Baker and Banda having a circle jerk on Twitter

Did we win any games yesterday?

So how about the coaches shut up until the Ws start to flow.

Manny shot off his mouth in every pre-game THAT WE LOST. At least Manny has remained quiet for the last few weeks.

I will start to trust Manny when we win 10 games in a row. Until then, I don't want to hear boasts based on questionable stats.
There you go crying again. Did we win anything? No. Did we get better yesterday? yes. Nobody cares when you will start to trust anyone. Perception is reality. Should our coaches just go into a hole and not try to get the best kids they can? Ohhhhhh they tweeted something so let me go and cry to CIS
Bull$hit!! It’s been widely documented at the end of the season before Enos was even fired that miami finished dead last in 4th down conversion 130/130. So where ever you found that info it’s wrong. They also finished in the 50s in 3rd down which like I said is at the bottom of the power five.

Miami was last in the country on offensive third down conversion rate at the end of the regular season. We actually moved to 129th after the bowl despite being shut out.

We were never last in any defensive conversion stats.
they get so triggered by tweets. either block the coaches so you dont see them or just go on bout ur life. the D wasnt as good as the previous years but it was still good enough to win more than 6 games. a brand new secondary is going to have some growing pains. it sucked that bolden went out bc when he came in our pass D improved. any D is going to give up when the O cant move the ball even an inch.
Like whinny little bishes over a tweet. Every coach is on social media because it's the preferred platform of their target audience. It is what it is, but our moron crew of a fan base doens't want our team to be on twitter. Or they get upset because a coach tweets. WOW what a bunch of soft shouldered vaginas

You haters and simpletons....

You put these stats with an offense that can score 20+ a game and we would have run the table to the ACCCG last year.

These are not amazing stats but they are very good stats.

And with a still young defense— particularly in the Secondary. With a year of being in the fire and support coming- the D is going to do even better this year.

I can’t tell the difference between an FSU/UF fan and Canes “fan” on this board anymore....
Banda on the whiteboard at halftime...

Miami was last in the country on offensive third down conversion rate at the end of the regular season. We actually moved to 129th after the bowl despite being shut out.

We were never last in any defensive conversion stats.
Yes I know we were at the bottom on offense but we were also at the bottom on defensive 4th down conversion. That’s a fact, no one gave up a higher percentage of 4th down conversion then our defense last year.
Yes I know we were at the bottom on offense but we were also at the bottom on defensive 4th down conversion. That’s a fact, no one gave up a higher percentage of 4th down conversion then our defense last year.

We were 121st in opponent 4th down conversion. Although I assume it was a pretty small sample size.

Do you know how easy it is to negatively recruit that post. If the low IQ members, meaning me, as you cleverly stated can figure it out I’m sure some 16 and 17-year-olds and opposing coaches can figure it out as well. There opening themselves up for twitter humor and as irs been pointed out before that social media is pretty important to the new generation.
Yes it’s facts. But present your case to the recruit. If you want to set yourself up for the next four years in recruiting you do it on the field. As far as moving in silence I meant keep your mouth shut not necessarily go around the nation acting like your a **** Al-Qaeda cell.
Lol. Ok so they should not promote the school or the defense until they win? Good theory. Advertising, marketing, brand recognition budgets should all be cut. Social media should be cut. Why have a public presence at all. Only talk to recruits directly, no reason to promote on a massive scale. Win first then brag about winning, that should work. Sounds ingenious.
Lol. Ok so they should not promote the school or the defense until they win? Good theory. Advertising, marketing, brand recognition budgets should all be cut. Social media should be cut. Why have a public presence at all. Only talk to recruits directly, no reason to promote on a massive scale. Win first then brag about winning, that should work. Sounds ingenious.
Promote your brand. Get out there on social media. But do it in a manner that gets you noticed and not laughed at. Our social media is usually very good. But we’re not in a position to brag imo. When you talk to a kid you can talk all the the stats you want. we’ve been saying that defensive recruit should loves to play for this defense but have a hard time getting elite high school players despite previous seasons of having even better defensive stats. Now someone thinks that kids are gonna respond positively to this tweet and we’re gonna be alright with a 5 star defensive tackle or a db?

Ya I been firing back all day

Flat out EMBARRASSING themselves

Banda got like 50 emojis in one post like he's a 12 year old cheerleading broad...So hard to root for these idiots.

Baker acts like that was some type of murderous slate of offenses he faced.
What a bunch of whiny ***** you people are.

Who cares with those guys twitter post, it’s strictly PR, like you know, for recruiting purposes.

But you guys are going to find any reason to bltch like whiny little females. A bunch of pretend tough guys constantly bltching like women on the rag.
Says the dude who’s 5-7.

Says the dude who’s 5-7.


Curious refrain. Especially since you don’t know the first fūcking thing about me.

My guess is you’re the one that’s really short, it would fit with your constant pathological need for attention.

Only a super low self-esteem loser would come back on this site after numerous bands, and only allowed because he’s needed for the clicks.

If things start to look up for the team, and traffic improves, you know you and your fake ghay shtick are likely going back on the trash heap, don’t you?