12 Cents With Relly Rell Part IV


Heisman Winner
Dec 19, 2013
Man, oh man, oh man......it feels so f’ing good to win a game against a P5 team, but even more so against a top 25 team. I said I would be bitterly happy if we wasted 3 games....man, f that. I’m enjoying the moment now! Get money, now let’s get to it:

1. ABOUT FCKING TIME we started Rousseau! Got ****! What a monster this kid is and he totally changed the DL’s aggressiveness. Did you see how Garvin was starting to get pressure as well? How the DTs looked better? That’s b/c the OL couldn’t just focus on Garvin. They had to focus on Garvin & Rousseau. THIS should’ve been done since Game 1

2. Enos.....I’ll come back to this

3. Shout out to Wiggins. There’s some things that will not show up in the box score, but he stoned a couple of defenders on WR screens, including a huge block on a Harley WR screen that sprung him for a 1st down. The UVA defender zero’d in and v-lined for Harley, and Wiggins stoned him. Little things

4. Team looked much more prepared this time around. Fewer penalties than we’ve had all season

5. Defense bailed us out; this is the type of defense we’ve been accustomed to. No they were not perfect, but as much as they bent, to give up only 9 points after UVA stayed in our back yard is outstanding

6. 3rd down woes continued, but the 2nd conversion was the game sealing one, so we’ll let this breathe.

7. Lou MF Hedley! Can we say he’ll continue the tradition of Punter U? Dude has been the best transfer behind KJ bar none

8. Manny is still learning, but at least he showed the most passion this game. Pressure burst pipes or make diamonds. Tonight, it was a diamond that formed out of this rough game.

9. Mr Davidson! THANK YOU for pushing Baxa to KO duty only! Dude was money fresh off the bench!

10. Referees missed calls on both sides, but hands down this was the best job I’ve seen ACC refs do in a minute for one of our games. (Still bad, but not overly egregious)

11. Continue to play our best players. We out-talented UVA despite many coaching issues. Which brings me to

12. WITF is Enos doing?? This team won despite his chitty, uneven play calling. Completely gave UVA every opportunity to win this f’ing ball game. THIS is not a $1m hire, AT ALL. He has an oozie (Uzi) for a weapon and trying to shoot it like a musket! This dude is suppressing our athletes’ abilities! ****, **** poor playing calling. Thank God Perry wanted the TD more than that **** poor call and UVA couldn’t hold him up. I’ve been terribly unimpressed w him, and today it made it glaringly clear he’s gotta go.

This week, we can finally sit back & root against UF & FSU in good conscience. These kids deserve to feel great today. Completely fought and fought and fought and fought some more. Hopefully this will be the beginning of something more this season. Thank God we’re still in the Corstal and the Corstal will always be the Corstal....door is open.
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Man, oh man, oh man......it feels so f’ing good to win a game against a P5 team, but even more so against a top 25 team. I said I would be bitterly happy if we wasted 3 games....man, f that. I’m enjoying the moment now! Get money, now let’s get to it:

1. ABOUT FCKING TIME we started Rousseau! Got ****! What a monster this kid is and he totally changed the DL’s aggressiveness. Did you see how Garvin was starting to get pressure as well? How the DTs looked better? That’s b/c the OL couldn’t just focus on Garvin. They had to focus on Garvin & Rousseau. THIS should’ve been done since Game 1

2. Enos.....I’ll come back to this

3. Shout out to Wiggins. There’s some things that will not show up in the box score, but he stoned a couple of defenders on WR screens, including a huge block on a Harley WR screen that sprung him for a 1st down. The UVA defender zero’d in and v-lined for Harley, and Wiggins stoned him. Little things

4. Team looked much more prepared this time around. Fewer penalties than we’ve had all season

5. Defense bailed us out; this is the type of defense we’ve been accustomed to. No they were not perfect, but as much as they bent, to give up only 9 points after UVA stayed in our back yard is outstanding

6. 3rd down woes continued, but the 2nd conversion was the game sealing one, so we’ll let this breathe.

7. Lou MF Hedley! Can we say he’ll continue the tradition of Punter U? Dude has been the best transfer behind KJ bar none

8. Manny is still learning, but at least he showed the most passion this game. Pressure burst pipes or make diamonds. Tonight, it was a diamond that formed out of this rough game.

9. Mr Davidson! THANK YOU for pushing Baxa to KO duty only! Dude was money fresh off the bench!

10. Referees missed calls on both sides, but hands down this was the best job I’ve seen ACC refs do in a minute for one of our games.

11. Continue to play our best players. We our talented UVA despite many coaching issues. Which brings me to

12. WITF is Enos doing?? This team won despite his chitty, uneven play calling. Completely gave UVA every opportunity to win this f’ing ball game. THIS is not a $1m hire, AT ALL. He got an oozie for a weapon and trying to shoot it like a musket! This dude is suppressing our athletes abilities! ****, **** poor playing calling. Thank God Perry wanted the TD more than that **** poor call and UVA couldn’t hold him up. I’ve been terribly unimpressed w him, and today it made it glaringly clear he’s gotta go.

This week, we can finally sit back & root against UF & FSU in good conscience. These kids deserve to feel great today. Completely fought and fought and fought and fought some more. Hopefully this will be the beginning of something more this season. Thank God we’re still in the Corstal and the Corstal will always be the Corstal....door is open.
If Enos doesnt get better, significantly better, he & Barry need to be swapped for Yost & Mirabal.

Defense had something to prove tonight. Mostly good from them, I'll take 9 points every single time. That was some Manny D.

OL is still a mess, but N'kosi takes some of the pressure off of them by making defenders miss.
As always, you're on the 💰 @Rellyrell

Hopefully Manny is now realizing the level of involvement he needs to have given the success we had on defense tonight.

This game was called the way we're used to seeing a Miami defense--lineup and stick someone.

Now he needs to turn his sights on the offense as well. It is criminal that we held Virginia to 9 points and still had to sweat out this victory.

These kids have been playing hard, and their coaches have been failing them. It was nice to see the defense put in a position to succeed. Now do the same on offense.
As always, you're on the 💰 @Rellyrell

Hopefully Manny is now realizing the level of involvement he needs to have given the success we had on defense tonight.

This game was called the way we're used to seeing a Miami defense--lineup and stick someone.

Now he needs to turn his sights on the offense as well. It is criminal that we held Virginia to 9 points and still had to sweat out this victory.

These kids have been playing hard, and their coaches have been failing them. It was nice to see the defense put in a position to succeed. Now do the same on offense.
Yeah the defence was light years better tonight.

Maybe Diaz has to be one of those HC that calls his side of the ball to succeed rather than a CEO.
Yeah the defence was light years better tonight.

Maybe Diaz has to be one of those HC that calls his side of the ball to succeed rather than a CEO.

I don't think so, I just think he made a mistake. I think he is learning that just because he was able to make a jump from Louisiana Tech to Miami and be successful doesn't mean that everybody will be, too.
I agree with @RVACane refs were trash but everything else spot on.

I personally want Dan Enos to leave for Michigan St. he’s done wonders with our QB’s mechanics but underwhelming as OC.

WITH A THOROUGH SEARCH. We can better spend 1 mil with a innovative play caller.
Go get David Yost (OC) of Texas Tech and Alex Mirabal (OL) from Oregon.
Missing the point entirely, but OK, from LT to P5, is that better?
Not missing the point at all, and I'm not attacking your post either. Just saying Manny had a season in the SEC... the only thing I'd really add is sometimes its the failure and the pressure thereof that makes people sink or swim. Manny is feeling it and I believe thats a good thing, hopefully Baker feels it now too. Until this staff is recruiting and winning at an extremely high level, they should feel enormous pressure on them in regular Coastal games. This cant be Country Club U for the coaches either.
As always, you're on the 💰 @Rellyrell

Hopefully Manny is now realizing the level of involvement he needs to have given the success we had on defense tonight.

This game was called the way we're used to seeing a Miami defense--lineup and stick someone.

Now he needs to turn his sights on the offense as well. It is criminal that we held Virginia to 9 points and still had to sweat out this victory.

These kids have been playing hard, and their coaches have been failing them. It was nice to see the defense put in a position to succeed. Now do the same on offense.

Facts, my guy and appreciate the love. I’m glad to see Manny became more hands on, on his side of the ball. The only thing that sucks is the O looks just a decrepit as last yr.

But I really appreciated Perry doing what he needed to do to seal the victory. He gave it his all on that keeper.