Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

It's not good when some veteran players are begging the head coach to be more of a disciplinarian. This makes it look even more like amateur hour. Diaz should have dismissed JW if there were repeated curfew violations and drug issues. The QB HAS to set the example for the team. Doesn't matter if Matocha is starting. Team finished 6-7 anyways. The only possible good to come out of that would be to begin purging the bad influences on the rooster.
I said on Twitter jarren and half the team looked and played as they were hung over. That’s all on Diaz tho as the head man you gotta deal with stuff immediately.

he let jarren quit then brought him back and let him start. Then let players go out the day before a game and nobody sat at all. I would’ve sent all of them players back to campus and played with who I had left.

inmates running the asylum smh. Shame on manny

Old school canes used to go out before a game. They still showed up to play. Different mentalities though.
UM has a STRICT policy in regards to player interviews. The school has to grant any reporter permission to interview a player and a member of the compliance department is present. Whenever Barry Jackson puts something out, it’s 100% fed to him by the Miami staff with an agenda. That’s why all of the “anonymous player” quotes are all BS. Manny & Blake are clearly trying to paint a narrative to protect themselves & are basically pinning everything on the players and the culture that was created by the previous coaching staff. The locker room is a disaster & it starts at the top.

"UM has a STRICT policy" huh. Nobody would ever violate a capital letter STRICT policy, right?

And, you know four a fact that "whenever Barry Jackson puts something out, it's 100% fed to him by the Miami staff", or you just talking out yo ***? You don't know s*** but thanks for posting.
Nah bruh you got to be stupid high to be in slow mo like that. If them boys walking around smacked like that then that shît is a problem
Facts man

I stay wanting to beat TF out my brother in law when he high. That lol **** don't get high no more around me cause then my rage would kill him lol

I tell my kids don't touch that **** cause one it's bad for u I'm living proof (I know some will get a kick out of that cause they hate me lol who cares) and two I'll Fuq u up over 18 or not. And three u can't regrow braincells that's why this generation is fried.....they are soft af and weird af.
Is any of this partying/smoking stuff really THAT different from what's going on at every other school? **** that **** sounded tame compared to some of what I saw going on during my 4 years.

The shocking, disgusting part to me is the lack of work ethic and desire to win.

This feels like the Herald trying to get some clicks with a loud headline and nothing behind it.
Not absolving the coaches in the least but they can’t babysit 70 some odd players 24/7. Shouldn’t have to. And don’t give me this “they’re just kids” bull****. At 18, 19, 20 years old, they should know right from wrong.
Players seem to be aware that their teammates don't care. The players who are aware of this issue/the disease are as much to blame as those who just don't give a ****.

If Manny Diaz is going to fix the culture at Miami, then he needs to be willing to cut bait on these kids. If Manny isn't willing to sacrifice individuals for the greater good of the program, then he will ****-canned before the 2021 season.

He doesn’t know how to handle it bc he isn’t ready to the a Head Coach.
If any of what’s printed in the article or what’s being reported in this thread is true, id be fine with losing next season and possibly the year after to get rid of all of these guys. Sounds like there may be a lot of BAD **** going on within the program and it can’t continue at this level.
My biggest takeaway is that the players don’t respect Manny. Also, we need to clear out that QB room.

Wait, didn't this same thing happen at Florida under Urban Meyer? Did they not respect Urban?

I am calling out coaches when necessary, but same goes for players. I can't put laziness and immaturity on the coach. Either you have the dog in you or you dont.

It's the production tolerance argument.