A few things

You are right... it has been better. Analysis by @Stefan Adams is on point.. and none of that fake hope in recruiting. Stef's recruiting expectations are realistic and measured. Other than that welcome back JAG.

respectfully, Peter knows very little about football. His value was that he had connections with the players (kaaya and others). that's it. he had the inside scoop and when that fizzled as a result of attrition/graduation/players leaving and the arrival of CMR, his game was up. plus, he couldn't make a living off of it, so he moved on. nothing wrong with that.

i always appreciated the inside information that he provided but to rely on his "football knowledge" or evaluations was foolish.
Wrestling analogy Pete if you leave on bad terms you always come back as the arrogant heel, you haven’t been gone long enough to come back as a baby face. Keep running with the heel gimmick , the fans will eventually come back. Then you make the switch.

Just some advice.
The site is much better with Stefan, Geo. Corey, HurricaneVision et al since Pete went pro. ... ****, even Bamarrero has been better since Pete left. Addition by subtraction.
I’m not here to slander peter, but it’s undenaible @Geo305 is an all time goat. @DMoney better recognize his talents and get him a decent sound engineer so his pods don’t sound like pirate radio out of North Korea.
These are the type of guys that do u in wen its all said and done. Agents/lawyers have a different type of morality n ethics than the typical person does. Always question intent, example why the *** is he back?

Quick divergence to address the unnecessary shot, but please don't lump attorneys in with agents... Yeah, there are plenty of bad ones (like all professions), but most attorneys I've worked with or against are ethical (or at least they try to be).

The practice of law is ultimately a service industry guided by client demand like any other service. And so successful attorneys merely reflect the morality of the society they live in. If an attorney is being unnecessarily aggressive in litigation or otherwise, the majority of the time there is a non-lawyer client directing that aggression.

It's like getting mad when some poor reporter is forced out to the shoreline in the middle of a hurricane. Some people will say, this is crazy, or this is stupid, but if people didn't watch it (e.g., want it), then The Weather Channel and your local news wouldn't put that reporter out there. So who are you going to blame?

To get back on track, @Peter Ariz , please make sure you are advising Norton to save that practice squad money and invest it properly. He's gotten enough bad advice already.