A&M/Miami Midnight Yell

Czechoslovakia and Hungary. We as a family and people survived. We don’t live in the past or fear. We continue to thrive, grow and win. That’s what resilient people do. Can’t imagine words hurting me.
Interesting. My father’s family is from Hungary and he lost over 150 family members as well. He never cared what anyone called him. He already lived through **** and survived, and as far as he was concerned, every day he had after the war was a blessing. Your right about leaving the past in the past.
this is what some blowhards on here are defending as some amazing tradition. Grown adults on here trying to tell me this is part of the lore of college football. Even on this board of old men posting about college football, this is grade A weirdo behavior.
this is what some blowhards on here are defending as some amazing tradition. Grown adults on here trying to tell me this is part of the lore of college football. Even on this board of old men posting about college football, this is grade A weirdo behavior.
This is an amazing tradition. What you don’t understand is that it’s for the current students at Texas A&M. It’s not for the alums, it’s not for grown adults. They love it, and they get into it. That’s why they have more people at midnight yell then we get at our football games.
I have the misfortune of having the majority of my mothers family being slaughtered. One hundred and forty seven to be precise. Slavery and genocide are both alive and well in the world. In this country they no longer live. I have a shaved head. I have had people make jokes about that too. I’ve never thought about that until now. However people do say mean things all the time. Sad that people say so many terrible things to you and your friends. I’m curious to know what you and your friends have done when verbally accosted. Not trolling. You mentioned specific incidents.
Some of my friends rather walk away. Others not so easily. Had one Clemson guy in Charlotte say some real slick 💩 towards my brother about his tan. Just went on and on about it. We tolerated it for about an hour. Once the game got out of hand I turned around and punched him in his chest. Told him if he diidn’t stfu that I’d make sure Miami would be walking out of that stadium with at least 1 win that day. His friends apologized for his vulgarities blaming his drunkness. Cooler heads prevailed but getting drunk is no excuse for being racist.
Czechoslovakia and Hungary. We as a family and people survived. We don’t live in the past or fear. We continue to thrive, grow and win. That’s what resilient people do. Can’t imagine words hurting me.
I applaud your patience. It’s a great virtue to have. You and I may get a remark or stare on occasion but wonder how much tolerance one can have when it’s an everyday occurrence.
Some of my friends rather walk away. Others not so easily. Had one Clemson guy in Charlotte say some real slick 💩 towards my brother about his tan. Just went on and on about it. We tolerated it for about an hour. Once the game got out of hand I turned around and punched him in his chest. Told him if he diidn’t stfu that I’d make sure Miami would be walking out of that stadium with at least 1 win that day. His friends apologized for his vulgarities blaming his drunkness. Cooler heads prevailed but getting drunk is no excuse for being racist.
Truth serum.
clap please GIF
Hall of Fame type post
Absolutely, been riding since I was 5. Your point being?

It was still a bit of a surprise, wasn't it?

Wondered what you were doing to step in it?

It's kinda like - no - it's the exact same thing going to their midnight yell.

You quickly realize - I just made a bit of a mistake. Not meaning to.

And the smell from both events - exactly the same.
It was still a bit of a surprise, wasn't it?

Wondered what you were doing to step in it?

It's kinda like - no - it's the exact same thing going to their midnight yell.

You quickly realize - I just made a bit of a mistake. Not meaning to.

And the smell from both events - exactly the same.
Nope. If you’re riding, you expect to step in some **** sometimes. You wipe your feet off. Get back on the horse. And keep going. Obviously you haven’t been around horses very much.
Nope. If you’re riding, you expect to step in some **** sometimes. You wipe your feet off. Get back on the horse. And keep going. Obviously you haven’t been around horses very much.

I got big feet, I've been riding since four or five as well - and somehow I managed to avoid stepping in horse siht - as it's a bit larger than mouse siht. Now Moose siht turds are little as well, really dry, and still easy to avoid.

Obviously, you're somewhat clumsy, or easily distracted - careless, maybe.

Then again, I've had to clear mines - and so I'm a bit more careful where I step.

Maybe you need to get your eye prescription checked - sometimes those can change rapidly without consciously noticing - so I've heard.

Good luck.
I got big feet, I've been riding since four or five as well - and somehow I managed to avoid stepping in horse siht - as it's a bit larger than mouse siht. Now Moose siht turds are little as well, really dry, and still easy to avoid.

Obviously, you're somewhat clumsy, or easily distracted - careless, maybe.

Then again, I've had to clear mines - and so I'm a bit more careful where I step.

Maybe you need to get your eye prescription checked - sometimes those can change rapidly without consciously noticing - so I've heard.

Good luck.
Clear mines? That makes things more clear. We left that for the less intelligent. I was a pj, not a grunt.
You got me. I'm a troll whose been going to UM games probably longer than you've been alive. Try again.
Oh cool. What did you think of Coker as an OC? How does it compare to today?