5:40 of Pure Gold

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1. DannyBoyCane … DBC alphabetized is 423! Coincidence that it is the area code for the Tennessee Wilderness where bears are known to attack??? I think not!

2. Swine Flu started in the US in the state of Iowa! DBC keeps saying "Iota"! Iowa...Iota...coincidence? I think not!

Also, You can clearly hear the sounds of Supersonic Xenian Aircraft throughout the video - how do you explain that?
He comes to mat drills all the time.

Always on some Baron Von Raschke schit.
****!!! F'n Classic.
1. DannyBoyCane … DBC alphabetized is 423! Coincidence that it is the area code for the Tennessee Wilderness where bears are known to attack??? I think not!

2. Swine Flu started in the US in the state of Iowa! DBC keeps saying "Iota"! Iowa...Iota...coincidence? I think not!

Also, You can clearly hear the sounds of Supersonic Xenian Aircraft throughout the video - how do you explain that?
@423Hurricane you slick ************, you!
no way man... this was 2011, I am almost positive. I had just joined CIS and moved to columbus. I remember the moment this hit youtube like it was yesterday. Legend.

This was made before CIS, bruh. This was posted in the lounge on Grassy (Canestime). Many of us used to post there
Give the man credit. A bear attack is no joke. He's gotta be a helluva man to have survived that shtz!!

Hang in there DBC. That bear will get tired soon
I know I should feel bad about enjoying this but I have not laughed that hard in years! I will rationalize my pleasure by simply lying to myself to think that DBC is the greatest actor ever and that was his signature performance! There could be a Stepbrothers 2 made when the family adopts DBC and he plays this character with Will Ferrell and John C Reilly and DBC would steal the movie, and I would camp out to get in the first showing!
I spoke to Daniel numerous times over the years, he reassured me each time he was very much alive. I may or may not have misdiagnosed him with swine flu. He also denied he was the ghostofdannyboycane. NJtoFla broke his brain.
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