A few things

****** dance...do you still do it?

There is actually money involved this time not just a random spastic sperging outburst.


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How is Pete doing his job? His job is to advise his potential clients to the best possible decision to lead to the best outcome.

In the NFL if you aren't a top three round guy you are a disposable asset. After three seasons in the NFL if you haven't developed to make the roster the league usually moves on to other players (avg. life span of college players in the NFL is three years).

Norton and Mcintosh were true Juniors. Even if they still weren't ready for the NFL after this season, with this new red shirt rule, they could have potential played 4 games and had another season of college ball. You can't tell me both couldn't have been better players with two more seasons.

With two more seasons both could have maximized the value of their first contract and the value to their respective NFL team by going at least in the third round (both had mid round, 3-5, type of talent).

Norton went below his respective talent and will struggle to find his place on an NFL roster. McIntosh went at the bottom of his respective talent and has a better shot establishing himself than Norton but it will be an uphill climb.

Pete's firm is just establishing themselves in the NFL players market. They need a list of NFL players to market themselves. This was a money grab, it wasn't doing right for the player.
then the player needs to be smart simple as that its still his choice, theres always a choice
Athletes take bad advice all the time nothing new...dude was hinting at both of them turning pro all last season....wonder why..
he didnt put a gun to there head its there choice at the end of the day no one is changing my mind thats its the kids choice and there situations and home situations push them to do what they do. **** if it were me give me a team of 3 and done guys that means we have savages again.
he didnt put a gun to there head its there choice at the end of the day no one is changing my mind thats its the kids choice and there situations and home situations push them to do what they do. **** if it were me give me a team of 3 and done guys that means we have savages again.

That’s real....who wouldn’t want a team full of 3 & done guys it’s just that those two didn’t fit in that category.
I'm confused.

What is there to be confused about ?

My role as a reporter covering the team was not to be a fan, it was to be a journalist. Did I want the team to do well? Of course, I was a student and grew up as a fan — but my role was to deliver you guys news and info.

Now I’m not a reporter, so I can be a fan.