ATTN - “The MILF Hunter” has been banned

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Do you get your eyebrows done, friend?
I don’t know what a “MILF” is and I don’t know why you’re hunting them, but I kindly ask that you refrain from downvoting all my posts.

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

Do you know what a cougar is.not talking about the animal either.
You wouldn't call me a snitch to my face. Like OGH said this clown non stop down voting any and everything with no possible chance he even could read the post. U down vote me often but I don't give a crap, at least you respond and show your face.

Lol i would call u much worse than that to ur face chump
It's noT the MILF's we're all thinking it means.

For him, it's MIL (military) F*CKSTICKS - or military/former military peckers. MIL-F.

He's a goober-smoocher. Likes the uniforms - maybe a fetish for boots. And the idea of mils going commando due to heat.

So when you see you were downvoted by MILF HUNTER, just keep in mind - he's just a slack-jawed goober smoocher who's frustrated that practically every military man - his wet-dream targets - would whip his *** for suggesting such a thing.

So frustrated - he just likes to neg everyone.

You'll note he doesn't post here - he just is waiting for someone in uniform to answer his personal ad - and this negging practice is just something to pass the time while he pulls his pud in the long, long, interims.
so, he's a smooth mouth ?
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