Absolutely gigantic game for Diaz Sat

I couldn’t care less how they start. The best coaches of all time have trouble getting their team to play their A+ game after an emotional win. But good coaches find ways to win home games that you’re favored in. 34-10 would be great, but just play clean and hard and find a way to win.
Style/perspective points don't hold weight anymore when it comes to this year's team. I'll take a 7-6 outcome if we're on the W side.
Absolutely 100 on this OP.
If they dominate it’s not only on the coaches but also on the players maturity and confidence moving forward. Winning is addicting. and Nothing gets you back in the weight room and film room faster than a string of W’s. To finish this season strong with a team that’s this young is the most important thing right now. To get a bunch of dude that are going to be here at least another 2 years and establish a winning culture is freaking huge.
fork in the road type of game. going to be very telling what this staff is all about. Think Manny said something in an interview this week about is the FSU game just a fluke or is it the standard from here on out. No more BS GT type of performances. Get to 8-9 wins and thatll be huge momentum for next year, or regress back to the mean and lay an egg when momentum is building just like this program has for 15 years.
There is so many people who post on this board who want to see a loss Saturday so they can slither out from underneath there rocks. They're ****ed about the last two weeks but Manny is about to push his 8-------------------) further down their throats

The Intern just beat a team who’s coach was fired because his team was so poorly coached. But like clockwork, you dopes are on the fake hype train. Manny sucks today as bad as he did the day he was hired. Be prepared to be let down by this bozo.
Using hyperbole. Sorry for the bad delivery...
You’re correct.

Not just this game, but each remaining game is huge. The Canes must win out the last four games.