Bad news coming

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A dude on Canesport seems to know the kid very well. Has posted person stuff only about Derrick in the past doesn’t claim insider status. Anyways he said Derrick would be academically ineligible anyway and his folks are upset with him over that plus supposedly he knocked up some broad. Not my info but the source seems solid based on past history.

Makes sense. He was due for way too much playing time to bail just like that
You call a mini bottle a handle... lulz(your boy Vette)... I would call you a ****** for sipping a mini bottle all night..... But some ***gits keep negging me for calling you a ******..
Thats cause you're very insensitive, I believe the proper term is twinks or pillow biters....
For those saying manny should not suspend people over weed are delusional... how can you change culture if you let stuff fly? Jarren has apparently got the message as should everyone else... and honestly IF JT4 IS suspended again that speaks volumes about his character and should be red flag. Can’t play favorites. You either understand what Diaz is expecting from you or you are the disease

Suspend them for central Mich. Not for ******* UF.
I’m not sure if you agree or disagree... but how can you change the culture of business, company, or team without having everyone buy into set expectations or values??? Choosing to participate in activities to please yourself or give you temporary satisfaction but that can ultimately hinder the progress of your organization or team is basically the definition of a disease and in the way manny referenced it...

We want to change the culture to winning not becoming goody goodies of the east. No successful business or company would EVER suspend one of their top earners for something that they could easily cover up.
That shiit happened last night Dorothy. Did a tornado sweep you and Toto out of your trailer when you lost power?

Nah, the tornado was north of me.... The **** storm came from da souff so it ***ed up my DTV for about 10 min.... I went outside and shaked my walking stick at the storm and told it to getoutchhere
Jo drinks more before 8AM than you do all night long on an evening with gino’s Cousin.
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