Coaching Adam Schefter: Joe Brady likely to stay in the NFL

This whole thing about Dorsey not being a good candidate because he’s never been an OC is so misguided and stupid is boggles my mind. There is a great chance that your favorite NFL offensive head coach coordinator didn’t have prior experience as a play caller. In fact, the top two NFL offenses have OC that’s had a total of 3 years COMBINED of… wait for it…QB coach experience before they were given NFL offenses to run. Klint Kubiac didn’t have more experience than Dorsey when he got named OC. McVay, Shannahan, LeFleur, Art Smith… go look up their backgrounds. I’d prefer Brady or Briles, but these reductive arguments drive me nuts
And there are also numerous Coaches without Cordinator experience who went on to Become terrible coordinators when they got their chance, that's the point... You don't know the kind of coach he will be and will his offense even work in college
I like Tee Martin as the OC and QB Coach.
My top two are Briles and Ponce.

My two dark horses are Tee and Herman.

The thing with T is, he would absolutely clean up on the recruiting end. He’s an absolute, certifiable monster in recruiting. Not sure how effective he is as a play caller and that to me is more important for that position than recruiting, but if Mario feels like he could be a decent play caller during games, then I can see T getting this position because of the recruiting aspect.
Mother of God, Ken Dorsey is one year into a "passing game coordinator" role and has never been an offensive coordinator. No more learn-on-the-job hires. Bring in a proven play caller.
Hey, do you want to know a secret?

Rather if it’s here, Buffalo, or another NFL team he’s probably going to be an OC next year.
That’s another guy we can tandem. Maybe with Whipple since he’s a WRs coach?

I’ve been high on Spence for a long time. Guy found Andy Isabella and AZ’s WR core has made a huge jump.
Or couple him with Pounce as well. Man it's wild that these scenarios aren't pipe dreams anymore lol.
This whole thing about Dorsey not being a good candidate because he’s never been an OC is so misguided and stupid is boggles my mind. There is a great chance that your favorite NFL offensive head coach coordinator didn’t have prior experience as a play caller. In fact, the top two NFL offenses have OC that’s had a total of 3 years COMBINED of… wait for it…QB coach experience before they were given NFL offenses to run. Klint Kubiac didn’t have more experience than Dorsey when he got named OC. McVay, Shannahan, LeFleur, Art Smith… go look up their backgrounds. I’d prefer Brady or Briles, but these reductive arguments drive me nuts
Nope this post is so stupid that it boggles my mind. Your point that no one was born an OC and everyone had to get there first chance at some point is not nearly as good as you think it is…

Greater than 50 percent of first time OCs and DCs produce average to below average results.

Statistically speaking, Ken could be an elite OC, but chances are he won’t be.

Instead of gambling on Ken, who could be a good OC but who could also be a bad OC, why don’t we hire an elite OC with a proven track record like Briles, Grimes, etc.?

It’s like an owner of a business deciding between hiring an elite employee versus an employee who’s never done the job before. In the days when we didn’t have $$, we had no choice but to take risks, but there’s no need to now. Way less risk with a proven commodity.
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Brady isn’t getting an OC opportunity in the NFL. Not buying it.
After the Carolina ending I would expect Brady to be a QB coach next if he remains in the NFL. We know he is good but the NFL is conservative in its hiring and a guy who was fired mid-season is looked down upon in the league. He will have to prove himself again as a position coach in the league or college OC before he gets the next NFL OC shot.
This whole thing about Dorsey not being a good candidate because he’s never been an OC is so misguided and stupid it boggles my mind. There is a great chance that your favorite NFL offensive head coach or coordinator didn’t have prior experience as a play caller. In fact, the top two NFL offenses have OC that’s had a total of 3 years COMBINED of… wait for it…QB coach experience before they were given NFL offenses to run. Klint Kubiac didn’t have more experience than Dorsey when he got named OC. McVay, Shannahan, LeFleur, Art Smith… go look up their backgrounds. I’d prefer Brady or Briles, but these reductive arguments drive me nuts
There’s Head coaches who’s never been coordinators before loll. Hc’s that’s never called a play.

People are poo poo’ing Ken because he’s a former cane. The only reason he’d even look at Miami is because of his love for the program. This job is beneath him by his resume. Only fans here would crap on an nfl lifer who’s had a huge impact on qb’s and their best seasons.

If somebody doesn’t think he’s he an unreal hire they’re just uneducated about him as a teacher. He’s one of the smarter qb guys around football.

We’d be lucky to have him, I’m just not sure if he’d want to come down to this level.
There’s Head coaches who’s never been coordinators before loll. Hc’s that’s never called a play.

People are poo poo’ing Ken because he’s a former cane. The only reason he’d even look at Miami is because of his love for the program. This job is beneath him by his resume. Only fans here would crap on an nfl lifer who’s had a huge impact on qb’s and their best seasons.

If somebody doesn’t think he’s he an unreal hire they’re just uneducated about him as a teacher. He’s one of the smarter qb guys around football.

We’d be lucky to have him, I’m just not sure if he’d want to come down to this level.
Exactly. He knows he can get the same job on an NFL level.