ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

To me it looked like the flag was coming out before Brady goes after Matthieu. It looked like he said something and the ref heard it and was pulling the flag as he took off. And Jones retaliated which is almost always the guy who gets called. I wonder if he just pushes him back instead of hitting him in the face mask does the penalty get called? I've tried to find video of both incidents but can't. I was a little mashed last night so I could be wrong. I don't get why Matthieu went after brady? That's like going after Lebron in a game, you gotta be smarter than that.
Any team Brady's on, that team learns the tricks of baiting opponents into stupid penalties. I love how Brady always projecting the feel good story of a clean cut, near angel, do-no-wrong player. all the while he's the smug-faced brat who spits in your soup bowl behind the counter and acts normal, then high-fives the ref who flags the victim.