Article: Encouraging Photograph from 2019 Provides Optimism for Miami Offensive Line


Great Poster
Nov 4, 2011
There's a good possibility that 4/5ths of the opening day OL Diaz fielded in his first game as HC will be I-dentical against Bama. And instead of a walking disaster at RT we'll have 7th year Jarrid Williams starting his 75th game.

If Miami can't field a decent OL in 2021 with Nelson (20+ starts), Donaldson (30+ starts), Gaynor (25+ starts), Scaife (30+ starts) and Williams (25+ starts), with Rivers, Walker, Seymore, McLaughlin, Rodriguez squeezing from the bottom, then it may never happen here again.
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At the very least, we're rolling out a group of veterans on the offensive line for the first time in a long time. Having Donaldson back as a full time starter at guard really helps solidify that interior line which was a huge weak spot last year. Also, while I understand that both Scaife and Clark will probably play next year, they both won't have to be on the field together.
The OL can't be beasts in the weight room it shows on the field....wish I could find Clemson vs Miami OL weight room it would be lopsided as *****...
Yeah, cause that's a direct correlation to good OL and the only variable.
We should just go to the Gold's gym and then we can find the best OL in the nation.
Should have thought of this years ago!
Yeah, cause that's a direct correlation to good OL and the only variable.
We should just go to the Gold's gym and then we can find the best OL in the nation.
Should have thought of this years ago!
Never said it was the only variable...but since you said those gold's guys wouldn't get pushed back nearly every play..
The OL can't be beasts in the weight room it shows on the field....wish I could find Clemson vs Miami OL weight room it would be lopsided as *****...

Imma be honest; I just said it in “The Huff” thread, but I believe our numbers are being juked. The 20 mph proves that. We don’t have no one on the team coming close to the speed of Tyreke Hill, and he hit a mark of 20.76 yesterday; which was the 12th time this season he hit 20 MPH. THAT’S HOW 20 MPH running looks.

I played for a very suck *** football program in HS, and our weight coach used to juke stats all the time.
Imma be honest; I just said it in “The Huff” thread, but I believe our numbers are being juked. The 20 mph proves that. We don’t have no one on the team coming close to the speed of Tyreke Hill, and he hit a mark of 20.76 yesterday; which was the 12th time this season he hit 20 MPH. THAT’S HOW 20 MPH running looks.

I played for a very suck *** football program in HS, and our weight coach used to juke stats all the time.
instantaneous speed has very little to do with anything. tons of guys who are nowhere near as fast as tyreek hill hit 20mph just for a moment. the difference with tyreek is how fast he gets to top speed and how long he can stay there.
Need a mean kick as s leader on the the OL. One that will push the rest of them all spring and summer even if it means getting in their faces. One thing I have not seen for a while. They can all get better but it takes true dedication to the task and some need to be pushed
There are two significant changes.

1. We have some stability in the offensive staff, who are all going into their second year. That can't be understated, as Richt, v Enos v Lashlee all ran different schemes which impacted OL assignments significantly. Plus Searels, Barry and Justice all approached development and technique differently.

I know being an OL just looks like you stand up and hit someone. But it's not the case at all. Most of our problem has been coordination across the line, not 1:1 matches.

2. There is finally real competition at every spot. Most OL are always hungry and that extra weight makes them naturally unmotivated to do a ton of conditioning. Strength workouts, sure. But conditioning workouts for an OL are pure misery. There are definite exceptions, but that's the general rule. So if you don't have that anxiety of losing your spot, no matter how hard you "want" to put in that extra conditioning work, you slack more than you would with a guy breathing down your neck for the job.

That said, we've been so bad for so long, I'm not sure these guys know what excellence is any more. Hopefully Williams leads the way. Too bad we don't have an Alpha in the pack like we did with Feliciano or Joaquin, even senior McDermott was grinder. I really think we're missing that piece and will not be confident until someone steps up.
Veteran experience helps, but it doesn't always make a guy good. How many below average veteran starters have we trotted out there recently? Jennings, McCloud, Ivey, Knowles, Pope, Wiggins, Scaife to name a few. Gaynor is very mediocre as well.
Perfect world scenario:
1. Donaldson takes his S&C seriously and drops below 350 for his money year, target 330.
2. Scaife takes his S&C seriously and spends an incremental 20 hours a week in film and drill sessions because his technique was awful
3. Nelson takes that next big step and become the All-ACC level LT we hoped he would be
4. Rivers takes that next big step and become at least acceptable at one of the guard spots.
5. All stay healthy.

If the OL achieve the above 5, they have the talent and athleticism to go against Bama. It's all a question of will power and no injury at this point.
Justice is on record saying he prefers Rivers at tackle. That doesn't preclude him from winning a job at one of the guard spots but there were multiple opportunities for him to have cracked the rotation at guard in 2020 and it didn't happen, so they may be reluctant to move him from tackle. Ditto for Campbell it would appear.
There's a good possibility that 4/5ths of the opening day OL Diaz fielded in his first game as HC will be I-dentical against Bama. And instead of a walking disaster at RT we'll have 7th year Jarrid Williams starting his 75th game.

If Miami can't field a decent OL in 2021 with Nelson (20+ starts), Donaldson (30+ starts), Gaynor (25+ starts), Scaife (30+ starts) and Williams (25+ starts), with Rivers, Walker, Seymore, McLaughlin, Rodriguez squeezing from the bottom, then it may never happen here again.
While i totally agree in principle with what you are saying, I think the next step for the line is when someone is moving Scaife and Gaynor to the bench as a result of performance. Experience is huge, but talent is important and Im not sure how much better Scaife and Gaynor are getting at this point. We also need Walker and Washington to start getting there at tackle. With Rivers hopefully replacing Scaife.