Al Golden's comments on Mike Wyche, hmmm


Ahh....not really.

Is that Barry Jackson to Golden's right?


Dude looks like one of those who in high school got tossed into the jock bin by the
football players.
Well, you know Joe we're getting bigger. Who cares about speed and the fact that football in South Florida is built on it. As long as we're gaining weight, playing patty cake, shoveling some coal, and lining up 72 yards off the ball...We should win a ton of games.
Basically said they are gonna keep pushing him out of his comfort zone to push him. Joked about him "slimming down". I expect to see Jenkins, Moten and Kamalu ahead of him.
seen wyche a bunch on campus ... always doing something cardio, etc.

he is at least trying
Well, you know Joe we're getting bigger. Who cares about speed and the fact that football in South Florida is built on it. As long as we're gaining weight, playing patty cake, shoveling some coal, and lining up 72 yards off the ball...We should win a ton of games.

I lol'd, but it was a nervous lol.. a lot more like crying.
paranos is the only cat in the world that has inside jokes with complete strangers!!

That's why he's only allowed state supervised visits with his kids....once he pays the back child support.
paranos is the only cat in the world that has inside jokes with complete strangers!!

That's why he's only allowed state supervised visits with his kids....once he pays the back child support.

First of all your trully a world class a-hole that needs to be banned. 2nd you should never bring anyones family into your bullcrap posting, there are unfortunate families that are actually in that situation insensitive prick.

Whether you read/watch what I post or not, I don't give a **** just keep my name and for **** sure my families name out of your mouth an by that I mean your asinine postings.

So in closing F-U Very Much sincerely Paranos!
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