According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

I still don’t understand the method to his madness for dropping the tweet of Mario to Miami. He was right but it hasn’t been his M.O this entire process. He’s been very reasonable and accurate, Especially when the announcement was expected Monday or Tuesday.
Played it cool the whole way through, finally got the girl, then busted before he could even unzip.
Manny has fired a ton of people in pretty brutal fashion since he's been here. dont feel bad.
He’s a big boy getting paid big boy money and this is a part of the job. I won’t lose sleep over it just wish it could’ve gone smoother for everyone’s sake.

I’ll be so fking excited when the news breaks though.

I need to quit refreshing and do my own job lol
I would guess he was wanting to be the person to officially "break it" to gain national exposure. He wanted to beat Bruce Feldman to the punch after that earlier report that Feldman would likely be the person to break it. Irony is Feldman will still probably get credit for breaking it at some point.
Feldman isn't an idiot and would've waited till its formally agreed upon. im sure Feldman could've tweeted out Riley to usC when he tweeted out USC is coming for Riley. he didn't bc he wanted to wait till its all done and signed (it dint just happen in 3 hours).

on top of that, look at the numbers his tweets are doing right now on the Mario stuff. hes big into social media and the numbers behind it along with digital content, he saw the numbers spike. im sure he saw a huge inc in downloads for the local hour
No Mario wasn't hedging. It was a verbal agreement that should have been kept secret to iron out everything else and get it signed - while allowing him to finish his recruiting priority to Oregon and have a team meeting.

This was all Mario's requested timeline. Mario kinda did it to himself trying to do everything "right" and it backfired.. but it was all avoidable if Mike doesn't leak that.
Was the recruiting a priority or an obligation to keep this all quiet? Just curious.
Feldman isn't an idiot and would've waited till its formally agreed upon. im sure Feldman could've tweeted out Riley to usC when he tweeted out USC is coming for Riley. he didn't bc he wanted to wait till its all done and signed (it dint just happen in 3 hours).
Ton of respect for Feldman. Guy is cool as a cucumber and still always seems to break the big stories.
I’m a little disappointed with the Oregon fan base that they aren’t mad with Mario for falling to the same team in as many weeks. Let me be clear, I still want him. But the lack of a pulse in Eugene is somewhat disturbing. The message is that the coach can get by on this without flight much because they are afraid of losing him. What happened to “we want to win a Natty”? That is passion for football, unfounded or not.

There's not much of a pulse with the major of CFB the last few years. Most teams recognize the inequalities of the sport now.

Have to hand it to UM, they finally acknowledged that, in the current reality, the status quo wasn't going to cut it.
Ton of respect for Feldman. Guy is cool as a cucumber and still always seems to break the big stories.
That's the great irony. By sitting on it til the story was airtight, the guy gets way more recognition and has way more credibility than trying to rush the story. These others guys could afford to learn a thing or two from him.
Ton of respect for Feldman. Guy is cool as a cucumber and still always seems to break the big stories.
funny enough is he wrote the initial article but I don't think he broke the story first. thamel did. it didn't matter to him clearly. he still had the news and got the credit for having the initial story before everyone.
That's the great irony. By sitting on it til the story was airtight, the guy gets way more recognition and has way more credibility than trying to rush the story. These others guys could afford to learn a thing or two from him.
right now you can't trust mike Ryans info if you're not on a board like this and know the context. you can trust Feldmans bc hes not giving you the play by play