Article: Richt discusses possibility of Deejay Dallas at RB

The Living Legend discussed that a couple months ago. 99% of the nerds didn't grasp it. The guy spent his HS career running the ball. He's got good size and is very smart so he can pick it up as he's learning WR. If we lose Walton or Homer he'll get moved immediately.

Dallas Crawford was decent as an emergency RB. Deejay is an infinitely better athlete.
I'd say make the move now that way he has experience there because next season Mark Walton will most likely no longer be here leaving us Homer, Lingard, Davis, and if we are lucky Burns. I'd definitely love to add another talented body to that group. WR and DB after adding the 18' class will be loaded for next year, I say put him in the spot where we actually need another body.
I'd say make the move now that way he has experience there because next season Mark Walton will most likely no longer be here leaving us Homer, Lingard, Davis, and if we are lucky Burns. I'd definitely love to add another talented body to that group. WR and DB after adding the 18' class will be loaded for next year, I say put him in the spot where we actually need another body.

We didn't sign Dallas to have him be the 4th team RB for 4 years. He's an emergency button while we build depth there.
I talked about this on the pre-season Podcast.

The dilemma is that Dallas has looked good at receiver. He's very raw as a route-runner, but he's consistently made nice catches adjusting to the ball. There are two schools of thought: do you keep him at receiver so he can keep developing, or do you move him around as a young player to make sure he's in the right spot?

The staff is playing this the right way, IMO. Running back is the easiest position to learn, so his focus should be on receiver right now. And like Chise said, the Dallas Crawford comparisons are misplaced. Deejay is a legit 200-pound freshman with excellent athletic ability.
Did my credit card decline the monthly subscription fee? LOL
When I click on the link I get this message:
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I'd say make the move now that way he has experience there because next season Mark Walton will most likely no longer be here leaving us Homer, Lingard, Davis, and if we are lucky Burns. I'd definitely love to add another talented body to that group. WR and DB after adding the 18' class will be loaded for next year, I say put him in the spot where we actually need another body.

We didn't sign Dallas to have him be the 4th team RB for 4 years. He's an emergency button while we build depth there.

That is exactly my point. And who says he is limited to 4th string, maybe hes actually really nice back there. Either way I'm happy with the kid playing anywhere as long as he can contribute somehow or another.
"if we absolutely have to"
"our goal is not to do that, our goal is not to do that"

Richt got it folks.
He's our Percy, move him around and give him the ball. No need to overthink this ****.
SMD back there trying to take selfies? Take it she didn't win a pulitzer, Pete? Deejay is our "Ace" in the hole!
I think it's also important not to hear "running back" and automatically assume that means Deejay will be lined up in the I all game long. I think you will mainly see some packages where Deejay gets carries primarily in space - tosses, jet sweeps, etc. I'd love to see him lined up at TB and motioned out wide, or running wheel routes or screens. Lots of ways to get him the ball without trying to pigeonhole him into a position.
I think it's also important not to hear "running back" and automatically assume that means Deejay will be lined up in the I all game long. I think you will mainly see some packages where Deejay gets carries primarily in space - tosses, jet sweeps, etc. I'd love to see him lined up at TB and motioned out wide, or running wheel routes or screens. Lots of ways to get him the ball without trying to pigeonhole him into a position.

This kid was designed by God to be a EA Sports NCAA 20XX weapon all over the field. Wildcat/QB, RB, FB, WR. Line him up wherever, move him around, use him as a decoy for misdirection, whatever. Just get him the **** ball. Thing is, learning is FUNdamental. If we don't send him off to the NFL in three years with the fundamental skills and knowledge to become the next Antonio Brown, we will have done him a disservice. He's got to master his craft and become an expert in route running, reading zone/man coverages, etc. One step at a time. CMR has it covered. As alluded to above, if he needs to be a RB to fill a depth hole, he'll be able to do that. It's not all about the one step in front of your face, it's about setting yourself up for step 1,000 which will come 3-4 or even 10 years down the road.
I talked about this on the pre-season Podcast.

The dilemma is that Dallas has looked good at receiver. He's very raw as a route-runner, but he's consistently made nice catches adjusting to the ball. There are two schools of thought: do you keep him at receiver so he can keep developing, or do you move him around as a young player to make sure he's in the right spot?

The staff is playing this the right way, IMO. Running back is the easiest position to learn, so his focus should be on receiver right now. And like Chise said, the Dallas Crawford comparisons are misplaced. Deejay is a legit 200-pound freshman with excellent athletic ability.
The answer is simple: play him wherever he best serves the team during this portion of his career. Playing him at WR/Slot/RB in a sorta Eric Metcalf utility role won't eliminate his chances of playing his money position next year. Who knows, he may bump into his $ position during the experiment. I'd still be disappointed to never get a look at his attributes as a potential NFL DB, but it's early enough in his career to not matter. And, right now we actually may need him elsewhere.