Barry J. article discussing the internal power struggle

Anything about James?

Here is what they say about Blake:

"If he was the #2 in Miami's Athletic Department, he would be the best #2 in the country. Even better than Bama's #2"

"Great knowledge of finance and accounting. Does well with donors because he speaks the language of business perfectly."

"Hard worker. Puts in long hours."

"Too nice. We need a ******* like Jankovich."

"Too loyal."

"Great boss and great manager, but allows loyalty to cloud his judgment."

"No talk of removing him but it Diaz completely implodes, they will fire him as well. He better have a definitive and universally acceptable solution in place in case Diaz performs abjectly next year."

If James wants to keep his job, he better deliver a stellar candidate to the BOT the moment that he has to fire Diaz. Blake has to arrive at the BOT meeting with a verbal agreement in place with a proven coach and that coach better sign the contract.......
Here is what they say about Blake:

"If he was the #2 in Miami's Athletic Department, he would be the best #2 in the country. Even better than Bama's #2"

"Great knowledge of finance and accounting. Does well with donors because he speaks the language of business perfectly."

"Hard worker. Puts in long hours."

"Too nice. We need a ******* like Jankovich."

"Too loyal."

"Great boss and great manager, but allows loyalty to cloud his judgment."

"No talk of removing him but it Diaz completely implodes, they will fire him as well. He better have a definitive and universally acceptable solution in place in case Diaz performs abjectly next year."

If James wants to keep his job, he better deliver a stellar candidate to the BOT the moment that he has to fire Diaz. Blake has to arrive at the BOT meeting with a verbal agreement in place with a proven coach and that coach better sign the contract.......
What an absurd expectation. Talk about dysfunction. They want him interviewing and negotiating behind manny’s back during the season?
So out of the 3 of them (Zo, Blake, and manny), the only one with the experience to justify their position has to answer to the 2 morons clearly in over their heads???

UM has to be one of the worst run universities in America. Zo should just walk away. He has no business begging UM. It should be the over way around. All this nonsense to keep an unqualified AD and HC in their current positions... smh

Oh, btw, Cristobal just won the rose bowl. On top of signing the #1 recruit in the nation in back to back years. He be a moron to even think about flirting with UM for anything more than a pay raise
Miami IS the worst run university in the country. Been that way for years.
Kudos to Jackson for pulling back the curtain on this. Lol. Manny tells Blake to go get his shine box. Whats James gonna do?

What an absurd expectation. Talk about dysfunction. They want him interviewing and negotiating behind manny’s back during the season?

I never said that.

If the season progresses as it did this season, then yes, he better start networking and proving that he can deliver a proven candidate. If the team is at 5-4, then he better start talking to potential candidates and solidifying a solution. If they beat MSU, and the team is at 4-0 and is trending to 9-3, then they will keep Diaz. He has to be proactive.......
I never said that.

If the season progresses as it did this season, then yes, he better start networking and proving that he can deliver a proven candidate. If the team is at 5-4, then he better start talking to potential candidates and solidifying a solution. If they beat MSU, and the team is at 4-0 and is trending to 9-3, then they will keep Diaz. He has to be proactive.......
I literally quoted / bolded what you wrote, and just highlighted the implication. You wrote: ‘If James wants to keep his job, he better deliver a stellar candidate to the BOT the moment that he has to fire Diaz. Blake has to arrive at the BOT meeting with a verbal agreement in place with a proven coach and that coach better sign the contract.......’

For that to happen, what I wrote would need to be true. Not sure what you’d dispute there.
I never said that.

If the season progresses as it did this season, then yes, he better start networking and proving that he can deliver a proven candidate. If the team is at 5-4, then he better start talking to potential candidates and solidifying a solution. If they beat MSU, and the team is at 4-0 and is trending to 9-3, then they will keep Diaz. He has to be proactive.......
The first three games of next season have the potential to be disastrous. Think it's possible they cut him mid season?
Was in Miami for a week. One wealthy businessman that I spoke with said that there is a 0.9 inverse correlation between football prowess and academic ranking. He is thrilled about Miami's national academic ranking. He says 2/3 of donors agree with him and cites the $35M allocated to football from the $4B in recent campaigns.

Another large donor said that they expected "growing pains" with Manny, but they were also expecting a 9-3 record during 2019 with noticeable improvement during the latter half of the season. If Manny does not win 9 games next year, they will fire him. (Also spoke with FSU BOT member. Taggart arrived at office at 8AM and departed at 5PM. Taggart does not believe in ever disciplining players. Laziest high ranking executive they have ever met.)

One thing about Manny that everyone agrees on is that he is a manical worker. No one outworks him. Diaz puts in 100 hour weeks routinely. He is genuinely trying to succeed.

Everyone I spoke to at this point expects Manny to be fired next year by late November. They are preparing for his replacement... He will probably fail, but one never knows. He is working like a fiend.
So the program could have plenty money, but it is not being allocated because of academic rankings? And the donors themselves are ensuring this?

****. Explains everything.

If there was a push by fans to fund the football program, what would ensure the money would be properly utilized?

It has been said for a long time that football revenues were used to fund the school without adequate reinvestment. Why would we give our money to a sports program that seems to have no real desire to commit to winning?

I myself am pondering a 5 figure donation. I know that’s a drop in the the bucket, but what’s the point if we are dealing with a school that only allocates $35 M of $4 B to a sport that generates revenue and raised the schools national profile?

Any more you can speak on this would be greatly appreciated.
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In any case logic dictates that if Manny goes, Blake goes too. His hires have failed and his decision-making has no credibility. Sometimes a clean break is needed. This school is at that point.

I would tend to agree with this...the only caveat is he's supposedly good with the business end of things and that might cloud some from linking the two together.

They really should just get a guy for football...most schools should, to be fair.
The people who selected Blake and Manny need to be stripped of decision-making abilities re: a new AD and HC. They need to realize that they are the ultimate cause of the failures. They should develop enough humility and realize that they don't know wth they are doing in hiring an AD or HC then hire AH to run the football program and report directly to the pres and the BOT only.

And if not then hire a Danny White or the Baylor AD or that cat who was at Louisville.
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Yeah; this leaking is sure to help our recruiting game and get the players motivated. This program is such a f’ing mess.

The fact that a coach w no experience and just became the 1st coach of a P5 program to lose to FIU, and went 1-2 against G5 programs have a say so in who is going to spearhead this to help turn this **** hole around, is all u need to know about the bytch Blake James is.

It also shows if u think Enos was the problem, yeah......maybe the wrong guy got hired AND fired.
Honestly think about it, what coach would want that? If you are a coach on the hot seat are you going to want someone to come in that would possibly fire you? No coach would be onboard with that
You bring in a Highsmith to hold his *** accountable for being worst then Al freakin Golden ever was. You dont have to worry about your job if you're actually walking the walk and not just talking a good game. Execs and admins who may not be very knowledgeable in the game may fall for his gimmicky pressers; but football heads, um legends and diehard fans are not buying that bs. Manure has worn out his gimmicky, hyped up honeymoon period. He needs to do his ******* job; Be a leader of men and be accountable for his responsibilities of evaluating and adequately developing players for future careers. Be a mentor and role model for young men who are away from home for the first time and at a time when they need someone to show them how to become men on and off the field.
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Reading the paraphrased comments of the BOT suggests to me a level of indifference if not contempt for the football program coupled with arrogance and stupidity. I mean wtf comment abut an inverse 0.9 correlation between winning football games and the quality of the institution? Does that numbnut not realize UVa and Vandy 's student bodies did not get dumber after winning the Bktball and Baseball titles? Stanford annually competes for the top overall sports program based on winning in all sports.

These cats got no **** clue in managing this.