5:40 of Pure Gold

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OK; so I don’t know if I was under a rock something, but why am I just now seeing this??! I mean, I know it’s been posted and I know old school cats that go way back on the sites have been quoting DBC, but y am I just now enriching my life w this??

He would these guys proud:

He comes to mat drills all the time.

Always on some Baron Von Raschke schit.
**** it feels like it's been years since this happened. What was it, 2014?

RIP DannyBoy. If not for being riddled with that swine flu, he may have been able to survive the bear attack.
I get all the DBC shtick like the bear attack and that time when everyone was saying that he was banging Heather Dinich. I think he actually called up one of the South Florida sports talk radio shows to "clear his name". LOL That was just classic stuff. Is DBC still around?
What was the iota comment? I didnt hear him mention that. Must be from one of his other videos I assume
After watching this video, I am left with the following question:

Did the bear eat a pig before attacking DBC, and thus giving him swine flu?
This video is what got me reading canes websites. I laughed so hard that I had to see all this madness for myself. Suckered myself into joining now 🤣
If I had kids, I would have handled that internally...

**** it feels like it's been years since this happened. What was it, 2014?

RIP DannyBoy. If not for being riddled with that swine flu, he may have been able to survive the bear attack.

It was before that , probably 2009-2010
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