Antonio Smothers/Calvin Heurtelou visiting this weekend

Feels like JUCO recruiting has sped up.

From 2007-2010 we took 3 JUCO players in 4 years. In 3 years since Golden got here we have taken 6 and are looking to load up this year it seems. Definitely a change in philosophy, and a good one IMO.

In comparison, Alabama has taken 6 in the last 3 years as well.

Recruiting juco every cycle is necessary IMO. Especially on the DL where you can't expect incoming freshmen to have immediate impacts. It's also a good thing to do to help bridge the gap between the upperclassmen who contribute and the underclassmen who arent physically or mentally ready.

It's also the strategy NFL factories must use. You never know how many or who will jump ship from year to year and you will run into problems because one year your depth chart scares off recruits, and the next year the cupboard is bare in a blink.