Barry Jackson Al Blades

That’s fine. Personally I do have an issue with it as well as getting into it with Blades but that’s just my opinion on the situation. And also looking at it from his point of view is it really worth it getting the info out 10 minutes before Blades did it himself? Look at the backlash
Not the first time he's put some questionable info out in public under the guise of "reporting". IDC who told him - sometimes you use common sense.
i dont wanna defend a person who reported a season ending injury without the players approval it seems, but he deserves blame for getting into it with blades. i dont think his initial reporting was problematic. he didnt disclose any private info and left it as confidential. it got ugly after that

I think a one time response would have sufficed ending with a statement the SID's consent to release it.
If the SID gave permission, he did nothing wrong in releasing that tweet. Where he went wrong was afterward in his interaction with Blades. Once contacted, he should've taken the tweet down and had a conversation (dm, phone, face to face, whatever) with Blades. That back-and-forth is not the way to do it.

Agree; but Barry tweeted that he is not allowed to speak with athletes directly according to UM's rules. However, it only made his interactions with Blades via tweets even that much more odd and ironic. So, you can tweet at a player but can't directly communicate with them via more traditional measures? The whole thing is just a silly mess.
Whether Barry got the green light to release what he did we will never know. Why go back and forth with a 20-something yr old on twitter like that? Blades acted like the more mature person in that exchange. Barry could have just said something to the effect of "Hey my bad Al. I was under the impression you were ok with me releasing the news i released. Hope you get healthy soon," and left it at that. Instead he chose to go another direction with it and show no sympathy/empathy for a kid who is prob feeling all kinds of unpleasant emotion considering what he has been dealing and how it impacts his life. Barry can do his job and not act like a smug prick about it. He basically just showed he cares more about the story than who the story is about. I would expect that from the national media person, not a local media member whose focus (or at least part of it) is covering the team. Even SMD is better than that.
These people can't fathom the crazy idea that people are allowed to do things on their own terms. Ain't that a wild ****** concept
Brah go read the rest of that twitter post. Barry was on there saying .."He didnt know Al would want to break the story" he has no self awareness and seems to be mad that dude was actually mad that the story leaked before he could actually address it for HIMSELF.

NINJA IN THERE LIKE.." I HELD ON TO IT FOR 3 DAYS OUT OF RESPECT" LOL..then got caught in a lie when Blades said he never gave a time/date where he would actually post it.
This is true to an extent, but when it involves student-athletes the law on journalists disclosing "specific" medical conditions is a little murkier related to HIPAA. Not saying you're wrong if someone actually took it to court (I think the courts would side with the journalist), just saying it's not as cut and dry as your copy and paste response from a simple google search on the internet.

Well...I was trying to keep it simple for you.
All I did was point out that you made a incorrect statement..
Because you were implying that
others were ignorant and stupid
just because their opinions were not
the same as yours.
At the same time trying to impose
upon us how smart and educated
you are ???
You remind me of that guy...the
Michael Bolden lookalike in the movie Good Will Hunting
How do you like them apples.
I use to like reading this barry guys articles, was one of the only articles worth reading in the sports section, but somewhere along the way, after coach richt came in, that **** developed into Class-A jack-*** and imbecile. Once a reporter starts doing what just happened in this situation, I'm interested to see how coach diaz deals with this situation, we already know how coach shannon, jimmy or butch would've dealt with em, coach diaz on deck.
If the SID gave permission, he did nothing wrong in releasing that tweet. Where he went wrong was afterward in his interaction with Blades. Once contacted, he should've taken the tweet down and had a conversation (dm, phone, face to face, whatever) with Blades. That back-and-forth is not the way to do it.
The fact that Blades stopped the back n forth alone is enough to know what type of person Barry is (hes the young one in the instance). Blades was long gone and he still wa sin the twitter thread pleading about how he wasnt in the wrong at all
I’ve got an issue with whoever told Barry as well but Barry is not a victim here and definitely not blameless.
It depends on if Barry agreed to hold it until Blades made a statement. The sense I got from the back and forth with Blades was that there was an understanding on the release and Barry jumped the gun. No invasion of privacy on his part, but certainly an integrity issue if he did jump the gun.
The fact that Blades stopped the back n forth alone is enough to know what type of person Barry is (hes the young one in the instance). Blades was long gone and he still wa sin the twitter thread pleading about how he wasnt in the wrong at all
That’s why I’m not as hard on kids as I used to be , the adults are just as retarded and immature, my generation included. ****, my generation created these soft twats by being their friend and not a parent.
Comparing journalism during watergate to the last ten years is like comparing a ribeye steak to diarrhea. There’s been studies done to show how inaccurate and just wrong main stream media is now. It’s actually something both sides agree on.

Journalism is now opinionism, a bunch of scum bags that doesn’t speak on facts but more hot takes, hot takes that’ll eventually get you a high paying show on a big network.

Sports media followed the trend, Skip Baseless started it with sports. Reporting factual news is dead. It’s more reality tv.

At one point ethics mattered.

Skip Bayless is terrible. He's an embarrassment. He has nothing to do with this situation. You're comparing apples and oranges.
It depends on if Barry agreed to hold it until Blades made a statement. The sense I got from the back and forth with Blades was that there was an understanding on the release and Barry jumped the gun. No invasion of privacy on his part, but certainly an integrity issue if he did jump the gun.
He didnt say what the condition was. I agree to that...but he honestly could of held off and got a full story from Blades instead of a twitter holding off 30 mins to an hour or whatever.
The main issue to me is the back n forth reasoning AFTER. It was like yea i did it..And what...type of response. Followed up with a deflection to your SID told me i could do it. Meanwhile the kid himself is saying..Not cool.
Im guessing anything Blades wise for him is likely done while he is at UM lol.