Attn. All Miami Alum.

yeah, the internet brigade flied a "from champs to chumps" banner

Flied? FLIED???


Flew. I was on a rant. Me and Bluto.
Those pesky facts getting in the way of a Farc Archer rant, again ...

Outside the 305, the University of Miami is really not widely known across the nation. Yes, it's a good school, but no, not anything like other schools. When folks decide to study a particular discipline across the other 49 states, and half the state of Florida, Miami is, well, just not at the top of everyone's list.

This is so stupid that I didn't bother reading anything else. 54% of UM's student body is from outside of Florida.

Archer loves his long rants, but they are always full of nonsense and BS. The man spews crap and expects people to accept it as fact.

No, actually I just tell it like it is, and it ****es you and a few others off.

Get outside the 305, and you'll see. Ask 100 folks from other parts of the country about the "U," and they'll have zero idea of the degree programs at the "U," but if pressed to share why they are aware of the University of Miami, and how they first came to know about Miami, it will be from the football program.

If you don't like it, choke on it.

It's the truth!

You ever look around the Boston area for schools? Now THEY got some schools known strictly for their academics.

Except that UM's national rankings in nearly every category has been skyrocketing during a time when we haven't won a NC in 13 years. And the number of applications has doubled (insane) and the quality of applicant has improved massively as well, with the average freshman SAT score up an unheard of 200 points or so. Nothing you said was remotely true, except that football is a nice marketing tool (however its nowhere near the only one).

So no, its not the truth, I'm sorry, nowhere near it. The fact destroy your argument.
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Does anyone pretend that they are "regular students?"

Uh yes. The colleges and NCAA do so they can make money off of essentially slave labor. Especially the part of stripping kids of the earning power (and using it for themselves -- i.e. jersey numbers but no names, sports games -- which the courts have recently changed -- and things like that). Also helps the NCAA keep its non tax status.

GTFOH with "slave labor". These kids line up to have the opportunity to play college football, and they know exactly what they're getting themselves into. And they live like kings while they are in these programs. Of course, I'm sure you can provide a list of kids who took a stand and refused a football scholarship so that they could work and make money while taking classes.

Yes, slave labor. You're a supporter of marxsim, cool. I support the foundation of this country and free market principles. There is no justification for the NCAA ability to strip a kid of his earning power. Many -- in fact the vast majority -- of college football players best earning power exists during their 4 years at a small city school. Only the evil and stupid would support the notion that a kid cannot do a TV commercial for the local car dealership, or earn money in any way off his name but the school and NCAA can earn money off that kid. When you see a #7 UF jersey we all know who that jersey is for, but the school and NCAA don't put a name on it so they don't have pay the kid that created any value for that specific jersey. It is disgusting and ant-thesis to everything this country is founded upon.

The NCAA and schools pocket millions upon millions on the backs of these kids in some bull**** barter system where they are handed a cheaped down degree.

So far the courts are agreeing with me. See the O'bannon ruling.
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And you're a person with a hateful agenda that's a detriment to my school, our fan base, and everything the U stands for. You have no problem flip-flopping, misleading the board and yourself, and just ****ting on everything and everyone. You're part of the problem, not the solution.

It's a message board dip****. They were invented to call out pompous ego-maniacs like you. A detriment to your school, part of the problem, etc? You need to grow up.

Somewhere between your blind homerism and my very effective bomb baiting lies the real truth. If she was so wonderful and great for athletics, the results on the field(s) would be considerably less damning to her reputation/legacy.

So you parse my reply down to one small item to hide the fact that everything you said was idiotic, admit you just want to spend your life baiting people on the internet (if making yourself look like a fool in order to do that is worth it, god help you), and and then call me names. Got it. Thanks for the note. I wish you well. Or at least better. Lets set real goals.
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No, my point was that my idiotic criticism is equal to your idiotic praise.

The truth is somewhere in the middle and you know it, you just can't admit it in the twisted Utopia that has become of your brain.
It is irrelevant that most kids don't play in the NFL. The fact is 90% of the team would not qualify as a regular student, and this is the case at nearly every school. And they certainly wouldn't be given scholarships.

Take football out of the equation and these kids wouldn't be here. So why the dog and pony show? So some journal can report how high the APR is, so the academics can pat themselves on the back.

You know why Golden and Shannon were top candidates? Bc real football coaches aren't cool with "high APR" as being their #1 goal. And at a small school with small support staff, the coaches have to manage kids academic progress.

Do u think Nick Saban takes a job where he's told "no matter what, APR comes first"???
Yes, slave labor. You're a supporter of marxsim, cool. I support the foundation of this country and free market principles. There is no justification for the NCAA ability to strip a kid of his earning power. Many -- in fact the vast majority -- of college football players best earning power exists during their 4 years at a small city school. Only the evil and stupid would support the notion that a kid cannot do a TV commercial for the local car dealership, or earn money in any way off his name but the school and NCAA can earn money off that kid. When you see a #7 UF jersey we all know who that jersey is for, but the school and NCAA don't put a name on it so they don't have pay the kid that created any value for that specific jersey. It is disgusting and ant-thesis to everything this country is founded upon.

The NCAA and schools pocket millions upon millions on the backs of these kids in some bull**** barter system where they are handed a cheaped down degree.

So far the courts are agreeing with me. See the O'bannon ruling.

So you don't understand "slave labor". Could've stopped there.
Yes, slave labor. You're a supporter of marxsim, cool. I support the foundation of this country and free market principles. There is no justification for the NCAA ability to strip a kid of his earning power. Many -- in fact the vast majority -- of college football players best earning power exists during their 4 years at a small city school. Only the evil and stupid would support the notion that a kid cannot do a TV commercial for the local car dealership, or earn money in any way off his name but the school and NCAA can earn money off that kid. When you see a #7 UF jersey we all know who that jersey is for, but the school and NCAA don't put a name on it so they don't have pay the kid that created any value for that specific jersey. It is disgusting and ant-thesis to everything this country is founded upon.

The NCAA and schools pocket millions upon millions on the backs of these kids in some bull**** barter system where they are handed a cheaped down degree.

So far the courts are agreeing with me. See the O'bannon ruling.

So you don't understand "slave labor". Could've stopped there.

I understand it perfectly fine. Are you too dense to grasp how it applies ? College Football players and college basketball players are not amateurs but in fact working for a business(*as defined by a federal judge ruling in the O'Bannon case). The players are developing a market and demand for their name/likeness. The school/NCAA is outright stealing any and all monies gained from this demand of the player name/likeness and not compensating the people doing the work (i.e. creating the demand for the name/likeness - the player). Furthermore the NCAA restricts any and all possibility of a football or basketball player from taking his name/likeness and gaining ANY sort of compensation on his own. Like I said, a player can't go do a commercial for the local car dealer. The players are, in effect, owned and enslaved by the NCAA.

so to recap:

Player has value
Player creates a market/product - his likeness
Player does not receive any compensation for this product despite there being a demand for this product AND money is made from this product.
The NCAA and schools do collect money from this product.
The NCAA restricts the player from taking his product (likeness/name) and using it to capitalize on his own in any fashion. This means the player and his product are being dictated (owned) by the NCAA/School.

You don't want consider that any form of slavery, fine, but If you want to continue down this (losing) semantics debate I will just move along knowing we both understand that you have conceded this argument.
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Yes, slave labor. You're a supporter of marxsim, cool. I support the foundation of this country and free market principles. There is no justification for the NCAA ability to strip a kid of his earning power. Many -- in fact the vast majority -- of college football players best earning power exists during their 4 years at a small city school. Only the evil and stupid would support the notion that a kid cannot do a TV commercial for the local car dealership, or earn money in any way off his name but the school and NCAA can earn money off that kid. When you see a #7 UF jersey we all know who that jersey is for, but the school and NCAA don't put a name on it so they don't have pay the kid that created any value for that specific jersey. It is disgusting and ant-thesis to everything this country is founded upon.

The NCAA and schools pocket millions upon millions on the backs of these kids in some bull**** barter system where they are handed a cheaped down degree.

So far the courts are agreeing with me. See the O'bannon ruling.

So you don't understand "slave labor". Could've stopped there.

I understand it perfectly fine. Are you too dense to grasp how it applies ? College Football players and college basketball players are not amateurs but in fact working for a business(*as defined by a federal judge ruling in the O'Bannon case). The players are developing a market and demand for their name/likeness. The school/NCAA is outright stealing any and all monies gained from this demand of the player name/likeness and not compensating the people doing the work (i.e. creating the demand for the name/likeness - the player). Furthermore the NCAA restricts any and all possibility of a football or basketball player from taking his name/likeness and gaining ANY sort of compensation on his own. Like I said, a player can't go do a commercial for the local car dealer. The players are, in effect, owned and enslaved by the NCAA.

If you want to continue down this (losing) semantics debate fine and I will just move along knowing we both understand that you have conceded this argument.

A guy on the internet declaring himself the winner in a debate? Shocking. Welcome to the internet, circa 1998.

Probably the most embarrassing part of your tirade is the implication that college athletes have no choice in what they do for those four or five years. But I do remember seeing something about Jimbo Fisher driving around the Muck throwing kids into a car and forcing them to play football. Poor kids.
lets take a few examples..

iirc, There was an article several years (maybe forbes) that said Tebow, while at UF, was worth something like 10-20 million in branding to UF. Jersey's, and whatever else. That is tremendous earning power. Earning power he was not allowed to capitalize on. Earning power that had its peak value while he was in college. NCAA sure took advantage of it.

I am sure Vince Young was worth enormous amount of money during his college Tenure. Same as above....Young got nothing. NCAA and Texas got plenty

Johnny Manziel -- who was under some NCAA scrutiny because he dared to make money of HIS name during an autograph signing -- because the NCAA is the only entity allowed to make money off these players. How dare he try to make money on his name! The ncaa, in their eyes, owns Manziel.

or that Skier (Bloom i think) that had to decide to take endorsement and lose eligibility or pass on endorsements to have eligibility --- a name/likeness demand that isn't even related to football at all!

The NCAA is an evil, disgusting marxist slave organisation. I guess you want to keep supporting it because you like the false idea that these kids are just amateurs playing for a degree. Pretending the billion dollar business that is these sports doesn't exist. Whatever helps you sleep at night, i suppose.

A guy on the internet declaring himself the winner in a debate? Shocking. Welcome to the internet, circa 1998.

Probably the most embarrassing part of your tirade is the implication that college athletes have no choice in what they do for those four or five years. But I do remember seeing something about Jimbo Fisher driving around the Muck throwing kids into a car and forcing them to play football. Poor kids.

You have no argument so there is nothing to declare.

What does choice have to do with anything you dumbass? Choosing to play or not to play college football does not give an entity the right to outright steal your earning power (once again -- the courts agree). Christ you are one dumb ************.
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The NCAA is an evil, disgusting marxist slave organisation. I guess you want to keep supporting it because you like the false idea that these kids are just amateurs playing for a degree. Pretending the billion dollar business that is these sports doesn't exist. Whatever helps you sleep at night, i suppose.

Rant. Deflect. Rant. Deflect.

Name one of the 460,000 NCAA athletes who has no choice in their current life situation. Thanks.

A guy on the internet declaring himself the winner in a debate? Shocking. Welcome to the internet, circa 1998.

Probably the most embarrassing part of your tirade is the implication that college athletes have no choice in what they do for those four or five years. But I do remember seeing something about Jimbo Fisher driving around the Muck throwing kids into a car and forcing them to play football. Poor kids.

You have no argument so there is nothing to declare.

What does choice have to do with anything you dumbass? Choosing to play or not to play college football does not give an entity the right to outright steal your earning power (once again -- the courts agree). Christ you are one dumb ************.

And you're a piece of trash. But who's judging. What does choice have to do with slave labor? Bruh, you're not exactly running Microsoft, are you.
The NCAA is an evil, disgusting marxist slave organisation. I guess you want to keep supporting it because you like the false idea that these kids are just amateurs playing for a degree. Pretending the billion dollar business that is these sports doesn't exist. Whatever helps you sleep at night, i suppose.

Rant. Deflect. Rant. Deflect.

Name one of the 460,000 NCAA athletes who has no choice in their current life situation. Thanks.

lma @ Deflect? First you have to have a point and understand what you are discussing for you to know whether or not I am deflecting. Which I'm not, you're just a dumbass.

The fact that you are still talking about "choice" shows how lost you are in this discussion. Someone choosing to play college football does not give the NCAA full ownership over an individual name/likeness. Courts have already decided this. So you got anything else or you still going to harp on this nonsensical choice argument?
But I do have a solution. You don't like that worthless degree as payment for playing a sport? Cool, here's what it costs to be a student and here are the requirements to get in. Fill out an application, and here's your FAFSA form. We'll let you know.

Something tells me that the slaves would rather have the current situation back.

A guy on the internet declaring himself the winner in a debate? Shocking. Welcome to the internet, circa 1998.

Probably the most embarrassing part of your tirade is the implication that college athletes have no choice in what they do for those four or five years. But I do remember seeing something about Jimbo Fisher driving around the Muck throwing kids into a car and forcing them to play football. Poor kids.

You have no argument so there is nothing to declare.

What does choice have to do with anything you dumbass? Choosing to play or not to play college football does not give an entity the right to outright steal your earning power (once again -- the courts agree). Christ you are one dumb ************.

And you're a piece of trash. But who's judging. What does choice have to do with slave labor? Bruh, you're not exactly running Microsoft, are you.

Simple concept you still don't get it. NCAA steals the fruits of athlete labor (likeness/name).
But I do have a solution. You don't like that worthless degree as payment for playing a sport? Cool, here's what it costs to be a student and here are the requirements to get in. Fill out an application, and here's your FAFSA form. We'll let you know.

Something tells me that the slaves would rather have the current situation back.

the argument is not about compensation for playing a sport.

Simple concept you still don't get it. NCAA steals the fruits of athlete labor (likeness/name).

Then don't play in the NCAA. If the athletes want to make commercials, don't go to college. Make commercials. But then you have to admit that the only reason the athlete is famous is because of the stage provided by the school and NCAA.
Simple concept you still don't get it. NCAA steals the fruits of athlete labor (likeness/name).

Then don't play in the NCAA. If the athletes want to make commercials, don't go to college. Make commercials. But then you have to admit that the only reason the athlete is famous is because of the stage provided by the school and NCAA.

which does not give the NCAA full ownership over the name likeness. Lebron James is famous because of the stage platform provided by the NBA. THe NBA does not own his name. He sells it to nike or whomever he wants.

Try again.
and why should the player have to give up his name to play in the NCAA? So his choice is be a slave or have no future in the sport he wants to play?

Do you not grasp how stupid and anti-well just about everything in this country and logic in general you are sounding?

marxist ******.

but like i said, fortunately for the courts have made a small step in the right direction with obannon case. The evil entity that is the NCAA is slowly being torn down and being forced to be apart of a free economic society and not above the law.
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