Alabama and Racism II

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Sep 1, 2012
Well, seeing that my first drunken post about Alabama and racism drew so many reactions, I thought I would add another post. Now that Alabama (the most racist state) and Clemson (close second racist state) have reached the college football pinnacle, I felt that due to my "white shame"/"Hillary votin ***"/ "righteous thinking mind" self would ramble on about the state of college football playoff some mo'. As a Canes fan, I find it frustrating to watch these kids dance and jaw for schools/fans that could care less about them personally or even physically as long as they could brag about their "Boys" bringing home the prize. I want the true warriors and their families to enjoy the riches of their struggle (kids from the 305/954/561). I want to apologize to any of my Cuban brothers whom I may have offended in my previous post. I truly understand your plight, but this BS pride/support of these SEC/Don't Tread On Me/Confederate Flag Loving MFer's ****es me off. I am a white kid from Carol City with nothing to about. I sit here in my 2 story house in NC, watching these kids provide a false sense of pride for a bunch of people who could care less about them and their struggles. Stand up to these "false dynasties" and let's get our kids to fight for their own communities and families and show the world where they come from, not for who will support/pay for their "services". Go Canes
These kids go where they think they have the best shot to secure their futures. BTW racism isn't limited to the Deep South.
What did we do to deserve Part II?
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You are the worst type of millenial. Stop blaming others for your woes. These kids don't care if somebody else is racist. Why would they let ignorant fools to effect their future? They're going wherever they can prove themselves on the top level
Have you read the posts on this site and the sister site ""? This place is just as racist as anything in any other board.
Cuz u voted for Clinton doesn't mean u in the in squad bruh. **** I like trump n I'm in the in squad still. Fuq racism fuq bama fuq FSU fuq UF fuq famu fuq clemson fuq taint fuq espn fuq fox sports fuq em all we gun burry those cuckaroaches

Happy new year
Cuz u voted for Clinton doesn't mean u in the in squad bruh. **** I like trump n I'm in the in squad still. Fuq racism fuq bama fuq FSU fuq UF fuq famu fuq clemson fuq taint fuq espn fuq fox sports fuq em all we gun burry those cuckaroaches

Happy new year

I wish that was on video. Happy New Year, Dwins!
Cuz u voted for Clinton doesn't mean u in the in squad bruh. **** I like trump n I'm in the in squad still. Fuq racism fuq bama fuq FSU fuq UF fuq famu fuq clemson fuq taint fuq espn fuq fox sports fuq em all we gun burry those cuckaroaches

Happy new year

I wish that was on video. Happy New Year, Dwins!

Happy new years bruh next week I got y'all.
These kids take there talents to benefit them and their families. If they didn't entertain you would you give a fock about them? No
You think the students on campus give a **** about the color of your skin? New age bro get over it
Now that Alabama (the most racist state) and Clemson (close second racist state) have reached the college football pinnacle,...
Dude, I happen to know for a fact more ties are worn in New York city. Get it together!
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