Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

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Seems a little odd that the kid would make up his mind so fast. Maybe it’s wishful thinking but it seems like there was a miscommunication or misunderstanding. Maybe the kid said something to someone because he didn’t want to hurt their feelings. Just seems odd.

gladiator GIF
Like I said earlier just gotta relax. Miami has an offer to make him. Miami has the better coaching staff, roster etc… Could he chose fsu? Sure maybe mom does win out in the end and wants him closer but It would be foolish to take the first offer without hearing the rest.
This is very strange. Warchant is probably the top source for FSU and they are coming out publicly saying he committed and even made a video while others are saying he didn't?

Warchant is about to be extinct so they are going out with a bang. No one will remember them specifically for this because they won’t even be around this point next year.
Is it an L when a kid doesn’t even come down to visit? It is what it js. Mario is going to build an OL with or without this kid.
It’s an L bro. Let’s keep it real. Mario isn’t going to get everyone.

If he comes out and says distance and better relationships were the big factors it is what it is.

With fsu being the competition it’s not going to be because of a weak nil offer
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