Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

Weed improves concentration??

Maybe that’s why so many baseball players light up before facing Aroldis Chapman.
They don't fear any discipline, losing their position or scholarship. The coach allows this behavior.

Need to threaten their vacation resort pass

CORRECTION I’m pretty sure this is taken care of on the D side of the ball, it’s really offense that is treated differently, which is crazy because of how bad it sucks. Or maybe it’s Manny being with those guys for 4 years and not really knowing, or winning here respect and add to that coaches they don’t respect.
Barry’s story doesn’t really clarify it’s a problem or an epidemic.

Obviously there’s something going on in the QB room and there’s reason for concern, but there’s no real indication it’s a team wide problem.

Get rid of the problems and move on.
Maybe because weed (THC) is getting more potent or being vaped it's not real good for someone serious about playing football, but I suspect it's more meth or blow or opioids making the players act the fool out there too often.

We got players out here doing meth? That would be crossing the line
More naturally talented while on drugs as a solo artist - or more naturally talented while they’re all on drugs together? Doesn’t make sense.

What you call, when you call it, tendencies, and how each position is coached - all plays a part in the overall execution. Coaching.

If an entire group is having an issue - I usually want to know what’s wrong with the coach’s message or approach. We’ve seen groups and individual players transition “over night” with a new coach.

Enos is viewed as good QB coach. I was pulling for him. But, he proved to be beyond mediocre as a Coord. And his unwillingness to allow our QBs to audible out of bad plays tells me a bit more about him as a QB coach.

Enos is a bad coach absolutely agree...but he didn't have this issues with the QB room at bama.
Pointing that out is in now way taking responsibility away from him and the coaching staff.
Its a bad QB room...I don't think anyone can really dispute that. So it could be as simple as this....bad QB room (all three of them not putting in the commitment required) + bad coaching (weak HC) = terrible results.
Pointing that out is in no way deflecting responsibility away from the coaches and administration.
Why do think it is a player? Sounds to me like it is one of the recently departed coaches who called Barry Jackson up.

If you are an ex-Miami coach who is looking for gig, wouldn't you like a news article you can point to say it wasn't your coaching, but the doped up players that resulted in the losses while you were coaching at Miami.

It's a technique prosecuters use all the time to get a judge's approval; leak something to the media to get a story written and then use the story as a probable cause basis for the judge to allow a search, issue a records subpeona, etc.
Like the Steele dossier for a FISA warrant.
I have a bad back, common for us older folks, and I go to a pain specialist for injections. He does prescribe opioids for those patients with severe, unrelenting pain, not treatable through any other approach. He requires an opioid contract. Many doctors do. He also now prescribes medical marijuana. I've never asked for either.

I'm fine with occasional spinal injections and physical therapy.

There must be a legitimate role for medical marijuana if my very conservative and prudent pain specialist prescribes it. He would not do so if there was not good support for its safety and efficacy.
You should ask for it, it will legitimately help. I have 3 slipped discs pressing on my spinal cord, had a fractured C6 (neck) and a crushed tailus (ankle) obviously I can get whatever I want and was on the strongest opioids available. It gets to where you need more and more to work and eventually you have to have them just to feel normal. They are the devil's poison!
Marijuana will work every time you use it, won't give you any of the negative side effects or addiction. It's a completely natural plant made by God and unaltered by man, unlike so many extremely dangerous drugs in a lab.

Keeping things in-house didn't work while loosing to teams we had no business loosing to. Whoever leaked this information is irrelevant because the problems with this team requires a fresh new approach and many ****ed off players, coaches, and within the athletic department to ensure it gets sorted quickly. If not we will be in for a rebuild with a new HC and AD before next season ends.