Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

I said on Twitter jarren and half the team looked and played as they were hung over. That’s all on Diaz tho as the head man you gotta deal with stuff immediately.

he let jarren quit then brought him back and let him start. Then let players go out the day before a game and nobody sat at all. I would’ve sent all of them players back to campus and played with who I had left.

inmates running the asylum smh. Shame on manny

This has been happening here way before manny.

There is an art to be a leader of men and the kind of disciplinarian they will respect. It’s an art not a science. It doesn’t come from books or HBR articles; it can only come with experience and dare I say, having the mindset for it.

That’s just not Manny on either front, and all the more reason not to hire him as a first time HC. He is nothing but a talker. He has neither the experience nor the mindset to lead men and have the fall in line to follow his vision. He lacks command presence.

We are wasting time and valuable on Manny Díaz as the HC. He’s never going to be “that guy”
Kids smoke weed on every football team in the country. We just have idiots on the team.

yep. And it isn't just the QBs I know that for a FACT.

I have to wonder who the player source is for this article. It seems to me the point of putting the names out there like this is to serve one purpose: humiliate and force Williams to leave the team. Why else do it?
I’m not a fan of just piling on Williams in that article man. Sure he has faults and he can improve, but you would think he’s the biggest or only problem in that room reading that article.
This is how its been since Coker that is is the issue . It is very hard to change a culture of 20 years . It can be done and I think Diaz could do it even but it ain't going to happen in 1 year . It happens slowly but it can. We saw Dabo do it at Clemson and results showed by year 2-3 but for real by year 5 or 6 or so he was an elite program. Just get better god **** it . Win 8-10 next season . Win 9-11 the following , win 11-12 the next and so on .
Everybody is singling out Jarren & for good reason, as he deserves it...

But if you think he's the only QB drinking/smoking & not taking football seriously you're sadly mistaken.

Some of yall are gonna have to come to terms with the fact your boy Tathaniel isn't the innocent little angel yall believe him to be.

Everybody knows Perry's get down lol, but there's a reason why Tate the Great spent the entire season just chasing after his girlfriend & "taking a leave of absence" for weeks & weeks at a time.