2018 K Bubba Baxa receives offer (Commits!)

Back in 1975 I had a Command Sergeant Major with the name of Bubba who was the most racist son of a I have known. Was eventually kicked out of the Army because of his attempts to go after Blacks and Latinos. Because I worked at Batallion Headquarters he would try to **** with me and a friend who was Latino almost every day. I do not want to have another redneck from Texas around. Next
Back in 1975 I had a Command Sergeant Major with the name of Bubba who was the most racist son of a I have known. Was eventually kicked out of the Army because of his attempts to go after Blacks and Latinos. Because I worked at Batallion Headquarters he would try to **** with me and a friend who was Latino almost every day. I do not want to have another redneck from Texas around. Next
Seriously man? I'm sure that guy was a first class assbag but the fact you're using a common first name to preclude your judgement about about a kicker is pretty ridiculous.
Back in 1975 I had a Command Sergeant Major with the name of Bubba who was the most racist son of a I have known. Was eventually kicked out of the Army because of his attempts to go after Blacks and Latinos. Because I worked at Batallion Headquarters he would try to **** with me and a friend who was Latino almost every day. I do not want to have another redneck from Texas around. Next

Really Bruh.
Back in 1975 I had a Command Sergeant Major with the name of Bubba who was the most racist son of a I have known. Was eventually kicked out of the Army because of his attempts to go after Blacks and Latinos. Because I worked at Batallion Headquarters he would try to **** with me and a friend who was Latino almost every day. I do not want to have another redneck from Texas around. Next

"Hey I really disliked a man who would judge people and treat them differently without really knowing them so let's not go after this kid and treat him differently without really knowing him"

Wonderful logic .
Back in 1975 I had a Command Sergeant Major with the name of Bubba who was the most racist son of a I have known. Was eventually kicked out of the Army because of his attempts to go after Blacks and Latinos. Because I worked at Batallion Headquarters he would try to **** with me and a friend who was Latino almost every day. I do not want to have another redneck from Texas around. Next

Most childish thing I've ever heard. If it were up to me you'd be thrown off the site for pure stupidity.
Back in 1975 I had a Command Sergeant Major with the name of Bubba who was the most racist son of a I have known. Was eventually kicked out of the Army because of his attempts to go after Blacks and Latinos. Because I worked at Batallion Headquarters he would try to **** with me and a friend who was Latino almost every day. I do not want to have another redneck from Texas around. Next

Wow....well I knew a guy named Bubba who knew everything there was to know about Shrimp
He calls himself Greg the Leg on Twitter so maybe Bubba is a nickname? Anyhow, his only other offer right now is Army.