLE however, BJ revealed who he is and when they show/tell you who they are believe them. BTW, Journalism is dead in this country... GO CANES
Imagine someone that works for a paper in Tuscaloosa pulling this **** lol

Someone did. Name of John Tally or Talty in He went in on the basketball team last year.

He joined the Bama247 board as editor earlier this year and that place had a mass exodus.

Not wishing ill on the guy but what a predictable “bleepin” move, hurl high school insults at people that dare cross you for 2 days then bring out the sympathy card.

You'd think someone who is dealing with the loss of parents or greatparents or loved ones take some time off, but no, be like Barry, a petty ****, who insults everyone and tries to throw people under the bus for personal gain and then proceeds to use his parents death as an explanation as to why it happens.

Barry, you'll read this, because you research yourself on this platform, so: Sorry for your loss, put the phone away and start acting like a ******* grown *** man.
What did he say after the dame miss?
that the heat dont wanna spend money (which is true). the heat dont want to spend money but reddit heat fans are slurpers and can't accept that arison is cheap as ****. we've wasted multiple picks to get rid of guys just to get under the tax. we didnt sign an extra guy on the roster last year to stay out of the tax even though we needed depth. we cut mike miller for tax and didnt reinvest that money into the roster ending up w Beasley on a minimum. the heat are happy contending and being under the tax bc imo, mickey is going bankrupt and selling the team but trying to keep the books clean and not loaded in contracts. the heat never got serious w Portland for dame which cost them dame. in the end, Portland got the better deal imo but the heat didnt even try even though it was obvious the players were pushing for it hard. Barry didnt say anything too wild its just fans can't accept criticism of their coaches and owners of their favorite teams unless its the marlins.

to add, we have no PG depth and refuse to make a move to sign someone or trade for someone because we are basically right at the tax line and dont want to get over it. we only have old fat Kyle Lowry who was hanging out with the blazers HC in the offseason and thats it after letting gabe walk.