Barry Jackson Al Blades

I didn't like the way either handled it. The entire exchange was uncomfortable. Very rarely does engagement on Twitter end up well for anyone.

I get that.

The difference is, one person is supposedly a mature adult, that’s media savvy, and has years of life and work experience.

The other is a barely twenty year old college student with minimal life experience who’s never had a real long term job before, and like anyone that age is trying to figure things out.

So Barry, rather than handling the exchange professionally, goes into prevent defense mode and starts an extremely unprofessional back and forth on Twitter.

The supposedly professional adult was himself acting disrespectfully and making excuses and throwing people under the bus over someone else’s medical information.

Whether he had permission or not, I don’t know, but even if he followed everything to the letter, his Twitter back and forth was not what you would expect from a pro.
so blades gonna be out for 3 months due to a (likely) covid related heart complication. do the people on here that wanted to push for this season to happen regardless of the cost, care if this ends his career?
I dont have an issue w Barry reporting it how he did. I don't think it violated any privacy.

Where he ****ed up was getting into a back and forth with Blades, which he shouldn't have even entertained. But he couldn't resist, and in the process he came off like a condescending *** with his responses.
The back and forth was just him trying to explain to AB, he never disrespected him.
so blades gonna be out for 3 months due to a (likely) covid related heart complication. do the people on here that wanted to push for this season to happen regardless of the cost, care if this ends his career?
He could have opted out, and still gotten covid like millions of others who don't play college football. I feel for the kid, hope he makes a full recovery and can resume his playing career next year, but he understood the risk and made his own decision.
Wait...that couldn’t really happen, could it?
neil degrasse tyson we got a badass over here GIF
I wish Al Blades a speedy recovery, and I wish nothing but the best for him. With that being said, Al Blades shouldn’t start on this team ever again. No need to diagnose his game, it’s already on film. Start Couch and Ivey with Clarke and Dunson as backups and call it a day.
The fact that Barry and comp have been on here for years tryna scoop info should be enough alone to let dude know this. Lol @ the only one doing that. We got got**** Footballville getting better high school interviews off the street
I found it funny the other day hearing a podcast with these “journalists” saying kids are less eager to talk to them. I wonder why. There’s no journalistic integrity and these kids are well aware anything they say is going into a story. They trust footballville who has been there since they were in optimist and acts for them first. It’s always a race to be first and ruin relationships
Brah go read the rest of that twitter post. Barry was on there saying .."He didnt know Al would want to break the story" he has no self awareness and seems to be mad that dude was actually mad that the story leaked before he could actually address it for HIMSELF.

NINJA IN THERE LIKE.." I HELD ON TO IT FOR 3 DAYS OUT OF RESPECT" LOL..then got caught in a lie when Blades said he never gave a time/date where he would actually post it.
I been said I think every last one of these dudes that cover us professionally are pieces of ****. Beat writers, radio etc. People just feel they entitled to chime in on people's lives.
so blades gonna be out for 3 months due to a (likely) covid related heart complication. do the people on here that wanted to push for this season to happen regardless of the cost, care if this ends his career?
U really have to ask that question? All these people care about is the daily impact on their life's and whether or not we get a w. They don't care bout nothing else.
You sound bitter. I think most people here have been fair to you.
I'd agree. No part of me is bitter though. It's reality hermano. If you don't believe that just look through the thousands and thousands of articles that discuss kids not living up to their potential or being injury prone or worse yet transferring out. What fans care about is the team. Not what makes it thrive or fail. That almost exclusively is discussed when there's something people wanna complain about. No biggie. Just is what it is.
so blades gonna be out for 3 months due to a (likely) covid related heart complication. do the people on here that wanted to push for this season to happen regardless of the cost, care if this ends his career?
You do know that covid isn’t the only virus that cause myocarditis. There are give or take Fewer than 200,000 cases per year in US of myocarditis and that’s prior to covid. So should we have played those prior seasons because of the risk of getting myocarditis?

Here’s a list of most of the causes of myocarditis.

  • Viruses such as adenovirus, hepatitis B and C, parvovirus and herpes simplex virus
  • Bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus
  • Parasites such as trypanosome cruzi and toxoplasma
  • Fungi- yeast infection such as candida, aspergillum, histoplasma
  • Medicines (antibiotics) such as penicillin, sulfonamide
  • Chemicals such as carbon monoxide or radiations
  • Other diseases such as lupus, Wegener's granulomatosis, takayasu's arteritis
I get that.

The difference is, one person is supposedly a mature adult, that’s media savvy, and has years of life and work experience.

The other is a barely twenty year old college student with minimal life experience who’s never had a real long term job before, and like anyone that age is trying to figure things out.

So Barry, rather than handling the exchange professionally, goes into prevent defense mode and starts an extremely unprofessional back and forth on Twitter.

The supposedly professional adult was himself acting disrespectfully and making excuses and throwing people under the bus over someone else’s medical information.

Whether he had permission or not, I don’t know, but even if he followed everything to the letter, his Twitter back and forth was not what you would expect from a pro.

I don't disagree with a thing you said. I was just curious why Al even engaged Barry; I realize as you said, he's a young kid, but I'd imagine that he's been told by the program to be careful with the media and avoid interactions.
I been said I think every last one of these dudes that cover us professionally are pieces of ****. Beat writers, radio etc. People just feel they entitled to chime in on people's lives.

Been saying it for yrs, as well.

But it’s not just us bro; it’s the media in general. It’s like social media have amped them x100. Gotta be the first to break news. Gotta sensationalize a story. Edit pieces that changes complete context of stories to get a reaction. It’s all b.s.

But our “beat writers” seem to do more wrong by us than any other school in America. It certainly feels that way.
Been saying it for yrs, as well.

But it’s not just us bro; it’s the media in general. It’s like social media have amped them x100. Gotta be the first to break news. Gotta sensationalize a story. Edit pieces that changes complete context of stories to get a reaction. It’s all b.s.

But our “beat writers” seem to do more wrong by us than any other school in America. It certainly feels that way.
That's what happens when you got all these dudes who can near none of them are canes. Notre dame,ufag,fspoo,etc. You can't tell me you go to school at our rivals institutions than just cause you graduate you become impartial & simply lack discretion. These dudes get joy from sabotaging us.
I'd agree. No part of me is bitter though. It's reality hermano. If you don't believe that just look through the thousands and thousands of articles that discuss kids not living up to their potential or being injury prone or worse yet transferring out. What fans care about is the team. Not what makes it thrive or fail. That almost exclusively is discussed when there's something people wanna complain about. No biggie. Just is what it is.

It varies. Lots of fans are ****s. There are also normal people that get that there’s always going to be differences between players and expectations, and don’t act like children when those expectations aren’t met. That are able to discuss performances rationally. And you’ll notice a shlt ton of people sticking up for Blades. Also there’s some posters on here that rarely if ever shlt on players. We have a ton of head cases here as well, but those are just fūcked up people. Players don’t need to be paying attention to that mess