Coaching Adam Schefter: Joe Brady likely to stay in the NFL

I like Briles, he's good at adapting to the personnel
And, this is a lesson to me for listening to the mopes on CIS. Because I wasn’t looking into it, they had me convinced that Briles really didn’t do anything at FSU in the one year he was there. Then, I read an article this morning about him, and saw that he significantly made the Noles offense better from where it was the previous year.

Ponce also would be a really good choice. The one knock that Ponce has is that he hasn’t done it in P5. I’m not really concerned about it. He coached with Mario, they know each other and can work together, and he has coached games against P5 opponents.

I’d love to have Dorsey despite his lack of playcalling experience, however, it really does seem that he wants to stay in the NFL. I think he will hold out for that OC position somewhere in the NFL, and then return to college in a few years to take a HC spot.
feel like a negotiator ploy.

have you really heard his name attached with any other job? Nope…
agree, but i think it's apparent if he comes he won't be here long. worth considering in the risk/reward calculus. if mario thinks brady + tvd are gonna be a way better combo than anyone else + tvd, who cares, otherwise think it'd be best to go another direction
Kittley is making between $500k and $700k at TT (not FU $$, as HC only makes $3.4 per year) and regardless of what Herman says, I can’t believe that he wouldn’t rather be an OC at a P5 school than a analyst for the Bears. Make a run at them.
Yes Herman would rather be an analyst as opposed to being an OC in the college ranks. He's still collecting UT buyout money ($6.5 million). Why would he want to leave a cushy situation as opposed to being in a high pressure job that requires recruiting?
I can’t wait till Briles puts up a Top 25 offense with a bunch of 3-stars in the SEC West so I can come back to all these threads next year at this time and backhand the everloving fvck out of every single ****head on this board.
Let’s go hire his ***, pronto! LOL.
This whole thing about Dorsey not being a good candidate because he’s never been an OC is so misguided and stupid it boggles my mind. There is a great chance that your favorite NFL offensive head coach or coordinator didn’t have prior experience as a play caller. In fact, the top two NFL offenses have OC that’s had a total of 3 years COMBINED of… wait for it…QB coach experience before they were given NFL offenses to run. Klint Kubiac didn’t have more experience than Dorsey when he got named OC. McVay, Shannahan, LeFleur, Art Smith… go look up their backgrounds. I’d prefer Brady or Briles, but these reductive arguments drive me nuts
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