2022 3 Star OL Anez Cooper signs with Miami


Thank God for the Columbus Mafia
Dec 13, 2015
Gaby named him as somebody to watch.
Big kid at 6’6 350 that’s got a bunch of SEC offers. He’s huge at 350 but doesn’t look sloppy like NaVaughn. Dominant kid which is what you want to see and he also plays DT so at 6’6 350 he plays both ways so motor doesn’t look like an issue. Technique wise he’s raw but he’ll probably end up at Guard so he won’t be too far behind. He also can get a look at nose. He actually plays with leverage and he plays well in space. Not your typical 6’6 350 pounder.

I like that Tyhler Williams kid that Justice offered this fall...We were supposedly his first big offer. I hope Cristobal kicks the tires there.
Gaby named him as somebody to watch.
Big kid at 6’6 350 that’s got a bunch of SEC offers. He’s huge at 350 but doesn’t look sloppy like NaVaughn. Dominant kid which is what you want to see and he also plays DT so at 6’6 350 he plays both ways so motor doesn’t look like an issue. Technique wise he’s raw but he’ll probably end up at Guard so he won’t be too far behind. He also can get a look at nose. He actually plays with leverage and he plays well in space. Not your typical 6’6 350 pounder.

So this is a lower ranked version of Turbarrel Slaton morphed with Desmond Watson?
And they should’ve kept him there but nooooooooooo
He didn’t want to play on the OL which is why we didn’t give a commitable offer IIRC. The gaytor promised him he could play on the DL. His 4 star ranking was misleading as it was earned as an OL yet he insisted on being, and was recruited as, a DL.

We need some guys like this, in all seriousness. Need to build the trenches.
He didn’t want to play on the OL which is why we didn’t give a commitable offer IIRC. The gaytor promised him he could play on the DL. His 4 star ranking was misleading as it was earned as an OL yet he insisted on being, and was recruited as, a DL.

We need some guys like this, in all seriousness. Need to build the trenches.
We lack maulers. He’s a big giant mauler
Forgot about Jimbo he's probably ahead of Mario as well. All those others ahead of him had better location. Now he has Miami and a Miami that's spending and wanting to win. Let's see how it sets up now in a few years.
I have no doubt he is elite, and we may see some great classes in the future. But he will need to prove it by actually landing a top three class before I put him up there. I think there is a super elite group (Laban, smart, fisher) and then an elite group that is probably where mario is right now.

And before anyone starts in with the bags, I don't want to hear it. You either land top 3 classes or you don't. Bag game is part of recruiting. Getting rave reviews for a weekend of visits is great, but this is all kissing your cousin if they don't actually sign here. And I am giving him a pass this cycle for the limited time so this starts 2023.
I have no doubt he is elite, and we may see some great classes in the future. But he will need to prove it by actually landing a top three class before I put him up there. I think there is a super elite group (Laban, smart, fisher) and then an elite group that is probably where mario is right now.

And before anyone starts in with the bags, I don't want to hear it. You either land top 3 classes or you don't. Bag game is part of recruiting. Getting rave reviews for a weekend of visits is great, but this is all kissing your cousin if they don't actually sign here. And I am giving him a pass this cycle for the limited time so this starts 2023.
He's going to eat man and I can't wait