#7 player in the country DT Justin Scott flips to MIAMI

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I think some don’t believe we needed a complete overhaul/rebuild. I think Mario was even quoted as saying it wasn’t a rebuild. Also, some think we should be further along especially given the ability to flip rosters quickly and having guys like Brohm in year one take their team to the conference championship game. Also, people have a right to be concerned about Mario’s game day decision making which in the long run could keep us from getting #6 even if we do have a stacked roster at some point.

Mario never said that. In fact he said it was a rebuild but it LITERALLY was a rebuild.
I think a lot of people questioned the recruiting due to lack of time left + the size of the current class (including me) + deficiencies at key positions. This flip at a key position of need + talking of more flips is another reminder to humbly trust this man with recruiting. I do think we’ve got some decommitments on the horizon to cut some fat off this class and make room for some much-needed studs, just reading between the lines.
Humbly trust this man?

Bruh you post 37 times a day *****ing about Mario now you wanna pretend you were waiting it out?

Wtf planet you living on like we cannot pull 87000 receipts.

I liked that Scott said he reached out to Big Joe and also that the coaches make him feel like he's family. That says a lot about Big Joe. It isn't all JT. Yes, JT is a monster recruiter, but Joe can reach players in a different way. Both are complementary.
Big Joe played in nfl for a minute. People forget that.
Humbly trust this man?

Bruh you post 37 times a day *****ing about Mario now you wanna pretend you were waiting it out?

Wtf planet you living on like we cannot pull 87000 receipts.

Reading comprehension isn’t strong with this one.

Where did I say I wasn’t waiting it out? I said time is running out and the current results were unacceptable. I said it repeatedly because it was true lol and you guys rationalized that our current class was good enough, don’t give me that.

I gave him his props and said I humbly admit he did what was needed and should be applauded. Even mentioned give me all the crow. We just landed a 5-star and all you care about is making a point instead of celebrating. Now we have momentum on the trail.

Peacocks like you are…peacocks.

Now let’s close with Mincey, Lyle, maybe another defensive flip like Hayes or (I can dream), Stewart.
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Who cares what Mario 'says'. Look at what he 'did'. The team on the field this season looked nothing like the one Manny trotted out, either in personnel or attitude. They played hard, despite obvious limitations and roster holes. In most games, Miami dominated the LOS (the biggest change, and most important). They didn't quit (even TVD). That is a complete overhaul/rebuild, and more stages of that process are happening now, with more of Manny's guys bailing and being replaced by young talent that cares (at least they seem to care....so far). Funny how Vegas (and many fans here) pretty much knew exactly how our season would go. It's not Mario's fault, or TVD's fault, or Rado's fault, that some in Miami's fanbase had ridiculous expectations (especially after the aTm beatdown).

If you like what Brohm is doing at Loserville, go root for them in the ACC championship game and beyond. If you like what Elmo did at Puke, go be an Aggie. Mario has been clear from day 1 what his goals are. Conference championship games are stepping stones, not final destinations. For the likes of Brohm and Loserville, the conference championship game is the destination. If you want the instant gratification approach, instead of the program builder approach, then have fun being a Loserville fan.

This fanbase flew a 'fire him' banner for Butch Davis, a notoriously bad gameday coach. But he built probably the best roster ever assembled. Miami is not winning #6 in the next few seasons. Get over it. These things take time, like it took Butch time, like it took Saban time, like it took Harbaugh time. You don't have to be a great gameday coach to win 'ships, as gets shown year after year.
stop doge GIF
Reading comprehension isn’t strong with this one.

Where did I say I wasn’t waiting it out? I said time is running out and the current results were unacceptable. I said it repeatedly because it was true lol and you guys rationalized that our current class was good enough, don’t give me that. I gave him his props and said I humbly admit he did what was needed and should be applauded. We just landed a 5-star and all you care about is making a point instead of celebrating. Now we have momentum on the trail.

Peacocks like you are…peacocks.
Tell your moms I said hi. You're completely full of ****.

The back pedaling, lack of accountability and rationalization is BREATHTAKING.

"Let's all celebrate my 2025 white papers are in storage."

Tell your moms I said hi. You're completely full of ****.
Immaturity shows you have nothing to refute because you know it’s true.

It’s too easy. Rational discussion and constant evaluation dies on boards like this due to emotional children such as yourself.

Lack of accountability? I admitted Mario deserves all praise for what he did. That’s literally the definition of accountability after I was critical of the class up to this point.

Now if you want to say I was impatient? Sure, absolutely. I’ll wait it out next class even if the summer is still important for recruiting.

Keep making a point I guess, child.
Oh yea Chicago produces ridiculous talent in basketball every year. For football you are lucky if one 4 star comes out of the city. 5 stars are just unheard of. And that just isn’t for the city, it’s the state. All the talent is in East St Louis.
That is bunk. The Chicago suburbs produce plenty of D1 talent. JJ McCarthy ring a bell? It’s not South Florida, but there are enough players involved that every years has solid prospects.
Immaturity shows you have nothing to refute because you know it’s true.

It’s too easy. Rational discussion and constant evaluation dies on boards like this due to emotional children such as yourself.
You're an outright liar. Nothing more to discuss.

Pretend you didn't crap on Mario everyday until yesterday and now you wanna walk back into the room like it never happened.

Female tendencies.
I don't care what any coach says (or doesn't say) regarding "rebuilds" or "not rebuilds." I don't care what any fanbase says (or doesn't say) regarding "rebuilds" or "not rebuilds."

I just watch what the staff does. Keep recruiting.